Cinnamon for Losing Weight

Some studies have shown that including a serving spoon of cinnamon in your daily diet can help you to lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder should be added to a cup of boiling water can also help you to lose weight and lower your risk of heart disease. A serving scoop of cinnamon a day can help you to lose your weight.

Cinnamon and Weight Loss

Cinnamon has a dictatorial effect on blood sugar levels and concurrently increases insulin levels in the body. Cinnamon helps to avoid this increased storage of fat and enables you to lose weight. It imitates the biological movement of insulin and it also increases the metabolism of glucose.

While high blood sugar levels cab lead to increased storage of fat by the body, In addition it also influences the manner in which the sugar is metabolized by the body and it will prevents the transformation of the metabolized sugar into fat.

Cinnamon also delays the passing of food from the stomach into the intestine. Cinnamon also helps the body to process carbohydrates and more efficiency, this assists you in losing a few ponds. Hence you will feel satisfied for a longer time and eat less. The abdominal fats of the body are more sensitive to the effects of cinnamon than fat from other parts of the body.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon for Losing Weight
Cinnamon is very rich in manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. It has been used since medieval times to cure indigestion, diarrhea and bloating. In accumulation, it also helps to prevent the spread of cancer cells, the formation of stomach ulcers and assists in curing bacterial infections.

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Cinnamon will lower blood sugar levels in your body along with bad cholesterol levels. While having on effect on the good cholesterol. Hence, it is beneficial for both heart and to diabetes patients. The lowering of blood sugar levels and improvement in cholesterol ratios are helping to reverse insulin resistance or pre-diabetes. Hence Cinnamon is sweet to the taste, it also satisfies the longing for sugary foods that generally afflicts diabetics.

Sweet-smelling and flavourful cinnamon is at least as old as recorded as times gone by. Ancient Egyptians used it for embalming. Like honey, a number of medical properties are associated with cinnamon. Research shows that it has antimicrobial as well as antiparasitic effects.

It is also containing antioxidants which can aid wound healing and it may even lower blood Pressure and bad cholesterol. While claims abound about the pummel flaking properties of cinnamon and honey research on this combination is slim. One of the study founded that replacing sucrose with honey can help prevent weight gain, while another study showed that it can activate hormones that suppress that appetite.

Other Ways to Incorporate Cinnamon into your Daily Diet.

You should guarantee that the Cinnamon you use is fresh. Though, cinnamon only can’t help you lose weight enduringly. For optimum results in your weight loss program. You can add cinnamon to herbal tea to get a cup of healthy and tasty tea. Instead you should add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal or you can also sprinkle it on your toast or add it to your morning cup of coffee.

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The addition of cinnamon to foods such as butter and cheese and also pies such as peach and apple pies enhances their taste. It can also be added to fresh fruits juices and also in the ciders for the same purpose. On the other hand you can take cinnamon capsules as an easier alternative to the above.

How to use Cinnamon for lose weight

The enormous thing about using cinnamon for weight loss is that it is such a common spice, however it is a super food every household keeps it and it can be added to many common foods. The following are the few ideas as to how you can use cinnamon into your daily diet for lose weight.

  • Sprinkle a teaspoon on your breakfast cereal and also on oatmeal.
  • Add to your regular coffee or tea.
  • Take a cinnamon capsule as Supplement.
  • Mix into a protein shake
  • Add into a fruit juices or ciders.
  • Mix honey and cinnamon keen on hot water to make a tea like concoction
  • Mix into butters, cheese and yogurt to enhance flavour.

As earlier stated, there is no enchantment bullet for weight loss, especially when it comes to long lasting weight loss. Cinnamon is a good tool to keep in mind and it is pretty easy to incorporate it into your daily diet. You only need a teaspoon per day to see a difference over time.

You must keep in your mind that the best weight loss methods always integrated as a unbiased diet and exercise programme. But cinnamon spice can be helping you all along your way.

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Cinnamon alone can’t help you to lose your weight permanently. For most favourable results in your weight loss programme it is necessary that you eat a nutritious but low free diet and exercise regularly.

Integrate a teaspoon of cinnamon in your every day diet can be absolutely reduce your hunger and help you to lose your weight and it can even layers of fat around your abdomen.

Cinnamon tea is also one of the major sources which will helps you to lose your weight. Cinnamon tea is naturally spicy taste. You can have a lot of flavour in one cup without having to turn to sugar. It is naturally sugar free tea.

A high diet added sugar can be contributes to weight gain and obesity, so it makes a healthful substitute for sugar sweetened drinks. 1 cup of cinnamon tea has only 2 calories per serving, which if you drunk in place of other higher calories beverages such as soda’s.

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