Coconut Oil & Baking Soda Help You Look 10 Years Younger

Our skin is the most sensitive part of our body, but it is getting affected by sun exposure and pollutants of our environment. Although we have many beauty products to protect our skin but it will not show you the permanent way to look younger than before.

Here is the natural solution which cleanses your skin and covers the pours of the skin and keeps hydrated for long hours.

Many of us know that baking soda is used for kitchen, odor free and baked goods and in cleaning things at home but,  it have hundreds of different solutions for skin too.

Baking soda

Baking soda helps in regulating pH and neutralizes the skin; it is an alkaline compound which releases carbon dioxide gas when heated.

It contains antimicrobial and anti-oxidants which helps you to get rid from the infections of skin. It also has anti-bacterial elements which help in cleansing of the skin.

It has an anti-inflammatory property which helps to calm down pain and inflammation of skin and reduces skin irritation.

It acts as an excellent  agent in removal of dead skin cells and cellular damages of our skin and it’s mild anti-septic property will deals with acne, pimples and spots.

Uses of baking soda

  • Freshens your breathe
  • It can be used as to make own deodorant.
  • Used for reducing acne
  • Helps in preventing dark spots
  • Relieves from skin irritation
  • Gently exfoliate your skin
  • Pamper your feet

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the natural refined products which is helpful in many ways even for our skin too. It reduces the scars and unwanted darkness on the skin and also moisturizes the skin and lightens up.

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It contains fatty acids which makes our skin smoother by moisturizing and nourishing, it also helps in improving certain skin conditions by healing wounds, reducing rashes and preventing acne.

It penetrates deep into the skin layer tissue and avoids skin damage and uneven skin tone and helps to eliminate dryness and irritation of skin. It naturally clears the dirt on the skin and allows healthier complexion.

Vitamin E and anti-oxidants in the coconut oil helps skin to be healthier and shed off older cells and helps in generation of new and healthy skin cells underneath the skin. It is a natural remedy for all skin disorders.

Uses of coconut oil

Coconut Oil & Baking Soda Help You Look 10 Years Younger

  • Moisturizes skin.
  • Used as a hair mask
  • Static reducer
  • Metabolism booster
  • Frizz fighter
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Decreases wrinkles and age spots.

How to use baking soda and coconut oil

Required ingredients

  • One teaspoon of Baking soda.
  • Two table spoons of virgin coconut oil.


Take a small bowl and mix the ingredients  and apply it to your face then leave it for 10-15 min and rinse with warm water.

Repeat this process three times a week and make your skin look more beautiful and shiny.


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