You will be surprised to know what baking soda does to your body

Baking soda, also called as sodium bicarbonate, is known to be a natural alkalizing agent. In fact, this fine powder can inexpensively replace a wide range of pricey products containing harmful chemicals that many of us commonly use at home.

Though, you may not know it, baking soda can be great for your body. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, looks like a crystal in its natural form, but it is usually found as a fine powder.

It helps in killing bacteria and fungi, cleaning out germs, and stop swelling.

Baking Soda Remedies

1. Baking Soda Is A Natural Antacid

One of the baking soda benefits is that it is a neutralizing agent. Acid reflux is a common condition where stomach acid flows from the stomach back into the esophagus. This process of acid may irritate your esophagus and cause heartburn, a burning feeling that can occur anywhere between the abdomen and throat.

Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid and relieves symptoms of acid reflux and other stomach related issues.

2.Helps Alleviate Urinary Tract Infections

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Baking soda helps in detoxifying your kidneys, which stops the infection from spreading and causing damage.

Use baking soda as a treatment for a UTI, it’s recommended that you first dissolve ½-1 teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink it on an empty stomach, this helps in the alleviate urinary tract infections.

3.Relieve Heartburn



Baking soda neutralizes the excess acid in the digestive system and prevents heartburn. Your kidneys also produce a substance, albeit, in smaller quantities. You can use it to acid reflux by taking ½ teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of cold water after an acidic meal.

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Make sure not to lie down for at least an hour after taking it and your stomach acid doesn’t creep up into your esophagus.

4.Relieve Gout Pain



Crystals form in fluid around the joints which result in swelling and gout pain. Baking soda can generally help neutralize the acid, when it enters the stomach it largely turns into water and a carbon dioxide gas.

The acid can be neutralized by drinking a ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a tall glass of water once a day. If you are suffering from an intense bout of gout, take up to a full teaspoon of the baking soda in water daily.

5.Kidney Disease



A daily dose of sodium bicarbonate or baking soda could help the patients with chronic kidney disease and it also avoids having dialysis.  High levels of sodium bicarbonate have resulted in slower decline of kidney health in patients with chronic kidney disease.

This cheap strategy also improves a patient’s nutritional status, and it also has the potential of translating into the significant quality of life benefits.

You will be surprised to know what baking soda does to your body


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