Common Health Issues In Babies And Ways To Deal With Them

Babies are more vulnerable after birth. Motherhood is a feeling of fraught with anxiety for first few days or months after child’s birth. Babies keep their parents always in confusion state for few months. There is always something to hold or worry about the baby.

Babies are more prone to infections and many types of health issues. It’s really hard for parents to handle a sick baby and it can be emotionally challenging for them, as no mother and father wants to see their baby sick or experience pain and discomfort.

Many new mothers don’t know how to deal with health issues faced by children. So here are some common health issues experience by almost every child after birth and some simple ways on how to deal with them.

Common Health Issues In Babies

Following are some of the common health issues experience by babies.

1. Fever


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Fever is a common sign of illness caused by virus or bacteria that affects immune system. Fever generally lasts only for 2-3 days, but if it exceeds more than 3 days then immediately consult your doctor. Fever is generally caused by virus or changing in environment or teething pain.

How To Deal With It

  • As soon as you feel your baby is developing fever, then immediately give them a sponge bath with cool water. Put a wet washcloth on baby’s forehead from time to time to decrease the body temperature.
  • For nursing mothers, breastfeeding is the best way to help babies feel better. Breast milk contains essential nutrients that can easily prevent bacteria and virus from baby immune system.
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2. Cold And Flu


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Cold and flu can affect almost all infants and babies as they adjust to the outside world. This is a typical viral infection that starts with nasal congestion and runny nose. Cold and flu irritates the baby and make it harder for them to have peaceful sleep. This happens due to the weak immunity in babies.

How To Deal With It

  • Whenever your baby suffers with common cold and flu, use saline drops or sprays to moisturize nasal passageways of your child.
  • You can even use humidifier which will help your baby to breathe more comfortably.

3. Colic


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If your little one is crying out with a break for hours then you can obviously confirm it as colic. This condition is very common in new born baby and more than 20-25 percent of new born babies often suffer from colic confirmed by American pregnancy association.

Generally colicky babies show no other symptoms, even though the exact cause is unknown. Many health experts believe it can be due to trapped air in the abdominal cavity that causes pain and discomfort.

How To Deal With It

  • Give a warm bath to your baby to distract the baby from pain and make them sleepy.
  • Even warm compress on your baby tummy, it will also help them to get relief from the pain and discomfort.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should take good care about their diet.

4. Gas


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Many infants and babies often experience abdominal gas as they lie down all time on the floor. When the gas doesn’t pass easily from their body it causes intense pain and makes them to cry more.

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Some babies may develop gas due to use of antibiotic medications, swallowing large amount of air while eating food, not chewing their food properly and not drinking enough water while eating.

How To Deal With It

  • Applying warm compress on your baby’s tummy will generally helps to expel the trapped gas and relax them.
  • Asafetida is an excellent powder, due to its antispasmodic and anti flatulent properties, it acts perfect to treat any kind of gas problems in babies.
  • Take a pinch of asafetida in a table spoon of warm water and mix it well. Apply it on your baby navel in circular motion as many times as needed.

5. Vomiting And Diarrhea


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Vomiting and diarrhea is quite common in babies and young children that happen because of gastroenteritis.

Gastroenteritis is a gut infection caused by virus and can also cause diarrhea. This condition can also occur due to food allergies, swallowing too much milk, milk intolerance or accidentally swallowed something poisonous.

It is really important to treat vomiting and diarrhea immediately before your baby feels dehydrated completely. This could be very dangerous particularly in infants.

How To Deal With It

  • The first thing you need to do is allow the baby to drink more fluids to prevent dehydration or carry them breastfeeding or keep on giving them milk feeds.
  • You can feed with bananas and yogurt if the baby is little older to treat diarrhea.
  • Always consult your doctor if it’s too serious for you to handle.

Common health issues in babies and ways to deal with them


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