Winter is the best time to spend time with your family and those warm blankets make us fall in love with them. This season is not only the best time but the worst time for our skin that can easily produce rashes and damage our skin and weakens our immune system too.
The more chiller it gets outside the more tempted we are to eat food that makes us feel warm inside. So it is very important to monitor what you are eating this season to stay energetic and healthy.
Fortunately, there are several super foods that will not only help you to stay warm but strengthen your immunity too.
Here is a list of 7 super foods especially for winter.
7 Best Super Foods For Winter
1. Carrots
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This is a vegetable loved by almost every one of us. This vegetable is rich in beta carotene where the body converts in to vitamin A. It is essential to protect your body from infections and reduces the risk of developing respiratory problems too.
Additionally, consuming carrots on regular basis especially in winter keeps your skin healthy and vibrant. Even the antioxidants present in carrots helps in repairing your damaged skin, prevents dry and flaky skin and keeps it moisturized and healthy.
2. Eggs
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Eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can have in any season. The yolk of egg contains more than 90% of calcium and iron and the white content contains sufficient amount of protein.
Eggs also contains essential vitamins like B2, B12 and E and minerals like iron, potassium, phosphorous which plays vital role in your body.
Protein plays major role in our bodies to avoid the attack of foreign invaders and prevents infections. Additionally, eating eggs as breakfast helps in maintaining healthy body weight because it makes you feel fuller for longer time.
Whether boiled or scrambles, eggs are great to start your day in winter seasons. Make sure not to eat raw or semi cooked eggs in the morning that may contain bacteria which is harmful to your health.
3. Citrus Fruits
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Citrus fruits like oranges are best to have, especially in winter. They contain high levels of vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant which helps to support the normal functioning of immune system.
Consuming an orange regularly will help to reduce the risk of vitamin C deficiency which may result in reduced resistance against certain pathogens.
The good thing about this fruit is, it is also very low in calories and tastes good.Enjoy eating orange everyday and you can even add it in salads.
4. Beetroots
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The red colored beetroots are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals that help protecting your immune system by fighting against the free radicals that harm healthy cells in your body.
This vegetable not only adds color to your salads it also helps in increasing white blood cells to thrive the good bacteria in the body.
Plus, it also contains vitamin C, calcium, iron and magnesium that keep your body healthy.
You can make beetroot juice and drink or you can add it to your salads and soups.
5. Pomegranates

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Pomegranates often considered as one of the oldest fruits on the earth. The unknown thing about this fruits is, it is also loaded with antioxidants, phytochemicals, flavanoids and anthocyanins that keep you strong and healthy in winter.
The anti inflammatory properties in pomegranates help to block enzymes that are known to damage stiffed joints and cause pain and discomfort.
Even the anti ageing properties in this fruit help to maintain young looking skin and delays skin sagging and wrinkling.
Add this fruit to juices, salads, smoothies and even snack on seeds.
6. Broccoli
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This wonderful vegetable is loaded with numerous vitamins, nutrients and anti oxidant properties that keep you skin healthy along with your immune system.
It also contains vitamin C, beta carotene, folate and potassium. The vitamin C stimulates collagen production and vitamin A helps in protecting the skin cell membranes and prevents the damage by exposure.
Try to add broccoli to your special dishes and you can even try eating broccoli soup which is favorite for many people.
7. Avocadoes
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Avocadoes often called as one of the healthiest food. It has vitamins like A, C, E, folic acid, magnesium, potassium and many mono saturated fatty acids.
The mono saturated fatty acids help to form a epidemic layer on the skin to retain moisture and prevents dry skin. Eating this fruits regularly in winter season helps in reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and improves the appearance of the skin by increasing collagen production.
It also improves your skin elasticity and firmness. You can replace the cheese of your sandwich which this fruits or you can also add it in your salads and juices.