10 Amazing Beauty Remedies With Tea

There are many tea like: herbal tea, black tea, cinnamon tea, apple tea etc. But do you know that tea can be more than just a pleasant drink?

Do you know that there are some amazing home remedies that tea has to offer other than just refreshing our minds and energizing us? Tea is used to solve most of our issues related to skin and health.

The Following are the 10 Beauty Remedies With Tea

10 Amazing Beauty Remedies With Tea - Copy

1. To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Tea is of great rescue to soothe puff eyes. Mostly caffeinated tea helps in constricting blood vessels & decreases the swelling too. Take a tea bag of your own choice and keep it in hot water for 3-5 mins, once the tea bag has cooled, it is ready to use. Simply lie down & place one tea bag over each eye. After 10-15 mints you will be ready for another night out.

2. Burnt Skin

Mostly tea can be used as remedy for mild burn on the skin. The tannic acid present in the tea helps in drawing heat from a burn. Keep 2-3 tea bags under a spout of cold water & the tea should be collected in a small bowl. Dab this liquid on the site of burn.

3. Mouth Wash & Toothache

Peppermint tea is a good remedy for toothaches, pain and it is also a good mouth wash. Simply rinse antiseptic peppermint tea with a little salt. This will take care of the bacteria affecting the mouth.

4. Remove Foot Odor

Take a tub with water in it, add 2-3 tea bags in it and soak your feet in it for around 15-20 mins every day. Not only it is relaxing but it also helps to reduce the foot odor.

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5. For Good Breath

Gargling with strong tea can help you to decrease bad breath & allows good breath. Take a glass of water and put a tea bag in it for few minutes. Now gargle with this water to get rid off bad breath.

6. Warts

Tea also helps in healing the warts. Just keep or press the tea bag on the warts for 15-20 mints every day. This will automatically reduce the warts.

7. Sunburns

Tea also helps in soothing the sun burn. Place wet tea bag on the skin affected by sunburn, or you may also choose a full soak in a tea bath to soothe full body sunburn.

8. Beautiful Skin

Most of the people wish to have beautiful skin, and then take a bath with green tea. This will boost the skin and make it beautiful.

9. Makes Hair Shiny

In order to give that extra shine to your hair, brew 2 cups of strong tea & use to rinse damp, shampooed hair. You may rinse your hair with tea & then wash your hair with normal water.

10. Dark Under Eye Circle

Most of the people are suffer from dark under eye circle. The area around the eye is very sensitive. The things we apply around the face cannot apply under the eyes. Therefore we should go for something mild & that is tea bag. After using tea bag for your regular tea, store this tea bag in the fridge.

When you are feeling tired or uneven place this tea bag, one on each on your eyes & relax for 15-20 mins. Repeat this same process every day to get rid of dark circles.

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