How to Remove Dark Circles with Cucumber?

Cucumbers are not only good for eating and beneficial for eyes health. Using cucumbers to treat dark circles and puffy skin is undoubtedly the best-known beauty hacks.

Dark circles under your eyes are not a harmful situation however; it also does not look good. You won’t be able to cure them entirely however, you can lighten the shade under your eyes.

There are many causes of dark circles such as:

Causes of dark circles

  • Alcohol
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress
  • Dietary choices
  • Aging
  • Allergies

The natural treatment from cucumber helps to give your skin a refreshed look and makes you feel better. The antioxidants in the cucumber help in reducing the puffiness around the eyes. Some of the best cucumber remedies for dark circles under eyes are:

1.Cucumber Slices

Grab a cold cucumber from the refrigerator and cut it into slices. Wash your face before applying the cucumber slices on your eyes. Make sure that the dark circle area is properly covered. It brings no harm to your eyes and you can use this method on a daily basis.

2.Cucumber with lemon juice

Cucumber and lemon juice work extraordinarily well for dark circles. These two work well in reducing the swelling and dark pigmentation under the eyes. Make cucumber juice by grating the cucumber and mix lemon juice in it. Dip cotton balls in the mixture and carefully apply it under your eyes. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

Also Read : 5 Reasons to Start Eating Cucumber Today

3.Cucumber and Sandalwood Powder

Sandalwood is an anti-bacterial powder that provides various skin benefits such as soothe sunburn, remove bacteria, and prevent wrinkles. Cucumber and sandalwood mask maintains the elasticity of the skin. Make a paste of cucumber juice and sandalwood powder and apply it under your eyes. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and use a wet tissue to remove the paste.

4.Cucumber with Potato

Potato has astounding skin lightening properties, which helps in removing dark patches under the eyes. The mixture of cucumber and potato juice is one of the most effective remedies to remove dark circles. Apply the mixture under the eyes and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Properly wash your face with cold water. You can use this mixture on a daily basis.

Other ingredients that can be used with cucumber for dark circles are:

  • Turmeric
  • Green tea
  • Mint
  • Rosewater

Other ingredients for dark circles

  • Almond oil
  • Egg whites
  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Black and green tea
  • Raw potato
  • Water

Everyone wishes for flawlessly beautiful skin however, dark circles appear as a threat to this desire. Numerous cucumber gels are available in the market for direct use for beauty hacks. For better results, mix the cucumber gel with other natural ingredients and massage it on your face.

The area around the eyes is very delicate; in case, you see no results for your dark circles, then it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to help you and give you a better understanding of the topic of your problem with dark circles or any issue regarding your eyes.

Also Read: Lose Weight Fast With This Amazing 7-Day Cucumber Diet

How To Get Rid Of Underarm Odor

Underarm odor can be immensely annoying and sometimes even embarrassing, especially if you work with different types of people. You may have those smelly armpits due to different factors including obesity, pregnancy, extreme physical workouts, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, prolonged usage of certain medications, and a lot of other underlying medical conditions.

Whatever is the reason, you would surely want to get rid of foul smell from your armpits. Although there are various deodorants available in the market, you can’t use them for very long because most of them are made with harmful chemicals. So, what is the alternative option? Yes, those evergreen and simple home remedies!

Here are a few very simple yet so effective home remedies to get rid of underarm odor.

Underarm Odour

 1.Apple Cider Vinegar:


Acidic and antimicrobial properties of ACV make it a potent home remedy for smelly armpits. Both of these properties of ACV can destroy bacteria responsible for causing bad odors.

You need:
  • A small bowl full of ACV.
  • Cotton balls.
What to do:
  • Simply dip the cotton balls in ACV and apply directly to the underarms.
  • Do it twice daily- once in the morning after bath and once before crawling into the bed.



Antiseptic properties of iodine can sterilize the armpits and can balance the pH levels. It can get rid of bad odors from underarms within a few days.

What you need:
  • A few drops of iodine.
  • A soft and clean brush.
Steps to follow:
  • Apply a few drops of iodine directly on the armpits.
  • Scrub the armpits gently using the soft brush.
  • Leave it on for about five minutes and then go for the bath.
  • Doing this once in a day should eliminate the bad odor.

Also Read : Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Underarms – 5 DIY Methods

3.Lavender essential oil:


Lavender oil is a natural remedy for multiple skin problems. Its pleasant fragrance can easily remove the bad smell from armpits, and its antibacterial properties will keep the odor-causing bacteria at bay.

You will need:
  • 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil.
  • One glass distilled water.
Procedure to follow:
  • Add the lavender oil to one glass of distilled water.
  • Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Use it as a deodorant every day after the bath.
  • You can do this once or twice a day for great results.

 4.Tea tree essential oil:


Tea tree oil can be the best solution for underarm smells. The antimicrobial and astringent properties of tea tree oil can fight the smell-causing bacteria and hence can be a long-term solution for smelly armpits.

You will need:
  • Two drops of tea tree oil.
  • 2 tbsp distilled water.
  • Cotton pads.
What you need to do:
  • Add tea tree oil to the water and mix it properly.
  • Soak in the cotton pads and apply them on both underarms.
  • Leave for a few minutes and then wash off.
  • Do this twice in a day for promising results.

 5.Baking soda:


Baking soda is a great option for you if you suffer from excessive sweating. It doesn’t only keep your underarms sweat-free; it can also eliminate the bad smells thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties.

You need:

  • 1 tbsp baking soda.
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice.
  • Mix both ingredients properly to have a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste on your underarms and leave for about 5 minutes.
  • Then take a shower.
  • Do this daily in the morning before going for the bath.

Also Read : 7 Natural Ways to Lighten Dark Underarms

These are some very effective home remedies for smelly armpits. Using any of these will surely make your life very comfortable, and you will start feeling confident in front of your colleagues. Choose any of these according to your preferences and see the difference.

Do You Have Regular Breakouts On Your Chin? Here’s What It Really Means

Having breakouts on the chin is not something abnormal or strange, but if you notice breakouts more frequently, you should take them a little seriously. Just a little! There is nothing dangerous about having pimples and other breakouts on the chin.

But you should think about some natural ways of getting rid of them. Here is everything you would want to know about regular breakouts in the chin.

 Some common types of breakouts noticed on the chin:

Do You Have Regular Breakouts On Your Chin- Here’s What It Really Means-min

Acne is a very common skin breakout affecting a large number of people all over the world. There are different types of acne breakouts including whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules or pimples, cysts and nodules etc.

 Major causes of regular acne breakouts.

It is pretty hard to find the separate cause(s) of each type of breakout. That’s why we are trying to underline the causes of only the breakouts in common.

Acnes on the chin are not very different than the acnes of different parts like face, neck, chest or back. Some possible causes are:

  • Excessive skin oil: The major reason for these acne breakouts is the excessive oil under the skin. The excessive oil traps the dead skin, debris, and bacteria etc. in the skin pores and causes different types of breakouts.
  • Hormonal changes: Acne or breakouts on the chin also result from the fluctuation of the hormones. Breakouts caused by the hormonal changes are primarily noticed in the females and teenagers, as both of them tend to go through some extreme hormonal changes.

Also Read : Home Remedies For Removing Black Heads On Chin

How hormones cause acne breakouts?

Androgens are the hormones chiefly responsible for controlling the secretion of sebum. Sebum oil is known for its actions on pores, excessive secretion of which can cause clogging of pores and hence may result in pimples and other types of skin breakouts. Since there is extreme fluctuation of hormones in females as well as in teenagers, these breakouts are considered very normal in both.

Why are these breakouts not good?

Although it is completely okay to have these skin breakouts, it can be a reason for self-consciousness and self-perseverance. Every human is of a different nature and mindset. Some people, especially ladies, are very conscious about their looks and personalities.

According to a study of the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, adult females having regular skin breakouts may go on to suffer from mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. As a result, they are sometimes unable to concentrate on their daily life, and that can be very unhealthy, especially if not given proper attention.

Some underlying conditions causing breakouts on the chin:

In some cases, some people may have breakouts like ingrown hairs or rosacea on the chin.

One of the major reasons for ingrown hairs is shaving. And males are naturally more susceptible to ingrown hairs on the chin.

On the other hand, rosacea is a common skin condition characterized by the visible blood vessels causing noticeable redness. In a few cases, rosacea can cause bumps on the skin filled with pus. These bumps may look like pimples.

How to treat frequent breakouts on the chin?

  • Wash your face with mild detergent containing salicylic acid.
  • Apply an ice pack for a few minutes to reduce the redness.
  • Apply an ointment or cream containing benzoyl peroxide.
  • Avoid popping or picking the acnes.
  • Extraction and draining if there are cysts.
  • Chemical peels.

Chin breakouts are very common, and you should not get worried, especially if you are a female or a teenager. Your body keeps going through a lot of hormonal changes that result in different types of skin breakouts. However, if you get these breakouts more frequently than you expect, you can opt for a suitable treatment.

Also Read: 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin

One Glass Of This Juice Will Unclog Your Arteries

Clogged arteries are one of the major factors responsible for several cardio diseases.  It may happen due to an unhealthy and lethargic lifestyle, eating a high amount of fatty and processed foods, certain underlying health conditions, and prolonged medication, etc.

Some major signs and symptoms of clogged arteries are chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, excessive sweating, weakness, palpitation of heart, etc. If you feel any of these signs for more than a couple of weeks, you should not take it lightly.

There are numerous treatments to unclog clogged arteries, and we are discussing an all-natural and completely safe remedy for this. Let’s read to find out more.

One Glass Of This Juice Will Unclog Your Arteries-Recovered-min

 Ingredients you need to prepare this remedy:

  • Two stalks of celery.
  • One cup freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • One tbsp grated ginger.
  • Two tbsp lemon juice.
  • ½ tbsp pepper powder.

Tips to prepare the recipe:

  • Blend all the ingredients together.
  • Transfer the mixture into a cup.

That’s it! Your healthy remedy for clogged arteries is ready to consume!

How and when to consume.

  • The best time of the day to consume this remedy is between the meals.
  • Consume three cups of this remedy daily for a couple of weeks.

Also Read: This German Remedy Will Unclog Your Arteries and Lower Your Blood Pressure

How does it work?

The remedy is prepared with a handful of natural ingredients. All of these ingredients are effective in a way or another. Let’s know more about how this remedy works.

  • Celery: It is an excellent source of some essential antioxidants and can protect the arteries from oxidative damage. Celery contains beta carotene, flavonoids, vitamin C and a dozen of different types of antioxidants. It is also a good source of phytonutrients which can reduce the inflammation of blood vessels and arteries.
  • Tomato juice: Tomato contains a chemical called lycopene. It is a potent antioxidant and can protect cells from getting damaged. Some research also says that lycopene can reduce the “bad cholesterol” from the blood and hence can lower the risk of blood clots and strokes.
  • Ginger: Ginger reduces the oxidative stress and inflammation and hence maintains healthy blood-cholesterol balance. Ginger may also help reduce the high blood pressure, one of the indications of clogged arteries.
  • Lemon juice: Lemon juice is high in acids, flavonoids and vitamin C. It can clear the clogged arteries and can reduce the risk of various heart diseases.
  • Black pepper: If you have complaints of high blood pressure, you should consume a little amount of black pepper powder regularly. It is very good for your heart health. It eases the blood pressure and also improves the inflammation, both of which are good for your cardiovascular health.

Also Read : Simple Ways To Unclog Arteries Naturally

A WORD OF CAUTION: There is some evidence of this remedy being effective to unclog the clogged arteries. But if your condition doesn’t improve within a few days, you should not wait for a miracle. Consult a cardiologist immediately for proper medical attention, diagnosis and suitable treatment.


Simple Trick To Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

Brown Spots! This is one more common problems usually face by many people especially women these days. These unsightly spots will lower our self confidence and make us feel annoyed.

Generally brown spots are a result of hyper pigmentation of the skin. You can find these spots anywhere on your body like hands, legs, hip, shoulders etc. There are several reasons behind the formation of these brown spots on our skin like excessive exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes, improper diet etc. all these brown spots can kill the beauty of skin.

So, if you are one of them who are looking for effective tricks and tips to remove those unsightly brown spots on your skin, then here we go with some simple and easy trick that help you to get rid of spots easily. You just need two ingredients that are already at your home.

Simple Trick To Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

Are Age Spots Dangerous?

Yes, it can be dangerous. Not every brown spot is cancerous but they are few symptoms you need to look for when you have brown spots:

  • Funky borders around dark spots
  • If some of them are much darker than others
  • If they are constantly growing
  • Changing the color

If you find any of these signs around your brown spots, then immediately consult your doctor or the best way to keep track of this is to do regular self examinations.

How To Get Rid Of Age Spots

Here is a simple trick for you to remove those unsightly age or brown spots from your skin and make it look more gorgeous than before.

Try out this simple juice solution that made from two basic ingredients. You just need only few minutes to prepare this wonderful solution.

As we know fresh onion juice and apple cider vinegar can do wonders to our skin when use them individually.

Onion juice is considered as a traditional home remedy for all types of skin issues. The anti oxidants in onions reduce free radical damage and protect your outer skin layer.

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with numerous benefits and acts as a natural exfoliant agent for your skin. It is capable of removing dead skin cells from the layer of skin and remove dark spots easily.

The combination of these two wonderful ingredients will give you spot free skin.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one fresh onion and chop in to slices and put it in a Ziploc bag.
  • Pulverize the onion on the blunt surface and pour it in the blender.
  • Blend the onion by adding ½ cup of apple cider vinegar, until it becomes smooth mixture.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it directly on the spots daily.
  • Continue this process for 2-3 weeks until you see desired results on your skin.

Even though this may be not an overnight solution for removing age spots, but it is more effective when compared with chemically filled ointments or creams.

It will take few weeks but sticking with this routine will definitely give you positive results.

Is There Any Way To Prevent Age Spots?

Here are some simple things you need to follow to prevent the occurrence of age spots on your skin.

  • Calculate the time you are spending under the sun.
  • Try to wear long sleeved shirts and comfy pants and do not forget to apply sunscreen whenever you step out from your home.
  • Stay away from tanning beds.
  • Don’t forget to apply sunscreen even in winter too, because your skin needs it.
  • Consult your doctor immediately, if you find any suspicious spots on your skin.

12 Diy Quick Natural Remedies Wrinkles on Face

The aging process begins with the unavoidable presence of wrinkles. The facial lines eliminated only undergoing laser treatments, chemical peeling, or knife methods. These treatments seem to be expensive and decrease the original look of the face.

So the most reliable method to recover the young face without wrinkles gained by preferring natural ways. Skin lacks the principal tightening protein collagen due to the aging process that leads to fine lines and sagging in the face.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

Skin requires healthy food supplements combining proteins, fats, and water. These supplements support skin refreshment.

12 Diy Quick Natural Remedies Wrinkles on Face


Blueberries possess an increased concentration of antioxidants and rich in vitamin C that preserves skin collagen.


Tomatoes possess a rich source of vitamin C and lycopene component that shields the epidermis from ultra-violet ray destruction. Tomatoes additionally benefit the vascular system’s blood flowing elongating a natural glow to the skin.


Almonds comprise hydrating fats and vitamin E functions as antioxidant hindering sunlight damage.


Another remedy is egg white mixed with lemon juice and honey functions as antiseptic and antibacterial properties. This property eliminates the oil secretion in pores and supporting skin tightening avoids wrinkles. Egg white shrinks the pores by decreasing the excess generation of sebum.

5.Olive Oil:

Coffee powder and olive oil mixed to prepare as a paste to get rid of the facial lines that make you look aged.

Also Read : How To Get Rid Of Neck Wrinkles Naturally?


Mash a banana with plain yogurt and orange juice. This mixture is rich in vitamin A and B that assists in diminishes the dark spots. Vitamin B eliminates aging by providing moisturization and hydration of skin cells.


Avocado composed of vitamins B, E, and C assists in maintaining skin youthfulness. Avocado mixed with oatmeal powder applied and leftover the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash the skin with lukewarm water to get the glowing skin.

8.Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera possesses the high concentrated vitamins, minerals utilized for wound-healing and skin-soothing effects. Ultraviolet rays drive to wrinkled skin and quickly resolved by anti-inflammatory characteristics of aloe Vera gel.

9.Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil combined with half spoon of honey to remove facial wrinkles. The mixture used over the face for a duration of 15 to 20 minutes. Wash the face with plain water, and the process is done once in a week.

Also Read: 10 Best Essential Oils for Wrinkles: Anti-Aging Oils For Younger Looking Skin

10.Argan Oil:

Argan oil comprises of vital fatty acids and vitamin E that refreshes the epidermis. This oil quickly absorbs into the skin. Argan oil applied and massaged over the affected region for 5 minutes once a day presents incomparable effects.

11.Shea Butter:

Shea butter used to hydrate the skin largely. It enhances skin elasticity by promoting collagen. This process leads to the elimination of wrinkles appear on the face. Shea butter employed across the concerned areas achieves exceptional results in facial lines.


Sugarcane juice is mixed with turmeric to handle the wrinkles in the face in an effective method. Shea butter employed across the concerned areas achieves exceptional results in the case of facial lines with a youthful look.

Also Read: 10 Ways to Tighten Sagging Skin Naturally

Eat 1 Spoon Of This Every day To Get Younger And Glowing Skin Complexion At Any Age

Who doesn’t want to look younger and attractive? But it is not easy for everyone due to a lot of factors like ageing, lifestyle ups and downs, stress, diseases etc. If you are also worried about your look and skin complexion, here is a wonderful remedy for you.

You can get much younger and glowing skin complexion at any age using this anti-aging powder. Here is how.

Eat 1 Spoon Of This Every day To Get Younger And Glowing Skin Complexion At Any Age

How to prepare the magical anti-aging powder?

Ingredients you need:
  • 125 grams watermelon seeds.
  • 5 tbsp sesame seeds.
  • 2 tbsp powdered rock sugar or normal sugar.
  • 1 tbsp cardamom powder.
  • ½ tbsp cinnamon powder.
Method of preparation:
  • First of all, add 125 grams of watermelon seeds and 5 tbsp sesame seeds to a saucepan. Roast them without oil on a high flame for 3-4 minutes with proper stirring. Then turn off the flame.
  • Transfer the roasted seeds into a blender and add 2 tbsp powdered rock sugar or normal sugar, 1 tbsp cardamom powder and ½ tbsp cinnamon powder.
  • Blend the mixture for a few minutes or until all the ingredients combine properly.
  • Eat this anti-aging powder every day early in the morning and see the results within a few weeks.

Also Read : Green Tea As Anti Aging Remedy

How does this all-natural anti-aging powder work?

As you already know, this mixture is prepared with some amazing ingredients. Here is a little analysis of the benefits of each of them.

  • Watermelon seeds: Watermelon is packed with a lot of health benefits. It is a great source of water and can keep your body and skin hydrated. Not only the fruit, but watermelon seeds are also known for positive effects on the skin. It is packed with phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron and zinc. If used regularly, watermelon seeds can be the perfect tonic for your skin.
  • Cardamom: Allergies are chiefly responsible for making your skin dull and unhealthy. And cardamom is an excellent spice known for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Keeping the skin allergies at bay, it can give your skin a healthy and attractive texture.
  • Sugar: Skin hardness or roughness makes your skin look bad. And when it comes to skin lightening, sugar becomes one of the top home remedies.
  • Cinnamon: The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of cinnamon make it a potent natural remedy for almost all types of skin problems. Besides, it contains antioxidants that are known for neutralizing the toxic reaction under the skin layers.
  • Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are packed with anti-aging properties. These little seeds can reduce the skin inflammation thanks to the natural antioxidants present in them. Besides, these seeds can also protect your skin from free radicals and UV rays.

Also Read : 10 Best Essential Oils for Wrinkles: Anti-Aging Oils For Younger Looking Skin

Getting back your natural glow and texture can be effortless thanks to this all-natural yet so powerful anti-aging powder. All the ingredients used in this powder have their own benefits. So, prepare your own anti-aging powder at home and take yourself to your younger best.

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores – 10 Effective Ways To Try

A person suffering from cold sore experience increased pain. They appear ugly and create increased embracement. Every individual tries to get away from cold sores immediately but they may take wither two to four weeks of duration. There are many methods to reduce the cold sores as well as avoid the possibility of recurrence of the sores.

The sores can be spread to another person by close contact such as kissing. Cold sores are generated due to the herpes simplex virus which is closely associated with genital herpes. Cold sores are easily spreadable though they are visible or not.

Methods To Overcome The Cold Sores

How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores – 10 Effective Ways To Try

1.Tea Tree Oil

As every one of us knows tea tree oil contains strong antiviral characteristics that destroy the virus which creates infection and improve the speed in the healing process. It is advised that tea tree oil should be applied with the cotton swab over the sore several times throughout the day time and also prior in going to sleep.

2.Ice Cubes

Ice cubes can be used to reduce the swelling as well as itching in the affected area. It is also better to avoid scratching the sores as it may increase the sore swelling.

3.Coconut Oil

Coconut oil serves as a best antimicrobial agent containing triglycerides such as lauric acid and oleic acid which destroy the virus and remove the cold sore as soon as possible. Apply the coconut oil and leave it. This process can be repeated for every hour.

4.Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil exhibits increased levels of virucidal activity that act against the herpes simplex virus. When the infection occurs recurrently it is better to use peppermint oil to attain the quick recovery. Apply the oil in the affected area and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes every day preceding the oil can be rinsed off with water. This procedure can be repeated for three times every day.

5.Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide assists in the deactivation of the different virus strains. It serves effectively in arresting the bleeding, drying out the sore, and reduce the sore to a minimum like a visible mark. The solution can be applied over the sore and can be rinsed off with warm water.

6.Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an antimicrobial agent that destroys the virus which raises the infection and provides the fast recovery from the cold sore. Apple cider vinegar can be applied over the sore with the use of cotton swab and let them dry. This process can be repeated for three times every day.

7.Witch Hazel

Witch hazel possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial as well as astringent characteristics that help in quick recovery of cold sores and it functions effectively in decreasing the swelling. This can be applied over the sore either once or twice in a day.

8.Lemon Balm Oil

Lemon balm oil also referred to as Melissa officinalis oil serves as a good healing agent for wounds and the oil is rich in antiviral properties. It kills the virus that raises the infection and reduces sore quickly. Apply the oil over the sore and leave it to dry for the duration of 15 to 20 minutes of time duration. The oil can be rinsed off with the plain water.

Top 10 Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags Naturally

Annoyed and worried about the skin tags? These overgrowths are very common and are usually harmless. Anyone at any stage can have skin tags, but people over 60 are more commonly affected.

Also known as acrochordons, skin tags are tiny growths usually occur around the neck, over the eyelids, under the breasts, under the armpits and the groin folds, etc. They are irregular in shape and are of skin-colored or brownish.

You don’t have to rely on harmful chemical products to remove the skin tags. Numerous home remedies can easily remove them and that too without causing any side effect. Have a look at some natural home remedies to remove the skin tags.

Top 10 Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags Naturally-min

 1.Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar

(ima source:

The acidic properties of ACV can quickly shed off the skin tags.

You need:
  • A few drops of diluted ACV.
  • Cotton ball.
  • Scotch tape or duct tape.
What you have to do:
  • Put some ACV on a cotton ball and cover the skin tag.
  • Use the tape to keep the cotton in place and leave for a few hours.
  • Repeat it once daily for positive results.

Also Read: 10 Simple Homemade Body Scrubs for Gorgeous, Glowing Skin

2.Baking Soda and Castor Oil:

Baking Soda and Castor Oil

(image source:

Baking soda and castor oil can alter the pH level of the affected area and can help to remove the skin tags.

  • ½ tbsp baking soda
  • A few drops of castor oil
Steps to follow:
  • Mix both the ingredients to form the paste.
  • Apply properly on the affected parts and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Rinse off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process daily for 3-4 weeks, and you will start noticing the results.

3.Banana Peel:


Enzymes and acids of a banana peel can remove almost all types of overgrowths, including warts and skin tags.

Steps to follow:
  • Take a small piece of banana peel.
  • Rub the fibrous part (white side) of the banana peel on the skin tag for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this daily for a few weeks until the skin tag gets off.



Beetroot is a potent remedy for skin growths like moles, warts, and skin togs, etc. It works on the circulation of the skin tag and makes it fall off after a few applications.

 Items required:
  • Beetroot paste.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Cotton ball.
  • Dip the cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and use the area around the skin tag.
  • Apply the beetroot paste on it and cover properly using a bandage.
  • Keep the bandage on for a few hours and then wash off with clean water.
  • Repeat the process thrice in a week for a couple of months to see the difference.

5.Manuka Honey:


Manuka honey is a non-peroxide form of honey. It stops the oxygen supply to the skin tag and helps in its removal. Besides, manuka honey also heals the skin faster once the skin tag is removed. Manuka honey also prevents scar formation due to skin tag removal.

You will require:
  • Manuka honey
  • Band-aid
What you need to do:
  • Take a little amount of manuka honey and apply on the skin tag.
  • Cover the area with a band-aid and leave for a few hours.
  • Repeat this a few times in a day for a couple of weeks for positive results.



Garlic is antifungal and antibacterial, and it can remove the skin tag within a few days, leaving the smooth skin behind.

You need:
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
The process to follow:
  • Crush the fresh garlic to prepare a paste.
  • Now, apply the paste properly on skin tags.
  • Wash off the paste after an hour.
  • Repeat twice a day for a couple of weeks and see the results.

7.Witch Hazel:


Witch hazel is known for its astringent properties, and its pH balancing power can get rid of the skin tags within a few weeks

  • Apply the extracts of witch hazel on the skin tag and let it dry.
  • Follow the tip 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Also Read: 10 Ways to Tighten Sagging Skin Naturally

8.Coconut Oil:


Coconut oil is packed with alpha-tocopherol and lauric acid that can remove the skin tags within a few weeks.

The ingredient you need:
  • Organic coconut oil
What you have to do:
  • Apply the coconut oil on skin tags and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Repeat it once in the morning and before going to bed.



Ginger is an excellent source of bio-active compounds that are known for antimicrobial and healing properties. These properties of ginger can remove the skin tags in a couple of weeks.

You need

a few slices of fresh ginger.

Procedure to follow:
  • Clean the skin tag(s) and the surrounding area properly and pat it dry.
  • Rub the slices of ginger on skin tags for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave the juice comes out of ginger after rubbing.
  • Do this for four to five times a day for five to six weeks for great results.

10.Lavender Essential Oil:


Lavender essential oil is known for its antiseptic properties, and it can be an excellent remedy for most of the skin related problems, including skin tags.

You will need:
  • 1-2 drops of coconut oil or any other carrier oil
  • A drop of lavender essential oil

Apply the mixture on the skin tags and leave for an hour.

All these natural remedies are not only beneficial but are affordable as well. At the end. It comes down to you whether you want to visit a dermatologist’s office, or you want to remove skin tags at home. If the second option is your priority, you can rely on any of these home remedies.

How To Get Rid Of Neck Wrinkles Naturally?

Well, some of you most have their weird face on while reading the topic of this article. Wrinkles are common on the face but have you ever heard about wrinkles on the neck? Yes, these wrinkles and folds also occur on the neck. These folds occur due to the excess of fat present on the neck.

Double chin and ugly lines are also common. These lines run horizontally from one side to another. These all occur due to the build up fat below your neck. Well, the skin of the neck is prone to aging, so,

this could be one of the reasons too. There are ways by which you can get rid of these neck wrinkles. Let’s see:



Pineapple is the source of vitamin c and it boosts the collagen production. The loosening of the skin can also result in neck wrinkles. Papaya helps in boosting the collagen production and therefore, it helps in tightening of the skin and it reduces wrinkles.

  • Take a piece of pineapple and juice it in the juicer. You can also blend it. The juice will be made from the pulp.
  • Apply pineapple juice on your neck.
  • Now, massage it with your fingers. You can try upward strokes on your neck to reduce wrinkles.
  • Then, wash your neck with water.
  • Use this remedy once a week to reduce wrinkles.



Cabbage is also good for reducing neck wrinkles. It has many benefits. It has some skin-tightening properties. It tones up the loose skin and it also reduces fine lines and reduces aging.

  • 1 tablespoon cabbage juice
  • I tablespoon honey
  • Take the ingredients and mix them into a fine mixture.
  • Apply it on your neck and then massage it with your fingers.
  • Wait for 15 minutes and then rinse it with water.
  • Try this remedy twice a week for the best results.

3.Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is the best remedy for reducing wrinkles. It has many benefits that will help you. It has Vitamin E and A. these vitamins help in moisturizing the skin. This also helps in regenerating the skin. These processes then help in reducing neck wrinkles.

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerine
  • Mix one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of glycerine.
  • Make a homogenous mixture and apply it on your neck, every night, before going to bed
  • Apply it once a week. They will show better results.



Almonds are the source of many vitamins and minerals, which helps in skin benefits. It contains Vitamin E, iron, folic acid. These all help in reducing the fat of skin. It makes the neck’s skin firm and supple.

  • 4 almonds
  • An equal amount of milk
  • Grind 4 almonds into a powder and then, mix it with an equal amount of milk.
  • Prepare a smooth paste and then, apply a coat on your neck.
  • Let it dry for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it and dry.
  • Follow this remedy once a week for the best results.

How to get rid of neck wrinkles naturally?