7 Breakfast Foods You Should Avoid

As we know breakfast is very important , that will keep us healthy throughout the day. But there are some foods that shouldn’t be taken in breakfast.

Here are the 7 breakfast foods that should be avoided.

7 Foods Should Be Avoided In Breakfast

1. Sugary Cereals

As the name itself suggests that it contains sugar in high amount. When you eat them in the morning as a breakfast, it rapidly increases your blood sugar levels and then bottoms down. So it’s better to avoid those cereals, instead replace them with high fiber and protein cereals. Walnuts is the another option which is rich in fiber and proteins.

2. Toaster Pastries, Doughnuts and Danishes

The pastries, doughnuts and Danishes are not only made with refine flour, but with a large amount of sugar. Sugar is the worst thing to have in the morning especially for breakfast.

Consuming sugar in morning leads to increase in blood sugar levels and makes you hungry sooner, increases your chances of high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. So, it’s better to avoid these types of foods in your breakfast and be healthy all day long by having other protein rich foods.

3. Eggs with Extra Fat

Although eggs are enriched with number of proteins and nutrients, but starting your day by having eggs with extra fat dishes may fall you sick.

Egg dishes are shattered with extra fat that adds up quickly; do avoid dishes made with eggs like eggs with processed meat and cheese. Try to stick to healthier options like hard boiled eggs and an omelet with veggies.

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4. Cream And Sugar Packed Coffee Drinks

Coffee and caffeine may give you an immediate energizing pulse, but it will not provide all morning nourishment.These coffee drinks are loaded with fat and lots of sugar; you may drink hundreds of calories without realizing it.

Instead replace coffee with black coffee with slightly low fat milk and a wholesome sweetener.

5. Bagels

Bagel is considered as cousin of donuts. Once it is done with cream cheese or margarine, it becomes a product that becomes inflammation in our body.

Cream cheese and margarine are loaded with Tran’s fatty acids and bagels are also called severe gluten bombs. This will lead to uncomfortable digestive track.When you are going to have bagel, select an entire grain choice, butter or fruit preserves.

6. Roasted Sandwiches in Microwaves

7 Breakfast Foods You Should Avoid

These sandwiches are packed with potassium and sodium, as it is not a healthy option. So the best idea is to make your own microwaving  beaten egg, a toast and a whole grain muffin.

7. Fruit Juice

Many people prefer to have fresh fruit juice in morning. It is the worst option you would ever make to avoid your hunger in morning

These fruit juices are absolutely jam packed with sugars. Consuming high sugar increases the sugar levels and also leads risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

Even 100% fruit juice also contains a lot of sugar. So consuming fruit juice as your breakfast may lead to the same effects on your weight and health as drinking sugar sweetened beverages.

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