Ballerina Tea for Weight Loss

If you are really looking for a fast and effective way to lose excess weight, Slim your belly, flight the bloat and detox your system all at the same time the you will be very happy to know it Ballerina Tea is very helpful to lose weight. The 3 ballerina Tea weight loss system is based on traditional Chinese medicine.

The ingredients for this tea were derived from a 14th century book called Chinese Herbs. It was organise by Lee Se-Zhen. It is an amazing that some of the most effective remedies for weight loss come from ancient wisdom.

Ballerina Tea for Weight Loss

With the help of Ballerina Tea weight loss teas you will be clearing out the toxins from your body as well as any excess water weight. One common side effect of 3 Ballerina Tea is cramping and lengthier than normal visits to the bathroom. The good news is that once you go this side effect goes away. Just be prepared initially for your body’s reaction to this tea.

Ballerina Tea works for Weight Loss

Yes, it is most positively does, even though it is not as flashy as more expensive brands, this is natural weight loss tea packs a noticeable punch. Swimsuit models have been reported to swear by it and approximately all of the reviews of this product on the internet are positive. All in all, it is truly one of those “Diet Secrets” that are so hard to come by. Another famous use of Ballerina Tea product is to reverse the effects of menstrual related water retention, constipation and bloating.

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Some women use this tea during their month’s cycle to get some relief from the discomposure of PMS and PPMD. Of course, all of the standard wisdom applies here- you should consult your doctor before trying any new supplement or herbal remedy. It is also clearly stated that this product is not to be used by the pregnant women or nursing women or those with certain medical conditioned. Yes, it is all natural but don’t let that fool you- Ballerina Tea is a powerful; stuff.

Pro’s & Con’s Of 3 Ballerina Tea


  • Helps you to lose weight fast
  • It really works
  • All natural ingredients
  • Eliminates excess water weight
  • Suppresses you appetite


  • Sudden insist on to use the bathroom
  • Cramping
  • Large BM’s
  • Can become dehydrated (drink lots of water)
  • Some say it tastes not so great ( add honey, it’s much better)

Ingredients of Ballerina Tea

There are few ingredients which help to make three Ballerina Tea as Potent and as tasty as it is, that are reach in an antioxidants, rich in flavonoids, and help you to boost your energy without adding any caffeine to the mix.

Green tea leaves, Cassia Angustifolia (Senna) herbs, Malva verticellata (Chinese Mallow), Cinnamon Bark and Natural flavour are the ingredients of this Tea. The backbone of this tea has to be the inclusion of the Senna herb.

Zero caffeine but it boosts energy

There is not any caffeine included in the ballerina Tea formulation, but you are still going to be able to enjoy a significant boost in the energy department. By elimination of toxin and the extra water weight that your body holds ensures that your body runs additional smoothly and does not have to work so hard, which is resulting in the extra energy boost and great feeling.

See also  Green Tea for Losing Weight

One should only thanks to the ingredients, which is beverage includes you all of the extra energy you need to be get through the day without the caffeine crash so many people are used to.

Preparation of Ballerina Tea

Preparation of Ballerina tea is easy. There are a few ways that help you to prevent side effects such as cramping. Especially if you are new to taking the tea. Following directions stated on the tea packaging, you would take.

  • First boil the water and add roughly 284ml of water, roughly one average cup size.
  • Add one teabag
  • Steep the teabag for five minutes

Yet, if you are new to taking the tea and wish to avoid bad side effects utilize some of the following suggestions.

  • Brew the tea as stated but once it gets ready pour the tea away and repeats the steps using the same tea bag. Initial infusion of the teabag outputs the strongest strength; repeat the use will weaken the tea.
  • Instead of remaking ass more water to dilute the tea and don’t drink all of it at the same time, this way you don’t have to wait another 10 minutes you could either ass cold or boiling water.
  • Steep the teabag for less time, more steeping will allows for more infusion leading to increased strength. Perhaps instead of 5 minutes make it 2 minutes.

When it comes down to it all of our bodies are different. Therefore, taking caution is important with Ballerina tea. We advise steadily consuming the tea using the above methods. Ultimately you may be able to just take the tea as described on the box.

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