10 Common Workout Injuries And Ways To Avoid Them

Injuries are quite common when you work out every day. Sometimes it is a matter of posing a wrong posture, or sometimes it is the matter of choosing a wrong activity for your particular body type or physical conditioning.

Even not taking enough rest, repetitive motions of same exercise can result in pain and injury. Unfortunately there are many people who continue work out without proper guidance they follow other people’s advice which may also lead to an injury.

Whatever may be the reason for injury. This article will help you to get rid of these injuries during workout.

So here, we will discuss 10 common workout injuries and how to avoid them.

10 Common Workout Injuries That Can Be Avoided

  1. Knee Injury

Knee injury is the most common injury during workouts. Knee joint is very important and any injury near knee can immobilize a person.

Warming up before starting exercise for free blood flow in your leg may help you in a way to relieve the pain in your knee. Try not to put pressure on your knees and don’t lift any heavy objects that may cause pain.It’s better to try gentle stretching and bending exercises first.

2. Ankle Sprain

The most common of all work out injuries is ankle sprain. This usually happens when you suddenly jump on the treadmill while doing it in indoors. Outdoor treadmill will make you to lose focus and you might misplace your legs when treadmill is moving.

If you suddenly jump on treadmill, it may lead to unnatural direction of your ankle and causes an injury.So, don’t ever try to jump on treadmill while it’s running.

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3. Low Back Strains

Another most common injury in workouts is lower back strain. Dead lifts and improper squats are major cause for strain in lower back. Nerve compression and disk herniation can also occur.

The best way to prevent lower back strain is by maintaining good posture while doing exercise.You may even try lying on your back on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. Once your posture is correct, then only lift weight.


You should never add to your shoulders before you are not in right posture.

4. Shin Splints

Shin splints can be commonly see in runners and people who participate in jumping and other sports. This is pain and usually occurs inside the edge of shin bone. Running uphill and downhill may increase the pain in your bone.

It’s a good idea to warm up before starting your exercises and its better not to run, jog in straight away too

5. Stress Fractures

Stress fractures happen when you repeatedly do the same exercise in one place. Majority of stress fractures causes in bones, foot and heels. If the pain around the area worsens, when you walk, stand or exercise then it is a strong sign that you have stress fractures.

The common way to avoid these stress fractures is a quite warm up before starting your workout.

6. Pectoral Injury

This is one of the serious as well as common injuries that occur when we have lost control in balancing dumbbell. If you lose control on dumbbell during heavy bench press, it leads to tear of pictorials muscle. You may also feel tearing sensation in the chest and upper arm.

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Make sure not to lift heavy objects initially. It’s better not to lift weights that are beyond your capability.

7. Patellofemoral Syndrome

10 Common Workout Injuries And Ways To Avoid Them

Patellofemoral syndrome is usually a pain beneath the kneecap causes when you sit with bent knees for long hours or running down the stairs. Sometimes jumping or squatting may also leads to runner’s knee.

The best way to prevent it by taking plenty of rest and hydrating your body is good to avoid this injury.

8. Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff mainly consists of four main muscles around the shoulder joint. It helps to stabilize the shoulder joints. If you experience any pain near the joints then it a sign of rotator cuff injury.

This happens due to repeated overhead activities like swimming and throwing ball. Maintaining good posture while doing exercise and avoiding heavy weights during overhead workouts is the best way to prevent this injury.

9. Glenoid Labrum Tear

If you feel uncomfortable catching sensations in your shoulder and clicking sounds then it a cause of glenoid labrum tear.

You can avoid it by stretching your hand, but after completion of your warm-up session for 15-20 minutes. Even though it’s hard to prevent this problem but you can stop it by getting worse by seeking medical attention.

10 IT band Syndrome

It is commonly referred as iliotibial band syndrome that usually happens for cyclists and runners. This usually occurs when the ligament in legs become tight and inflamed. Cycling may increase the pressure in the knees and worsen the injury.

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The best way to avoid it, cyclist make sure that the heat of their seat is perfect and runners need to do warm up before they start their run.


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