14 Early Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know (Millions Are Exposed Every Day)

Many people aren’t aware of mold toxicity which has been dramatically increased over the past few years. This is the illness caused by the exposure of toxins which is very dangerous.

As we don’t know the fact that mold is everywhere and we are all exposed to it every day, exposure to mold can cause many allergies in sensitive people.

If our exposure to toxins is high due to the environmental factors and detoxification factors that are suppressed then it leads to the high rate of toxic burden. Mold is not visible but it can be behind your walls, rooms, under your floors and in your food.

If your body is exposed to mold which is unmanaged then it causes illness which can take lot of time to get diagnosed and cured as a result it may damage the immune system.

Mold contains different levels of toxicity. The dangerous one is mycotoxins which can’t be eliminated. These can enter your body and affect your immune system and ravage the joints and nervous system. This is also one of the reasons for causing cancer.

Where do mold hide?

There are many places where mold can hide in our homes. The most common molds which can be found indoors are pencillium, alternaria and aspergillus.

Toxic black mold can grow on household surfaces that have high cellulose content such as wood, gypsum board, paper and dust.

Mold can also be found in damp places and in construction building where dust and moisture have accumulated for months and years.

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How do I know if I have mold poisoning?

Mold poisoning may impact your health and conventional medicine cannot help you in recognizing the mold illness and it’s difficult to recognize mold toxicity in the body.

The symptoms are mild at first and become severe when your body gets overwhelmed. The symptoms are very similar like chronic fatigue syndrome. This is the reason why doctors can misdiagnose to recognize the disease.

14 Early Signs of Mold Toxicity

Molds have the ability to produce various symptoms such as skin rashes, neurological symptoms and immune suppression.

Researchers have shown that these are the main symptoms for mold toxicity14 Early Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know

  • Blurred vision and redness in eyes
  • Mood problems
  • Sleep disorder
  • Joint pain, Weight fluctuation
  • Shortness of breath and chronic cough
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Inflammation problems
  • Headaches and Sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty in finding words and poor memory
  • Brain fog/confusion
  • Neurocognitive problems
  • Numbness and tingling
  • GI problems
  • Auto immune issues

What should I do now?

Seek professional mold remediation expert: It helps to identify the source of the mold and make all necessary repairs to get rid of it.

Locate a physician that focuses on mold problems:  Stay connected with the physician who is an expert with the mold illness and detoxification procedure.

Eat and live healthy: Nutritional food such as leafy vegetables and olive leaf charcoal will help you to restore your system. You need to avoid sugars and carbohydrates after the detoxification process.

Get informed: we have lot of information that can be utilized to protect you and your family when the world begins to understand the effects of mold on our health.

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