6 Exercises for a Flat Belly That You Can Do Right in a Chair

It’s something we hear often that sitting for long hours is the cause of damaging our health.

However, the office job requires many of us to be sitting in our chairs for 8 long hours. That’s why we have come up with simple exercises that you can do it by sitting in a chair.

You need to do these exercises, if you want to protect your health from obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

These exercises will also help you in digestion, melting the fat and strengtening the abdominal muscles.

6 Exercises for a flat belly that you can do right in a chair

Double knee lift

This targets your gut muscles to work properly and tenderly.

How to do?

Sit straight and keep your legs together, by holding the chair with the two hands and keeping your back straight lift your knees and force them towards the chest.

After 2-3 minutes keep your legs down but don’t touch the floor, do it for 10-20 times.

Knee to chest lift

It targets in consuming the fat and reinforces abs.

How to do?

Sit straight in your chair without touching the back of the seat, keep your feet on the floor hold your back straight then lift your knee and force it to the chest.

Place your hands on the shin for the better extend of your lower stomach muscles, and repeat this for 30 times by substituting your knees.


How to do?

Keep your feet’s on the floor and rectify the arms at your shoulder level. Then turn the abdominal area to one side and touch your left foot with correct hand and be in the position for some time.

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Come back to your first position and twist your correct foot with your left hand and repeat it for 20-30 times by exchanging your sides with each twist.

Body lift above the chair

Exercises for a Flat Belly That You Can Do Right in a Chair

It targets your belly and back fat to burn faster.

Note: make sure that your chair is not a roller one.

How to do?

Sit in the chair and hold the arms of the chair tightly, by hanging your legs and hip lift your body above the chair and use your abdominal muscles to lift your knees to your chest.

Remain in the position for 20 seconds and back to the normal position slowly. Do this exercise for 4 times a day.

Knee to elbow lift

It targets your lower abdominal muscles for functioning properly.

How to do?

Sit straight in the chair without touching the back of the chair and put your hands back of your head.

Lift your right knee to your chest meanwhile bend your left elbow to touch your knee.

Return to the original position and repeat this by changing the knee and the elbow for 15 times.

Double knee lift with body side bands

This targets you to burn the belly fat easily.

Sit on the chair edge with straight back by holding the chair tightly and bend your body to a side.

Keep your legs together and lift your both legs to your chest.

Come back to normal position after 20 seconds.

Repeat 10-20 times.


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