Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for the Vegan Athlete

After working out our bodies needs replenishment and nourishment. Muscle inflammation is part of athletes life. Inflammation can cause swelling which can lead to pain. After a long hours of workout body needs to be repaired through proper foods to keep going.

Eating anti-inflammatory food is beneficial for people with high blood sugar, body aches and arthritis.

The Anti-Inflammatory foods such as

  • Olive oils.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards.
  • Tomatoes
  • Nuts like almonds & walnuts.
  • Fishes like; salmon, tuna, sardines.
  • Fruits like; Blueberries, oranges, cherries, strawberries.

Foods and vegetables that have been used to reduce the risk of Inflammatory. Dr.Hu he notes that particular fruits and vegetables such as applies, blueberries, leafy greens that are high in natural antioxidants.

The top 10 Anti-Inflammatory foods for Vegans Athlete

1 Leafy green

Leafy green

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, collard green are full of nutrients and vitamins. These greens contain powerful antioxidant and vitamins C, which will help to deal with problems like cellular damage and tissue injury.

2 Whole Grain

Whole Grain

Whole grain is used to digest itself slowly and keeps blood sugar low. Spikes in blood sugar that can occur from eating white pasta, breads and snacks which increases inflammation in body.

3 Blueberries


These are similar to leafy green vegetables. The blueberries are fruits that are packed with fiber, vitamin and minerals. It is best to include this in your daily diet, especially in breakfast.

4 Turmeric


Turmeric is one of the most powerful Anti- inflammatory spices. It is similar to ginger which contains enzyme inhibitors to reduce swelling and pain. It is great in soups & curries and also added to many different foods to get full healing effects.

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5 Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

The most anti- inflammatory benefits are in the sweet potatoes. It contains beta-carotene and manganese. The antioxidant present in potato will fight against inflammatory diseases.

6 Green Tea

green tea

Green tea is one of the antioxidant compounds that will help to reduce inflammation. Green tea has many of the sources of energy and also boots metabolism.

7 Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds are most natural and healthy sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and fiber. Fat is found mostly in nuts like cashew and almond, these are healthy as well as energy giving food.

8 Soy


Soy has amazing antioxidant qualities such as is flavones that fight against inflammation, it also has advantages to fight against cancer.

Always choose organic Edam me, tofu, tempeh or soymilk over GMO soy based products. In order to gain anti- inflammatory benefits it is most important to select right kind of soy.

9 Shiitake Mushrooms


Shiitake mushrooms & Asian mushrooms such as maitake mushrooms   and oyster have huge amount of benefits for the immune system. When we cook these mushrooms it provides necessary nutrients like vitamin D. It helps ward off sickness and prevent inflammation from occurring.

Mostly we should avoid eating mushrooms likes Portobello and buttons as they do not give the same punch but as a good option in a pinch.

10 Garlic


Garlic is mostly known for its cold & fighting illness properties. It also contains sulfur compounds; it can boost the immune system to fight against diseases. Combining garlic with whole grain and plenty of spices will sooth any vegan athletic to swollen joints and muscles.

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Foods to Avoid

Foods that contain high amount of sugar and sodium content, artificial flavorings along with white & refined flours. These foods will only contain high amount of inflammation and can also leads to serious injuries. This easy choice will make the biggest difference.

Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for the Vegan

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