5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

One of the most common question asked by parents to dentist is why do their children have bad breath? Bad breath is not a big problem , it seems to affect your children all day long and may go away easily.

It’s better to know the cause of bad breathe in your children and treat them wisely to lead a healthy day.

Causes Of Bad Breath

The major cause for bad breath in children and toddler is development of bacteria within the mouth. This happens when they do not brush their teeth regularly and breath through their mouth instead of their nose.

Many children don’t like to brush their teeth thoroughly, which often leads to buildup of bacteria on their teeth and tongue and cause bad breath.

Breathing through their mouth will lead to dry mouth, one of the leading causes for bad breath. Even though the teeth of children are temporary, it’s important to take them for regular checkup with dentist to maintain oral hygiene.

Apart from these two reasons, this article will help you to know more 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

Let’s see other 5 reasons for bad breath in children.

5 Reasons For Bad Breath In Children

  1. Sinus Infection:


(Image source: www.chla.org)

Have you noticed your child with stuffy nose and sore throat in recent days, this might be sinus infection.  Sinus infection will cause fluid to collect in the nasal passages and make it a platform for certain bacteria in your mouth. It makes it difficult for your child to speak and breathe.

This stinky breathe will not be cured through mouthwashes or tooth brushes. It’s time to reach out to your doctor for better treatment for your infection.

  1. Swollen Tonsils:


(Image source: www.haikudeck.com)

If your child’s tonsils are red and inflamed, it will definitely lead to cause of bad breath. Because healthy tonsils will look pink and spot free, bacteria is collected in the pits of the tonsils and lead to sour smell of infection and this causes bad breath in children.

If the tonsils are inflamed and red then your doctor may prescribe antibiotic to treat the problem.

  1. Poor Oral Hygeine:


(Image source: www.kalay.com)

This is one of the most common causes for bad breath for children, when plaque and bacteria are not brushed away properly then it leads to the infection and infected gums lead to bad breath. Even the best brushing and oral hygiene will not protect the child from bad breath caused by tooth decay and gum diseases.

If your child is suffering with tooth decay or any type of gum diseases should consult doctor immediately.

  1. Foreign Object:

Many children unknowingly place or put many foreign objects in their mouth such as toys, food and nick nacks.

If you see your child’s nostrils are running and having bad breath, then it means that some foreign object has stucked in his nose. It’s time to reach out to doctor immediately.

  1. Tongue:


(Image source: https://thechampatree.in)

The grooves of your children tongue becomes house for bacteria that result in bad breath. So, it’s important to brush your teeth and clean their tongue as well regularly to prevent build up of bacteria or accumulation of odor causing  bacteria in mouth.

See also  Common Health Issues In Babies And Ways To Deal With Them

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