Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia gardonii is popularly exposed these days which can be found mostly in South Africa and Namibia. It is a spiny succulent that similarly looks like a cactus and it’s a leafless plant which has many medical properties. This plant is mainly used for controlling body weight.

As it’s not a well known plant in Asian countries because here obesity is not a big deal because of the food habits and the life style we have. But, partially the obesity is spreading its roots in these places too, where America and European countries’ have major issues.

From the last few years the use of hoodia has been increased instantly and all the hoodia products are available in the market through raw materials, medicines, juices and it is considerably popular in suppressing hunger and reducing weight gain.

Before knowing about the benefits of this wonderful plant we need to know about the uses and functions of hoodia gordonii.

What is hoodia gordonii?

Hoodia gordonii has fleshy, rubbed and thorny stems; this can grow up to 50cm in height. It takes up to five years for the flowers to produce the plant. Because of  long harvesting time it is much expensive compared to the other herbal plants.Although it looks like a cactus but it belongs to asclepiad plant family which has quit the variety.

Use of plant

From several years it used as stave off hunger and thirst while hunting and looking for food. The active ingredient in hoodia is a suppressing molecule, P57 or oxypregnane steroidal glycoside P57AS3, the energy molecule plays a role in hunger control. P57 is used as anti-obesity drug and it is responsible for appetite regulation.

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Benefits of Hoodia

Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii


Most of the anti-obesity drugs may help you reduce the weight but gives you another disease as they are associated with many harmful side effects. Hoodia is the natural remedy found several years ago for the one suffering from obesity. Hoodia is made available in capsules and drink for the people who urges to lose obesity. Unlike others it doesn’t causes any side effects because it is prepared with the natural ingredients.

The dose of hoodia is generally 1200 grams on an empty stomach or if you take the pill then it should be taken before breakfast with a glassful of plain water. Strictly avoid overdosing of hoodia even if you skipped for some times.


Pregnant ladies should not use hoodia, better to have consultation with doctor before starting the use of this beneficial medication.

Stomach disorders

Hoodia helps in tackling stomach disorders like indigestion, hemorrhoids etc. Hoodia is an natural plant which doesn’t have any side effects and it is the best alternative of pharmaceutical drugs which helps you in maintaining  good health.


Hoodia can be used as anti-diabetic pill; it helps in decreasing glycogenolysis and glucogenolosis. It also helps in retardation of proteolysis and promotion of protein synthesis and storage of fatty acids. Hoodia gordonii may also helps in improving the functionality of liver contributing positivity towards controlling diabetes.

Products of hoodia gardonii

Due to its incredible demand many companies and laboratories came up with pills and capsules and other components which contain hoodia gardonii.

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Some of the hoodia products are mentioned below:

Hoodia tea

Green tea helps in boosting your metabolism because it contains high number of catechin polyphenols.Green tea also inhibits the fat absorption and helps in glucose regulation.Hoodia and green tea are great tools to help you to lose your weight.

Hoodia pops

Can you imagine a lollipop will help you in weight loss? This lollipop helps in suppressing appetite, food cravings, increase energy levels and burning fat in a safe and a natural way.

The unique delivery of natural ingredients is the most superior form of delivery over capsules or pills. By the time a person will consume a pop, the natural ingredients will absorbed the hunger suppressed. A powerful pop can drastically reduce the in between meal cravings and give you energy.

Hoodia P57

P57 is the ingredient in hoodia used in suppressing appetite.The ingredient P57 is a nucleotide that releases energy during metabolism break down. Hoodia helps in reducing the intake of calories and curb appetite.

Hoodia Complex

Hoodia complex is a specific purpose of suppressing appetite and huger while providing your body with anti oxidants.It is a medical preparation containing natural herbs.This is a formulated blend of thermogenic herbs to boost energy levels and supports sugar metabolism.It also includes few minerals and vitamins and may also include gymnema leaves and cocoa seeds.

Side effects of hoodia

Increased bleeding

Hoodia may increase bleeding at times as per the intake of drugs; you bleed readily which is known as coagulation. Stop taking excess amount of hoodia if you find any defects while you continuing with this drug.

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Gastrointestinal distress

Over consumption of hoodia may also lead to the gastrointestinal distress which may cause stomach ache, vomiting, headaches and diarrhea.

Liver damage

If you are facing any difficulties in the liver then you should avoid taking hoodia because it makes the liver cells to die.

Drug interactions

Hoodia may affect the intake of drugs for diabetes, cholesterol, lower blood pressure. Hoodia make your veins to dilate which leads to drop your blood pressure to dangerous levels, particularly if you are already taking the drugs of lower blood pressure.

Appetite suppression and malnutrition

Hoodia helps in individuals who want to shed their weight by depending on appetite suppression properties. In history the Africans used to take for controlling hunger while they are hunting. But our body needs nutrition’s to function properly and healthfully, skipping meals also leads in weight loss which results in malnutrition.

Important information about Hoodia

  • People who have diabetes, heart issues and blood pressure should not take hoodia without doctor’s consultation.
  • The FDA has not evaluated hoodia for purity, effectiveness and safety, therefore risks and advantages should be taken before using it.

For anyone with a history of blood clotting or bleeding disorder may increase the effect of it. They have to get medical guidance before supplementing with hoodia.

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