Amazing Sandalwood Face Pack For Dry Skin

Sandalwood is an amazing ingredient used from centuries, especially for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin. Due to its healing and astringent properties it is used in many skin and beauty products, even in soaps and perfumes.

Sandalwood is best for any type of skin; it doesn’t cause any side effects. It has numerous skin care benefits and the best way to enjoy all benefits of sandal wood is by using it as a face pack.

Sandal wood face pack also reduces acne, blemishes, redness and all other types of skin issues caused by environmental factors.

Let’s see the benefits of sandalwood on your skin, before checking out amazing face packs for dry skin.

Amazing Sandalwood Face Pack For Dry Skin

Benefits Of Sandal wood For Skin

The following are the benefits of sandalwood for skin.

  • Sandal wood, also called as chandan is known for its antiseptic, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties which helps to prevent acne and pimples on skin.
  • This wonderful herbal ingredient is also loaded with number of anti ageing and anti oxidant properties which delay the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your skin and improves natural elasticity of your skin.
  • Application of sandalwood will help to cleanse and exfoliate your skin, which helps to clear out the impurities from pores of the skin.
  • Sandal wood powder is considered as best remedy for treating every problem faced by oily skin. It controls the excessive production of sebum and gives back natural look.
  • It also acts as one of the effective moisturizing agent and all natural oils in sandalwood will help to relieve dryness of the skin.
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Amazing Sandalwood Face Packs For Dry Skin

Dry skin often results in cracks and flakiness, this type of skin gives lot of pain especially in winter season. This amazing face pack will protect your skin from all types of dry skin issues.

1. Sandalwood And Milk Face Pack


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Sandalwood, milk and rose water along with milk will help to maintain PH level of your skin and remove signs of skin dryness completely.

Ingredients Required

  • 4-5 drops of sandalwood oil
  • One table spoon of milk powder
  • 2 table spoons of rose water


  • Take a bowl and add milk and few drops of sandal wood oil and mix them well.
  • Now, add rose water and mix it until it forms a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste all over your face and neck and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cool water, repeat this twice o thrice in a week for beneficial results.
  1. Sandalwood, Coconut And Almond Oil Face Pack



The combination of coconut oil and almond oil will moisturise your skin. When it is combined with sandalwood it adds shiner to your skin and make it look healthy and youthful.

Ingredients Required:

  • One table spoon of sandalwood powder
  • ½ teaspoon of almond oil
  • ½ tea spoon of coconut oil
  • Rose water


  • Mix all ingredients in a small bowl to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face and on your neck, leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water and repeat it twice in a week to remove dryness of your skin.
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