Amla Oil for Grey Hair

amla oil for grey hair

Current competitive world is leading to unhealthy lifestyle, in teenagers its common now-a-days to have grey hair. This is a real problem, as it results in depression and ruin social life. Amla oil for grey hair is one such simple home remedy that can save your alluring glimpse.

Graying hair is natural and treated as a sign of intelligence. With rapid change in the way of life and hectic work culture, it’s not the same. Even age group of seven has to carry grey hair strand.

Like skin your hair is made of keratin and melanin is responsible for its color. Deficiency in nutrients reduces melanocytes production resulting in grey hair. Grey hair may be accompanied by weak and increase in hair fall.

Experts hold, hereditary, stress, low vitamin intake, health ailments, chemical hair dyes and long exposure to wind as culprits.

Thanks to natural remedies, they fill the lost gap and can strengthen hair. Let’s dive to check out the benefits of amla oil.

How to Use Amla Oil for Grey Hair?

Right from Ancient times, amla has prominent benefits in cosmetic world. Apart from its culinary use, amla has extensive use for hair growth.

Am not exaggerating, amla oil is an effective remedy to restore the lost hair color and reverse premature grey hair.

  • Massaging with amla oil improves blood circulation and removes dry patches from scalp. It opens pores, thereby increasing sebum production.
  • Free radicals and toxins are mere cause of grey hair. Antioxidant and vitamin C in amla oil thwarts these radicals and strengthens hair from its root.
  • Scalp ailments like dry scalp, itching, psoriasis and dandruff can be reduced by regular application of this oil.
  • Antiviral and antimicrobial activity of this oil thwarts infectious bacteria.
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You can either directly apply pure amla oil available in the market or blend it with other natural ingredients for better results.

#1. Amla oil and coconut oil

  • Amla oil and coconut oil mixture. Both oils hydrate your dry scalp and help your hair grow strong. Mix 2 tbsp of amla powder in 1 cup of coconut oil.
  • You can prepare amla powder by grinding dry amla pieces.
  • Store remaining oil in a jar.

Wash your hair before applying this mixture. You can use rosemary oil blended with shampoo for removing the chemical filled hair dye.

Once you remove all impurities accumulated over the scalp, pat dry using cloth. Ask your partner to massage the oil mixture over hair evenly. Leave it to dry naturally.

You must repeat the process regularly for best results.

#2. Amla oil and henna powder

Get some henna powder from local store. Take required amount in a clean bowl and add amla oil or juice to make thick paste.

Wash your hair and apply the hair mask evenly after pat dry.

Rinse the mask off with water, once it dries up.

#3. Amla and almond oil

Take amla powder or oil and add required amount of almond oil. As mentioned above, you can obtain amla powder by grinding dry amla pieces.

Optionally, heat almond oil to some extent and then mix it with amla powder. Apply the hair mask thoroughly and let it dry naturally.

Select any one of the home remedy which goes well with your hair. Don’t jump to different remedies at a time. Stick to one remedy and regularly use it.

See also  Coconut Oil for Grey Hair - 5 DIY Methods Included

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