10 Home Remedies For Period Cramps

Periods is not a severe health issue, it is just a natural process that hit every women for five days in a month, but for some women it may come with inexpressive pain.

Period cramps are one of the most irritating things that happen at “that time of month”, but not anymore. We came with wonderful 10 home remedies to reduce period cramps to enjoy your regular activities like normal days.

Apart from remedies we have listed the causes of period cramps and symptoms in this article.

What Causes Period Cramps

During periods, women body undergoes several hormonal changes and there is a sudden withdrawal of progesterone hormone and the lining of uterus start shedding along with the blood. The uterus contracts to expel these dead tissues and results in menstrual cramps.

Here are some others factors that lead to period or menstrual cramps:

  • Overproduction of hormone called prostaglandin
  • Heavy blood flow

Period cramps are often associated with pain in your lower abdomen and back. The symptoms shown below

Symptoms Of Period Cramps

The following are the symptoms of period cramps:

  • Constant pain in your lower back
  • Throbbing ache in your lower abdomen

Some women may also experience

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Mild diarrhea

To get relief from these period cramps every month, here are some home remedies to reduce the pain in the natural way.

10 Home Remedies For Period Cramps

1. Lemon Juice


(Image Source: www.freepik.com)

Lemon is rich in vitamin C that is essential to absorb iron in your body to support your reproductive system. Even the anti inflammatory properties in lemon will help you get relief from the cramps easily.

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What You Need To Do

  • Mix 1-2 table spoons of lemon juice in a glass of warm water and add one table spoon of honey.
  • Stir it well and drink it.
  • Drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach to reduce the pain of period cramps.

2. Foot Massage


(Image Source: www.groupon.in)

Your foot has pressure point that helps in providing immediate relief from period cramps. The point is located at three fingers width above your ankle bone.

Gently massage this area with your thumb finger to get relief from the pain and often this type of massage is called as zone therapy.

3. Heating Pad


(Image Source: www.scoopify.com)

Applying heating pad on the effected area may give you relief from the pain.

What You Have To Do

  • Take a heating pad filled with hot water.
  • Place it on your lower abdomen and lower back for 10 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can also place a wash cloth which is soaked in warm water. Do these multiples times a day to get relief.

4. Chamomile Tea


(Image Source: www.healthline.com)

Chamomile is one of the natures gift used to treat many health issues including period cramps. It contains flavonoids that exhibit anti inflammatory properties that reduce the pain and inflammation.

What You Need To Do

  • Soak a chamomile tea bag in a cup of hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  • Add a table spoon of honey after it cooled down.
  • Drink this tea everyday and a week before you getting your periods.

5. Green Tea


(Image Source: www.naturalfoodseries.com)

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Green Tea is considered as one of the healthiest tea loaded with numerous medicinal properties. Green tea contains anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties that helps in reducing the pain of menstrual cramps.

What You Need To Do

  • Steep green tea bag in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes
  • Allow it to cool down and add a table spoon of honey and drink it.
  • You must drink for at least 3-4 times in a day.

6. Ginger


(Image Source: www.bite.com)

Ginger is another natural ingredient that helps in reducing period cramps easily. The anti inflammatory property in ginger not only relives you from the pain, but it is also effective in treating upset stomach and cure nausea.

What You Need To Do

  • Steep one inch of ginger in a cup of hot water
  • Let it cool down and add a table spoon of honey and drink it.
  • Drink this ginger tea thrice a day.

7. Yogurt


(Image Source: www.vintagemixer.com)

Yogurt contains number of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin D that helps in reducing the symptoms of PMS and relieves you from period cramps.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of plain yogurt and eat it.
  • Do this 3-4 times in a day when you are on periods.

8. Pickle Juice


(Image Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com)

Pickle juice is a rich source of sodium that is effective in reducing period cramps. It re-hydrates your body and relieves muscle cramps when you are on periods.

What You Need To Do

  • Drink half cup of pickle juice one time in a day.
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9. Aloe Vera Juice


(Image Source: www.vinevera.com)

Aloevera is a natural herb loaded with anti inflammatory properties which makes it an effective remedy in treating period cramps.

What You Need To Do

  • Consume ¼ cup of aloe Vera juice regularly, particularly few days before your periods.

Apart from these remedies, below are some simple tips to follow to reduce period cramps.

  • Don’t smoke
  • Reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine
  • Reduce the content of sodium and sugar in your diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink plenty of liquids like vegetable juices, fruit juices etc
  • Take less stress
  • Follow healthy diet


10 Home Remedies For Period Cramps





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