How to Use Baking Soda for Poison Oak – 4 DIY Remedies

Poison Oak or Poison Ivy is a plant which is ordinarily found in many other of the U.S. Approximately half of the population in the U.S, have develops allergy or rash when they are exposed to the poison oak.

According to the, the oil urushiol which is present in the poison Ivy leaves that can be causing you with the allergic reactions or rash.

Baking soda

The Symptoms of the poison oak is developing just after 2 days of the disclosure to the plant of the poison oak or poison Ivy. Unfluctuating smokeon the rampage due to the burning of poison oak plants can beproducing allergies to the people.

The symptoms of the poison oak are blisters, itching, redness and swelling. These symptoms may be very simple just after the exposure with in poison oak plant.

The rashes that are caused by the poison oak can be spreading strongly during the initial three days especially when anyone those who are suffering from the poison oak scratch their affected area or rash with their hands. As poison oak is a very minor condition but it has to be treated well, if it is left untreated then it can be leading to some severe sufferings.

Benefits of Baking Soda for Poison Oak:

Baking Soda is been widely used the majority of the peoples those who are suffering from the poison oak. Baking soda is a natural ingredient for treating the poison ivy rashes that are cause by the poison oak without any of the side effects.

  • Baking soda generally works as an acid neutralizer which is helping to neutralize the acids that are present in urushiol oil and hence it reduces the intensity of the rashes on the skin.
  • Baking soda pulls off the fluids and also some toxins from the blisters with its sodium and other drying agents, thus it makes the blister to dry faster.
  • Baking soda is helpful in balancing the skin’s pH levels to give you relief from the itching and in this manner it will prevent the spread of this infection to other body parts.
  • Baking soda is also having anti-inflammatory properties which are also helping you to heal the blisters and reduces the pain and also the swellings that are caused by the poison Ivy.

How to Use Baking Soda for Poison Oak?

The following are some of the natural homemade remedies of using baking soda for treating poison oak. You can pick any of the following remedy for treating poison oak with baking soda.

1 Baking Soda

Baking Soda is having a caustic effect, which is very good for the speeding your recovery of the blisters that are caused by the ivy rash. Whenever baking soda is combined with water it will give good results for the recovery.

Remedy 1:

  • Take a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of water and mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda in it.
  • Stir this mixture well to from a paste.
  • Now apply this paste on the affected areas.
  • Once you applied this paste on the affected areas wait for this paste to become dry.
  • Now you flake off this paste.
  • For good results repeat this same process at least twice in a week.

Remedy 2: Using Baking Soda in Bath

  • Add 1 cup of baking soda in your bathtub with full of water.
  • Leave baking soda to soak for about 20 minutes.
  • Then you can bath normally with this water.
  • For good results follow the same remedy for at least 2 times in a day.
  • You can also add Epsom salts in the bathtub for some extra benefits.

Remedy 3: Baking soda Compress

  • Take a bowl, add I liter of water and mix 2 teaspoon of baking soda in it.
  • Take a small number of sterile gauze pads and hollow them in the solution.
  • Now cover your blisters with these wet gauze pads and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • For good results repeat this same process for 4 times in a week.


2 Baking Soda with Oatmeal:

Oatmeal is containing phenols and avenanthramide that are having anti-inflammatory properties, which are very good for healing the pain and itchiness and also some other discomposure instigated by the poison ivy.


  • Take small amount of well-cooked oatmeal and let the oatmeal to be cooldown.
  • Now add 1 teaspoon of baking soda into this oatmeal and mix this well.
  • Apply this mixture to the affected areas on your skin and wait for 20 minutes.
  • Finally you can rinse off with normal water.
  • For good results repeat this same process for at least 2 times in a day.


3 Baking soda with Coffee

Baking soda with coffee is quiet simple and easy process that ensures the poison flows out like water from your body.


  • Prepare a mug full of coffee and let it to cool down.
  • Now mix ½ cup of baking soda and coffee to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on the area’s that are affected by the poison oak or poison ivy rashes.
  • After apply it leave it for about 20 minutes to dry.
  • Finally you can rinse off this paste with normal water.
  • For good results repeat the same process for at least 2 times in a day.


4 Baking Soda with Vinegar

Baking soda with apple cider vinegar is really a good mixture which speeds up the healing process and it also offers relief from the annoyance and itching. For this process you can also use Distilled white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar.


  • Take a bowl, mix 3 tablespoon of baking soda and enough amount of vinegar for making a thick paste.
  • Now wet the affected areas of your skin and scrub them gently with this paste.
  • Start scrubbing the affected areas for few minutes and leave it for at least 5 minutes.
  • Now pat yourself to dry after taking the shower and apply the apple cider vinegar on the affected areas.
  • After applying apple cider vinegar wait for few minutes to dry it completely.
  • Repeat this same process daily for few days until the affected areas of your skin are cleared.

Note: In this combination of baking with apple cider vinegar you may feel burning sensation. Do not worry to try this remedy; you get rid of your problem in few days.


How To Remove a Mole Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Moles are treated as beauty spots for some people while some may feel ugly with the appearance of mole, especially if it is on the face. It not harmful to the body, but in most cases,people want to remove it because some moles grow in size which ruins their appearance.

There are many ways to remove it like cosmetics creams, surgical methods like laser treatments etc… But it can damage your skin around a mole, so it is better to try home remedy that is apple cider vinegar which is acidic in nature and is very helpful in removing the unwanted moles.

Apple cider vinegar is made through fermentation of apples. By using this we can easily remove the moles and it won’t damage the skin. It is very easy to use, it requires very common thing which is easily available i.e., cotton and bandage.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • It helps in reducing body weight.
  • It kills the unwanted bacteria from our body.
  • It is a natural conditioner to make hair shine.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used as a teeth whitener.
  • Balances blood sugar and treats diabetes.
  • It can lower blood pressure.
  • It can remove moles without harming the skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar is used to get rid of bad breath.
  • It is also used for allergies like sinuses.
  • It can lower the heart disease.
  • It will balance the body pH value.


  1. Cotton
  2. Bandage
  3. Coconut oil


  • Before applying apple cider vinegar, first, we need to wash the effected part and then pat dry with a cloth.
  • Now, cut the cotton balls to the size of mole.
  • Then take the vinegar in a bowl.
  • Then dip the cotton ball into the vinegar and apply it on the mole.
  • After applying cotton ball wrap with a bandage to hold the cotton ball for few hours.
  • Repeat the process for 4 to 5 days and you can see the result.
  • If you experience burning sensation after applying this remedy then apply coconut oil.

Like this you need to repeat the process until a mole gets disappear, it may take more time but it is a natural and effective treatment.

  • It is time taken process but dosen’t harm

    the skin.


In between the process if you get any irritation stop the process for some days and you can continue the process later.


10 Home Remedies to get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be realize due to number of the reasons responsible for it such as smoking, medical condition, sinus condition, dry mouth, eating odorous foods and also gum disease. Bad breath is also known as halitosis, it will be very embarrassing to the peoples and also it can take your confidence level down.

The most important reason of bad breath is the bacteria that gets erected  on the back side of your tongue or stuck between your teeth. For maintaining good oral health it is necessary to controll  bad breath, which can be done by regular tooth brushing, tongue scraping and flossing.

One of the best ways to keep your breath fresh is drinking plenty amount of water all through the day. Every time after eating a meal one should always swish water around their mouth for few seconds, this will help them to overcome the problem of bad breath. Doing this will be slackening the food particles that are stuck between your teeth and clean your mouth. In addition to water, you can also treat bad breath with the help of some easily available ingredients from your kitchen.

The following are 10 Home Remedies to get rid of Bad Breath

1 Fennel


Fennel is very good ingredient that is helpful to keep your mouth fresh and also controlls the bad breath. Fennel also contains the antimicrobial properties that fight with the bacteria which are present in your mouth.

How to Use:

  • Leisurely chew a teaspoon of fennel to freshen your breath.
  • Make a cup of tea by adding a teaspoon of fennel seeds and sip it. You can have it twice a day. This way you can freshenup your breath.

2 Cinnamon


Cinnamon is very helpful to reduce the amount of  bacteria that are in your mouth. Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde which is an essential oil that covers up your bad breath.

How to Use:

  • In a cup of water add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and boil it.
  • Add some bay leaves and cardamom too.(optional)
  • Strain this solution and use it as a mouth rinse to rejuvenate your breath.

3 Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds

When bad breath is caused by the catarrhal infections then the fenugreek tea will be very highly effective to bad breath. Drinking fenugreek tea daily couple of times will keep your mouth fresh.

How to Use:

  • In a cup of water boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds.
  • Strain and drink this tea every day until you get rid with the problem of  bad breath.

4 Cloves


Cloves are very useful in freshening up your breath. Cloves have an antibacterial properties that are very helpful in reducing bad odour as well as gives freshness to your breath.

How to Use:

  • The simplest method to use cloves is to pop a few pieces of cloves into your mouth and chew them thoroughly. This will be eliminating your bad breath in a few minutes.
  • Boil a cup of water, add one teaspoon of the ground cloves and let it to bubble for 5 to 10 minutes and then drink it.

5 Parsley


Parsley contains chlorophyll that can be very helpful to neutralize bad breath. The best way is to have a glass of  parsley leaves juice.

How to Use:

  • Basically chew on a fresh parsley spring to refresh your breath.
  • You can also dunk this herb into the vinegar and then chew it thoroughly.
  • Other option is to put parsley leaves through a juicer and sip the juice at times you need to refreshen your breath.

6 Lemon Juice

lemon juice

For curing the bad breath lemon juice is also a good choice. Lemon juice contains the acidic content that will prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth.

How to Use:

  • Stir one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it.
  • You can also add a bit of salt to it and then drink it, it will be preventing the problem of bad breath.

7 Tea


Herbal tea as well as normal tea (black tea) both have the capability to fight bad breath. The antioxidant polyphenols that are present in both of the teas black and green tea can stop the growth of the germs that are responsible for bad breath.

How to Use:

  • Take one cup of water and boil it, then add tea powder in it.
  • You can also add lemon (optional).
  • Strain and drink this tea several times every day for keeping your breath fresh.

8 Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that acts like an active purifier for your mouth. You can also get the reimbursement from the tea tree oil in a range of ways.

How to Use:

  • Brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains tea tree oil.
  • You can also mix a few drops of the peppermint oil and tea tree oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.

9 Baking Soda

Baking soda

Baking soda is another good solution for getting rid of and preventing the problem of the bad breath. It is also known as bicarbonate of soda, it is also helpful in balancing the levels of the acid that are causing bad breath.

How to Use:

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse once daily.
  • Brushing your teeth with baking soda will be helping you to reduce the acidity in your mouth and it will also prevent bacteria.

10 Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar makes a magnificent remedy for the bad breath, due to the pH balancing effects.

How to Use:

  • Mix apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and gargle with it.
  • Stir one teaspoon of the raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it before eating your meals.

bad breath

5 Ways to Lose Tummy Fat Fast

Belly fat is one of the most common problem faced by people which lower down their confidence or even make them embarassed. Most of the women find it difficult to fit into their desired clothes just because of their fat belly. Tummy fat is the most common thing which happens to women post pregnancy.

When pallid fat increases in your abdomen, it sets you up for a number of solemn health problem. This type of fat is called visceral fat. When you do not take proper care,tummy fat may lead to many health issues.

A flat tummy can be easily achieved and that too without going out of your home. Regularly follow the below mentioned tips inorder to get rid of tummy fat.

The following are the 5 ways to lose the tummy fat fast

1 Short Bursts of Exercises


Thousand crunches in a night might get you muscular abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of the fat on top you will  not be getting the results which you actually want. As an alternative of all those crunches, you should do exercises that engage various muscle groups and also it will work for your cardiovascular system.

Try planking anywhere where you can hold yourself in a push up situation, quiescent your forearms on the ground. Try these holdings for 4 to 5 for 30 seconds each for good results. Moving throughout the day by going for a walk will be also help you to lose your tummy fat.

The reason for burst training works is only because it will be producing a unique metabolic response in your body. Irregular sprinting will cause your body to not burn as much as fat during exercise but after completing the exercise your metabolism stays elevated and it will continue to burn fat for the next 24 hours.

2 Sugar is your Enemy, avoid Sugar Sweetened drinks

avoid Sugar Sweetened drinks

The liquid calories will be not getting registered by the brain in the same way as solid calories, so when your drink is sugar sweet beverages you should end up eating more calories for losing your belly fat. Some of the studies have showed that sugar sweetened beverages are concurrent to a 60% of increased risk in children’s of obesity.

You should make decision to minimize the amount of the sugar in your diet. If you are having sugar in your diet then you must replace your calorie loaded latte with a Muscle Milk lite, because it is having zero sugar. Instead of this you can also use cinnamon in your diet by sprinkling the cinnamon on food that you are going to take.

In order to attain the desired results try to avoid sugar and glucose as much as possible. Check the sugar count in each food item that you want to consume. Avoid food items like chocolates, sweets, canned juices, bakery items etc.

3 Sufficient Sleep

One must think twice if he wants to work late at night. Whenever your biorhythms are off, you are ending up and eating more food. So when you are tried your body will produce ghrelin that will trigger cravings for sugar and other fat buildings foods.

Losing sleep can also modify your hormone production that will be affecting your cortisol levels which can cause insulin sensitivity. A major reason for the belly fat is attainment about 7 hours sleep a night. It is one of the best things that you can do for shaping your body goals.

The more ghrelin you will be producing, the more you stimulate hunger while also falling the quantity of the calories you have burn. You need to control ghrelin and leptin to successfully fat lose.

4 Eat Fat and Vitamin C

Eat Fat and Vitamin C

Yes, you have to take some of the fats for burning out of the fats from your body. Consume good fats which are rich in omega 3’s like avocados, walnuts and salmon. These fats contain full of nutrients that will be helping you lose your belly fat.

Vitamin c helps to equilibrium the cortisol spikes that happens you when you are under the stress. Vitamin C is also necessary for building carnitine which is a compound that is used by the metabolism to turn the fat into the liquid form. You must consume more and more oranges, which is rich in Vitamin C.

5 Slowing Down Your Breath

This is an easy process that you can do even when you are in the midst of doing your work. When you will be feeling stressed out and bothered at that time do check and observe, how you are breathing. Generally most of the people under the stress  swap of holding their breath with the short breaths.

Later when you are aware of your own breathing, intentionally calm down your belly and also slow down the breathing. This will be working very well only if you are focusing on slowing down the exhalation rather than your lungful of air.

These are easy ways to lose the tummy fat which are easy as well as effective.

Check for benefits of Green Tea



5 ways to loose tummy fat fast

5 Benefits of Early Morning Exercise which are very good for Healthy Life

To go ahead a healthy life, we involve following a daily routine in our daily life. Waking up early in the morning is very important. in the early morning there will be the fresh air in the surroundings and pollution free, light breeze blows, the first slanting rays of the sun will fall on the earth, which you can take that light in the from the vitamin.

Doing the exercises early in the morning by waking up early in the morning is very good for your health and it will be very good for a healthy heart, not only things but also in addition we are getting many benefits from exercise. Doing the hand free exercise in every morning will be keeping your body fit for the whole day.


Different types of the diseases can also avoided by doing the exercise daily early in the morning. For the students early morning exercise is very beneficial, they can increase their concentration on the studies.

For having a healthy life everyone should try to go after a routine in which the early morning exercise forms an essential element. Exercising early in the morning offers various benefits, to your health as well as to your daily outline, that exercising at erstwhile epoch of the day immediately can’t provide.

The following are the 5 benefits of the early morning exercise which are very good for a Healthy Life

1 Enhance Your Metabolism

Enhance Your Metabolism

In the fitness industry EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumptions) is a tinkle. Mainly it means that your body is burning more calories after your workout, even while you are sitting at a desk or while the time you are driving a car.

One of the studies has showed that participants burned an additional 190 calories in the 14 hours after exercise when compared to those who didn’t exercise at all. This will be working perfectly with a morning exercise routine. Get awake, get a move on, force up your metabolism and then just start eating.

Whenever you are eating your body can do only 1 of 3 things with the calories you take in.

  • It can use it as a foundation of the energy
  • It can use it to refill your body
  • It can store it for later that is fat.

2 Cultivate Some Consistency

Cultivate some consistency

In the early morning workout you should ensure that you do not interrupt your workout schedule with other daily items that can seem more pressing.

For example, if you exercise in the evening then you run the risk of being not on time from the work, feeling weighed down with the odd jobs that must be done, or it will be saddle with other unpredicted to do items.

Other times you might plainly feel too tired to do the exercise by the ending of a long day. But in the morning there is nothing to distract you from doing the exercise and getting down to the business. Exercise will be your first priority and it will be getting done it.

3 Brain Boosting Power

Brain Boosting Power

Exercise has been confirmed to increasing the mental hub and the perception for up to ten whole hours post workout. It you are sneezing in your exercise regimen after workout then, you are not taking full advantages of doing the exercise.

Since you are expecting to sleep for most of them, Morning workout means that both your body and your brain are in the good shape through all the day. For the students the morning exercise is very helpful they can increase their concentration in the studies with help of morning exercise.

4 Better Weight Loss

Better Weight Loss

If you are really working out in the early morning to shack a few of pounds, then you get the good result for the weight loss. The morning is the optimal exercise time for you to getting better weight loss. An early on outing to the gym in the early morning has been shown to result in fewer food cravings all over the day.

Possibly even better working out in the morning will be also resulting in your body to burn the calories faster and more efficiently throughout the day. Combine that with dietary foods and you will be having the just right workout.

5 More Energy

More energy

Exercise releases feel good quality compounds similar to endorphins that will improve your mood and the energy levels, an effect that can last well into the daylight if you get your workout in early morning.

Exercise leads to the secretion of neurotransmitters that will be promote the mental clearness and an improved concentration period.

Exercising in the morning can be helping you to sleep better than if you work out later in the evening, since you are not attainment that additional energy boosts as you are tiresome to settle in for the night exercise.

20 Easily Digested Foods

Whenever the body loses its capability to digest the food, then people habitually looks for the food that do not give trouble to their stomach. Eating the foods that are easily to digest is one of the greatest ways to make sure that your digestive system is getting a major break down and even your stomach can function more smoothly.

The digestive system is so significant for your general health and also wellbeing that it’s in your finest curiosity to keep it functioning at its utmost with the foods that you are going to tolerate well. For illustration, a medical circumstance like gastroenteritis, demands the patient to be extremely selective on choosing foods.

The following is the list of the Foods that are Easily Digestible:

1. Yogurt :


There are billions amount of the good bacteria that are helpful for the human body in yogurt. Although yogurt is a well known dairy product and the dairy products can be causing stomach distress in those with lactose sympathy.

Yogurt is well tolerated by most of the peoples and also it is offering the reimbursement to the digestive system, which is not found in the majority of the foods.

Essentially you can use 2 types of yogurt.The 2 types are regular and Greek. Greek yogurt is a regular yogurt which is has been overwrought to get rid of the whey.

It has a thicker constancy and an altered flavour. It will restrain the growth of the harmful bacterium in the digestion system that leads to a lively digestion system.

2. Sauerkraut :


There are quite a few types of the sauerkraut and on condition that they have been fermented they should help with your digestion. This will all be made with cabbage as that is built right into the name. So you will be getting the nutritious properties of the cabbage.

There are several recipes exist for making sauerkraut, you should be sure to make a big batch so it will last you in the course of many meals. It is the lactic acid bacterium which is works the digestive enchanting once you eat it.

Your digestive system relies on a healthy supply of the good bacteria and sauerkraut helps in adding to those digestive bacteria.

3. Kimchi :


Kimchi is meant to help improve your digestion by the fermentation process that can take months when it is prepared according to the tradition. There be still special Kimchi refrigerators that will be keeping it at the right temperature to ensure proper fermentation.

As a fermented cabbage, Kimchi is helping to improve your digestive system. It is the most often serve as an auxiliary to the main meal.

4. Rice :


The stuffing of the rice is often helping us to encourage the digestion process. Doctors are frequently recommends to the addition of the more rice in the menu for easier absorption. Brown rice is harder to absorb than the white rice. The present carbohydrates in the white rice are twisted to the sugar at a hasty quantity.

5. Bananas :


Bananas are one of the most natural foods for us. They are popular for the potassium that they are providing and they are also a very good source of fibre. Bananas are the genuine example of the easy digested fruits. A study has showed that the certain enzymes within banana are having an imperative role to speed up the digestion process.

6. Well cooked Green Leafy Vegetables :

green leafy vegetables-Easily-Digested-Foods

Green leafy vegetables are very rich in the vitamins and minerals. These vegetables are also raising the production of the enzymes that are helping to detoxify the digestive system. Green leafy vegetables are having high in insoluble fibre; consequently it is easy to digest. Sprouts, Squash, Zucchuini, Spinach and Alfalfa are the suggested vegetables for you.

7. Boiled Chicken :

Boiled Chicken-Easily-Digested-Foods

If a dish is including of the prepared rice and low fat chicken definitely it will be not hurting your intestinal track and it will be reducing the troubles to your digestive system. The boiled chicken is extremely easy to digest. One is believe what exactly to provide a person with a stomach problems, skinless boiled chicken can be a very good option for the better digestion.

8. Fruits :


The fruits that are containing the water are very easy to digest. Oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon and strawberry are the examples of the easily digested fruits due to their high fibre substance that is very high in them. Watermelon is also considered to be the best and the quickest digestible fruit with time of the digestion around 20 minutes.

9. Oats :


Entire grain oat delicacy that consists of oat bran and the oatmeal are truly soft to digest because the oats are very high in the dietary fibre. They are also used by the people for losing the fats from their body. It is containing both dissolved and solved fibres that boost belly utility and hold up your hale and hearty digestive system.

10. Plain Crackers :

Plain Crackers-Easily-Digested-Foods

Plain crackers are the other easily to digest food substance. The plain crackers are having whole wheat flour as a main ingredients and oatmeal are also trouble-free to process and these are best for the absorption. Plain crackers are also having a pleasant taste.

11. Toasts and Scrambled Egg :

Toasts and Scrambled Egg-Easily-Digested-Foods

A light breakfast of clambered eggs and the toast is easy to digest. The normal toasts are generally having dull crabs which can be quickly engaged and it will be ideal for indigestion. It is observed that the body takes less time to absorb toasts than the fresh bread. So having toasts for the breakfast is really a better substitute.

12. Salmon :


Salmon frequently get recognition for the high amount of the omega 3s as it is contains in it, and this is also making salmon as one of the most important foods that are easy to digest. Baked salmon are also a piece of cake to digest.

13. Crab Meat :

Crab Meat-Easily-Digested-Foods

This is used in many cuisines from corner to corner in the world. Crab meat is praise for its soft and the slight taste. Crabs must be cooked on moments after it is captured to ensure its freshness, crab meat is one of the easiest foods to digest.

14. Soup :


Soup with the low quantity of the sodium and also with low fat cream can be comforting as well. Soup or broth can be also helping to prevent the dehydration. Soups are contains clear liquids that is easier to digest; it might also clear up your stomach.

15. Oyster :


Oyster is one of the most delicious seafood’s; oyster has the high amount of the easy digested protein. It is also very reach in natrium, hence oyster is not recommended to be consumed especially for those people who are having hypertension.

16. Nuts :


Nuts are containing the vegetable protein in them and the healthy fat for your body. Unsaturated fat is needed for supporting your body for the metabolism. Intense nuts on your daily basis will utterly put off you from the risk of the heart attack.

17. Soya Bean :

Soya Bean-Easily-Digested-Foods

For the vegetarians soya bean is especially a favourite food. Soya bean contain vegetable fat which is very useful to support your body mechanism. Soya bean is also available in the market in the form of the drink.

18. Ginger :


Ginger can alleviate your digestive system; it is easy to be digested inside your body. Ginger can be added in your dish or you can also make it as a hot soup from or tasty drink.

19. Melon :

Rock Melon Sweet Melon Muskmelon Melon Cantaloupe

Melon can be your immense substitute for the mineral water. Melon is a fresh fruit which is containing plenty of water in it. There are many varieties of the melons are available on the markets. Melon is also copious in the water.

20. Jelly :


Jelly is one of the special and favourite snacks for the children’s. Jelly is not only delicious but also healthy as well. Jelly can also appease your digestive tract, people who are suffering from the digestive problems are recommended to add jelly in their daily routine diet.


Fenugreek for Diabetes

Fenugreek is a fragrant plant which is having many uses; Fenugreek is used in cooking as a key ingredient of curries and also other Indian recipes, as well as it is used in the medicinal.

The plants that are extensively grown in the South Asia, North Africa and also in other parts of the Mediterranean are having some small round leaves and also it is producing the long pods that are containing the characteristic sour tasting seeds.

These plants leaves are moreover sold as a vegetable like sprouts, micro green and fresh leaves usually known as methi, or as an herb (dried leaves), while the seeds are used in both whole and in the powdered form as a spice.

fenugreek leaves

As well as being a popularly known cooking ingredient, fenugreek has a number of health benefits and it is used in both traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic.

How does Fenugreek affect the Diabetes?

Fenugreek seeds are highly in the soluble fibre, which is helping in lowering the blood sugar by slowing down the digestion and also in the amalgamation of the carbohydrates. This is suggesting that they might be effective in treating the people with the diabetes.

Numerous studies have been approved out to investigate the potential anti diabetic benefits of the fragrant fenugreek.

A number of clinical trials are shown that the fenugreek seeds can be helping to improve the most metabolic symptoms that are associated with both Type 1 and also the Type 2 diabetes in the humans by lowering the blood glucose levels in the body and also in improving the glucose tolerance.

fenugreek for diabetes

The researches in one of the study in India have founded that if we are adding 100 grams of the defatted fenugreek seed powder to the everyday routine diet of the diabetic patients with the insulin dependent Type 1 diabetes considerably will be reducing their fasting blood glucose levels and improving the glucose forbearance in the patient’s body it also helps to lowering the total cholesterol, LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fenugreek seeds are very rich in source of the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This is helping to protect the body’s cells from the damage that is caused by the unstable molecules known as free radicals.

In another guarded trial, that is incorporating the 15 grams of the powdered fenugreek seeds into a meal eaten by the patients those who are suffering with the Type 2 diabetes reduced the rise in the post meal blood glucose, though a separate study founded that taking 2.5 grams of the fenugreek two times a day for 3 months which will lowers the blood sugar levels in the people with the mild but it is not severe to Type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek and Diabetes

Fenugreek seeds may be obliging to the people who are suffering from the diabetes. These fenugreek seeds are containing the fibre and also the other minerals that might slow the digestion and the body’s absorption of the carbohydrates and sugar.

Fenugreek seeds

These seeds may also help to get better how the body uses sugar and increase the amount of the insulin unconfined. Few studies have also supported that fenugreek as an effectual treatment for the convinced conditions. Many of these studies focus on the seed’s capability to lower the blood sugar in people with the diabetes.

One of the studies founded that a daily dosage of 10 grams of the fenugreek seeds soaked in the hot water might be helping to control Type 2 diabetes.

Another study recommended that eating parched goods, such as bread, made with the fenugreek flour may reduce insulin resistance in people with Type 2 diabetes. Supplementary study has showed that the taking of the high dosages of fenugreek every day for several weeks causes conspicuous improvement in the plasma glucose levels.

But long term plasma glucose levels weren’t measured in this study. The National Institute of Health sates that this point the evidence is weak for the fenugreek’s capacity to lower blood sugar.

How to Use Fenugreek for Diabetes

1 Speak to your doctor earlier than adding Fenugreek to every day diet

Fenugreek is interacts with a variety of the medications that are prearranged for the diabetes as well as some of the blood thinners for the reason , it is necessary that you should check with your doctor first before adding fenugreek to your routine. It may also mess about with the medications that you are taking help in treating the diabetes as well as other conditions.

  • Constantly confirm with your doctors first before adding or discontinuing any medication or supplement.

2 Consider the dose range for the Fenugreek

The suggested dosage for the fenugreek is between 2.5 to 15 grams every day. So it is most important to confirm with your doctor about your intentions and ask the doctor for a suggestion based on your weight and the other factors. You may also feel like to consult a knowledgeable herbalist.

  • The mainly widespread dose used in the studies was 12.5 grams of the powdered fenugreek which have taken tow times in a day by the people. Some studies have also shown benefits from taking only 2.5 grams two times in a day.

3 Choose a high quality Fenugreek supplement

Some people, who do not like the taste of the fenugreek seeds for them there are capsules are also suggested by the doctors, if you are choosing to take fenugreek in the supplement form, make sure that the product you choose is of high quality.

4 Add Fenugreek to food

The people who does not like the taste of the fenugreek and they might be option to adding the seeds of fenugreek to the food, You can hunt for the recipes that are including the fenugreek or simply sprinkle the seeds on your food as a garnish. Keep in mind that you should still follow your doctor’s suggestions for the healthy eating.

Whenever fenugreek is added to the food you must see before it that, it should be 15 grams dosage as suggested by some of the studies.

5 Drink Fenugreek with hot water

Making a fenugreek tea seems to produce the best results according to some of the studies. One study showed no momentous results for patients who took fenugreek with the yogurt, at the same time those who took fenugreek with the hot water have experienced significant improvements in the blood sugar levels.

10 Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are the special fruit of the ficus trees that is a component of the mulberry family. Figs have a unique sweetie taste, chewy and soft texture and these fruits are beleaguered with the somewhat crunchy, edible seeds. Fresh figs are faint and consumable so they are also often dried to be preserved.

This produces a sweetie and nutritious dried fruit that can be enjoy all day around. There are also numerous different varieties of fig depending up on all of which has varied widely in colour and texture. Their exclusive features are a little bud like opening called an ostiole at the top that helps the fruit to develop well.

The natural sweetness of the fig fruits is meant that, before the days of sophisticated sugars they were also often used as a sweetener.

Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are having high quality of the natural minerals, sugars and soluble fiber. Figs are very rich in the minerals which are including the calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and potassium.

They are very good sources of the antioxidant like vitamins A, E and k, which are positively contributing to the health and wellness of the people and also Figs are naturally high in the dietary fiber. Figs can be a useful food to be included in the diet for those who are watching their weight daily.

High fiber foods will be providing the feelings of fullness and it can be also reduces the hunger and craving. Figs are containing perbiotics that are helping to support the pre existing of the good bacteria in the gut and results in improving digestive wellness.

Figs are a good quality fruit source of the minerals and calcium that is complex in the bone thickness and their high potassium content may also neutralize the urinary emission of calcium that is caused by the lofty salt diets. This all in turns are serving to maintain the calcium in your bones and lessen the danger of osteoporosis.

10 Health Benefits of Figs

The Health Benefits that are derived from the Figs are as follows

1 Lowering the Cholesterol

Figs are containing pectin that is a very high soluble fiber. When this soluble fiber will moves through the digestive system at that time it essentially mops up the excess clump of cholesterol and it carry them to the excretory system to be eliminating from the body. It will be also stimulating a healthy bowel movement in the body. The high amounts of the fiber in your diet can be beneficial to your overall health problems by preventing certain types of the abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer.

2 Prevention of the Constipation

Every three fig are serving 5 grams of the fiber which is highly concentrating of the fiber. This is helping to promote the healthy regular bowel function and also prevents the constipation. Fiber works to add the vastness and accumulation to the bowel movement.

So the figs are not only helping to prevent the constipation but also it is helping to eliminate diarrhea and irregular bowel movement in body.

3 Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Dried figs are containing phenol, Omega 3 and 6. These full of fat acids are dropping the risk of the coronary heart disease. Moreover, leaves of the figs are having a momentous effect on the level of triglycerides in an individual’s body system. Triglycerides are one of the main factors that are behind the various heart diseases.

4 Weight Loss

The soluble fibres in the figs are also helping to lessen the weight and this is often suggested for the people those are obese. On the other hand the figs are also having the high quality of the calorie count and it can be also result in the weight put on, mainly when it is consumed with the milk. A few figs are sufficient to obtain the suggested quantity of nutrients.

5 Prevention of Colon Cancer

The company of the fiber is helping to stimulates the elimination of gratis radical and others cancer causing substance predominantly in the colon, because fiber increases the healthy movement of the bowls in the body.

Benefits of Figs

6 Good for Diabetic Patient

Figs are having the high quality of fiber that helps to promote the purposeful control of the diabetes. Fig leaves will lessen the amount of the insulin needed by the diabetic patients who comprise to take insulin injections regularly. Figs are very rich in potassium, which is serving to amendable the amount of sugar which is engrossed keen on the body after you take your meals.

7 Bronchitis

The figs leaves are containing the natural chemicals to make it as an ideal component for a tea base. Fig leaf tea is famously prearranged for an assortment of respiratory conditions like bronchitis and this is also uses the same as a method to prevent and reduce the symptoms of the asthmatic patients.

8 Prevention of Hypertension

The people are generally taking sodium in their body as in the form of salt but the low amount of potassium and high amount of sodium intensity may lead to the hypertension.

Figs are having high quality in potassium and low quality in sodium, so figs are a having a wonderful defence aligned with the manifestation and also the effects of hypertension, that is figs as well relaxing food.

9 Venereal Diseases

Figs are have been conventionally used in the Indian subcontinent and a few other areas of the humanity as a comforting relieve for venereal disease. Ingestion work from the sexually transmitted diseases, though additional research are require to be complete on the accurate range of the symptoms and diseases that figs the positively effect.

10 Urinary Calcium Loss

The people who are maintaining high sodium diet may be affected by increased urinary calcium loss. The high potassium content in the figs is helping to stay away from that condition and it is regulating the content of waste in your urine.

It will be minimizes the calcium you lose while increasing the amount of uric acid and other damaging toxins  which you desire to obtain out of from your body.

Quinoa for Diabetes

How is Quinoa for Diabetes successful?

Quinoa is a food grain which has been utilized for a few centuries by South Americans, particularly the individuals who live in the hilly Andean districts of Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Bolivia.

This ‘mother grain’ as the Incans call it is presently being developed and cooked in numerous locales of North America, Europe, Australia and different nations.

Quinoa is profoundly nutritious and its dietary quality is practically identical to dried entire drain by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization).

The protein quality in quinoa is higher than that of different oats. For instance, the lysine essence is higher than wheat and basic amino corrosive substance is like casein.

Subsequently, quinoa is an awesome food decision for veggie lovers. Quinoa is high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, and phosphorous.

It additionally has a low sodium and high solvent fiber content. An awesome favorable position of quinoa is that it is an adaptable grain and can be utilized as a part of formulas for soups, goulashes, breakfast oats, heated dishes, plates of mixed greens and so forth.

Aside from quinoa grains, you get quinoa flour, quinoa pieces and quinoa pasta in health nutrition stores.

Can Quinoa help you deal with your Glucose?

quinoa for diabetes
Some portion living with diabetes is dealing with your eating routine to help control your glucose. Nourishments that are high on the glycemic list are related with raising your glucose.

Sound meal gets ready for individuals with diabetes frequently concentrate on picking nourishments rated at medium to low on the glycemic ingredient. It is on the low end, which means it won’t bring about a spike in glucose.

Most grains don’t have all the amino acids expected to make a protein, however, quinoa has enough to be viewed as an entire protein. The dietary fiber content in quinoa is similarly higher than numerous different grains.

This implies quinoa can be especially gainful for individuals with diabetes, in light of the fact that both supplements are viewed as imperative for monitoring glucose.

One review distributed in the Journal of Medicinal Food demonstrated that an eating routine of Peruvian Andean grains including this food can help oversee type 2 diabetes and the blood pressure related with it. 

Quinoa for Diabetes

It benefits those with diabetes in a few ways. As per a review led on rats on a high-fructose abstain from food, consideration of quinoa lessened their glucose levels by as much as 10%.

Their aggregate cholesterol levels diminished by 26% and there was an 11% decrease in triglyceride levels. Despite that, since the rats were nourished a high-fructose eat less carbs, quinoa couldn’t keep the reactions of this eating routine.

It can help control appetite and this could help diabetic patients. In a review looking at different option grains like quinoa, buckwheat and oats to traditional grains like rice and wheat, it was found that the option grains created more noteworthy degrees of satiety than regular grains.

This controlled appetite and can help in weight reduction. Since most diabetes patients are large, it can facilitate with their treatment as a weight reduction grain.

In another review on high fructose-encouraged rats, it was noticed that those sustained quinoa could keep up typical protein action for a few chemicals and lower levels of malondialdehyde which is an oxidation repercussion.

The rats exhibited increased anti-oxidation capacity of the heart, kidney, blood, pancreas, lungs and testicles and lower oxidation of blood lipids.

Quinoa – the Peruvian Andean assortment – has appeared to be a brilliant grain for managing side effects of type 2 diabetes. This assortment is rich in quercetin – a cancer prevention agent and is a successful dietary device.

Formula: Quinoa for Diabetics

Since diabetic patients should be aware about their eating routine, here is a decent formula that consolidates quinoa.

  • Quinoa – 170g.
  • Water – 240ml.
  • Chicken juices – 240ml (get the low sodium assortment).
  • Olive oil – 2 tsp.
  • Red onion – 160g diced.
  • Cumin – ½ tsp.
  • Turmeric – squeeze.
  • Cinnamon – ½ tsp.
  • Ground ginger – squeeze.
  • Almonds – 25g chipped (toasted).
  • Raisins – 40g.
  • Fresh mint (if necessary).

Flush quinoas completely put it in a pan with water and chicken juices and boil. Cover and cook for no less than 15min until all the fluid is ingested. Lighten the quinoa.

Warm the olive oil in a pot, sauté onions and when they caramelize, include cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. Include raisins and almonds. Add quinoa to the blend and hurl altogether until the dish is warmed through. Decorate with mint in if you like.

This dish gives 274 calories, 9g fat with just 1g soaked fat, 80mg sodium, 38g starches, 9g protein and 5g dietary fiber.

It has a tasty North African flavor and thinking of it as similarly keeps blood glucose levels low, it is an awesome expansion to a diabetic eating routine.

Safety measures while utilizing Quinoa

The seed layers of quinoa are secured by saponin – an astringent substance compound. This is somewhat harmful and must be evacuated before quinoa is utilized for human utilization.

A few makers utilize deresination which includes expelling the saponins and seed coats utilizing synthetic or mechanical strategies yet protect the supplement content. The white seeds free from saponin are then utilized for cooking.

You similarly get pre-splashed and pre-washed quinoa grains. Attempt to purchase grains with these names. All things being equal, dependably wash quinoa grains altogether before utilization and taste a couple to ensure it is completely free of saponin.

General quinoa does not create any sort of reactions and is very much endured by those with diabetes. It has hints of oxalate and consequently, any individual who needs to use an eating routine without oxalate ought to be wary.

This is how quinoa for diabetes proves fruitful and one can use the above information to get relieved from diabetes.

Benefits of Squash for Health, Skin and Hair

Squash is a fruit which is belongs to the Cucurbitaceae or ground family and it is a relative of both the melon and the cucumber. It comes in many different shapes and colour. The fruit has a thick outer shell that is deep yellow in colour or in orange. On the other hand, some varieties may be green, grey or red in colour.

The internal part of this fruit has d deep orange colour. Plenty of edible seeds known as pepitas are found inside this fruit which is rich in nutrient and beneficial for health and skin. Summer squash has a tantalizing flavour and it is having a soft shell which is meant to be consumed quickly. It is actually available all throughout the year.

Winter squash are more mature and it can be stored over a period of time, it is mainly grow in the warm weather. They hard, chunky skins and seeds. They are also having a high content of vitamins A and C, iron and riboflavin. Mutually summer and Winter squashes have their possess diverse set of benefits.

If taken in a considerable amount in our food squash can be really work wonder for health, especially for hairs and skin. Squash is able to as well be used to make sandwiches or sprinkled on salads. Squash soup and squash pudding are other delicious varieties of food made from the squash.

Benefits of Squash for Health

One of the most important constituent of squash is lutein and zeaxanthin-the two pigments which are very essential in preventing cataract according to scientific studies.

Benefits of Squash for Health

Healthy Bones

Yellow squash contain plentiful amounts of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese helps to maintain healthy bone structure, calcium amalgamation, enzyme formation and bone building as well as improves the mineral compactness of the spinal column.

Vitamin C is concerned in the construction of collagen, which is very important for building bone mass. Magnesium furthermore contributes to the health of joints and bones. Thus it provides protection against osteoporosis.

Prevents Cancer

Summer squash has a high content of antioxidants which are helping in the elimination of free radicals from the body. The high levels of beta-carotene provide protection from pollutants and chemicals which can lead to cancer.

It is also a rich source of vitamin C, which will prevents premature aging and cancer as well as inhibits of the cell division. It is also containing vitamin A which is providing protection against lungs and oral cavity cancers.

Good For Weight loss

Summer squash for weight hammering is a very good choice, as it is fat-free and very low in calories. A mug of yellow squash contains concerning 36 calories, 1 gram protein, 7 grams carbohydrates and less than 1 gram fat besides individual cholesterol free.

It derives its few calories from its carbohydrate comfortable which is also moderately low. Hence, if you want to lose weight, you can easily higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn with yellow squash.

Good for Eye Health

Squash fruit contains very high amounts of beta-carotene; Summer squash contains high beta-carotene and lutein. Dietetic lutein plays an important role in prevent the beginning of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is often, leads to night blindness.

A mug of summer squash about 135 milligrams of beta-carotene and 2400 micrograms of lutein. Carotenoids found in winter squash and also it will reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C in squash will be boosting the immune system in your body, in a way of preventing colds and fighting allergies. The rinds of few varieties of squash are a rich source of fiber, which aids in proper digestion and also it can prevent many types of diseases.

Thus, you should be considering of eating the peel or rind along with the squash to avail these health benefits.

Skin Benefits of Squash

We all wish to have a perfect gleaming skin. However, the pressures of modern life have their own effect on your skin, thereby causing different skin problems. This quandary can be accredited to a variety of factors such as exposure to UV rays and harmful chemicals.

Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, squash is quite beneficial for your skin.

Prevents Skin Aging

One of the crucial benefits of squash includes protection against the damaging effects of sun exposure and preventing dehydration. Moreover, it contains high levels of vitamins c, which fights free radicals within the body, thus preventing signs of aging like fine lines, pigmentation and wrinkles. Regular consumption of squash keeps your skin hydrated.

Maintains Healthy skin

Squash is an excellent source of vitamin A. It has beta-Carotene that gets converted into vitamin A within the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A is required for maintaining proper health and integrity of skin.

Hair benefits of Squash

Hair problems are a common spectacle these days and they are caused by various factors. Some of these factors include exposure to harsh chemicals, deficiency of vital nutrients and prolonged illness. These can cause problems like hair loss, dandruff, thinning and untimely greying.

Certain vegetables are responsible for inspiring hair growth, and squash is one of them.

Promotes Hair Growth

Squash is a rich source of beta-carotene which is very safe, non-toxic form of vitamin A. This colour is vital for forming and maintaining healthy hair. It prevents hair breakage and promotes optimum growth. Thus one should make squash a part of your diet it is a great way for maintain a healthy tresses.

Including a considerable amount of Squash in the diet helps in maintaining a healthy and shiny hair as well. Squash helps in improving the health of hair. Beta carotene is a pigment which is crucial for promoting the hair to grow to its optimum length by preventing breakage. Therefore eating squash is essential for maintaining a healthy hair.