They Said Apple Cider Vinegar Is Great For You, But This Is What They Didn’t Told You

Many of us know that apple cider vinegar is used as a home remedy for many health related issues. People have explored apple cider vinegar as a way to lose weight, improve heart health, and even removing dandruff. But here are certain things you need to know about apple cider vinegar, which you don’t know!

Apple cider vinegar is mostly an apple juice, the yeast which turns fruit sugar into alcohol is added to apple juice, then the bacteria turns alcohol into acetic acid. This gives vinegar a sour taste and strong smell.

Here are some of the useful thing which you didn’t heard till now, read to know the facts about apple cider vinegar:


Apple cider vinegar  helps you to get relieve from arthritis, take 2 table spoons of honey and mix it with 2 table spoons of apple cider vinegar.

Drinking this mixture three times a day helps in getting rid off arthritic pain. You can also soak pour some apple cider vinegar on joint pains but not more than 10 minutes.

Blood loss

Apple cider vinegar stimulates the natural process of blood clotting. If a person has nose bleed without any apparent reason then take two table spoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Taking this 3 times a day will aid in restoring the natural clotting properties of blood.


Apple cider vinegar is effective in relieving dizziness  by lowering blood pressure. Two table spoons of apple cider vinegar with two spoons of honey in a glass of hot or cold water helps you to relieve from dizziness.

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Asthma can be treated by using apple cider vinegar as an inhaler or you can even take a table spoon of apple cider vinegar for every half an hour.


Apple cider vinegar helps to reduce migraine as it is a nutritional power house. Two table spoons of apple cider vinegar after every meal daily helps in reducing headache.

Another effective way is to take 2 table spoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with equal quantity of water and then boil this in a pan.

When the fumes begin to rise from the pan lean your head over it. Inhaling this mixtures three times a day will help you to get rid from migraines.

Hair loss

Apple cider vinegar helps in restoring the PH balance of scalp and stimulating healthy hair growth. It is also beneficial for treating dandruff and itchy scalp. Dosage of one tea spoon of apple cider vinegar with your meals every day helps in reducing hair loss day by day.

Heart burn

This usually happens after taking  spicy meals, add a table spoon of apple cider vinegar to  water and drink it before the meals every day to relieve pain from heart burn.

Hiccoughs (Hiccups)

They Said Apple Cider Vinegar Is Great For You, But This Is What They Didnt Told You

This can be prevented by drinking one spoon of apple cider vinegar with water whenever you get hiccups.


Apple cider vinegar is an excellent treatment for insomnia, the prime cause of insomnia is due to deficiency of phosphate of potash and phosphate of iron. Drink a mixture of two spoons of honey with two spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before sleeping.

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Nervousness can also be treated with the help of apple cider vinegar and the best way is to be taken it with honey in a glass full of water daily. To get rid of nervousness you need to eliminate sugar from your diet and even wheat products too.


3 glasses of water with two spoons of honey and apple cider vinegar also helps you from impaired hearing. As apple cider vinegar is rich in manganese and zinc,it helps in clearing the hearing problems.


Apple cider vinegar with honey three times a day will also help you in increasing eye health. It relieves from sore and tired eyes.


People who usually have potassium deficiency suffer from eczema, apple cider vinegar with honey will definitely help to get relief from it.


As we know apple cider vinegar has antiseptic and anti oxidants which helps in digestion, assimilation and elimination of food. Due to its healing properties diarrhea can be controlled by taking two spoons of apple cider vinegar with water 2-3 times a day.

Vinegar also has polyphenols which are anti- oxidants that curb the cell damage that can lead to other diseases. Over consumption of apple cider vinegar can hinder calcium absorption in the body. So it should not be taken more than 30 ml per a day.

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