Complete List Of Foods That Can Fight Cancer

Apart from medications, regular exercise, reduced consumption of alcohol, quitting smoking, healthy diet is quit important to fight against cancer.

Well, healthy diet plays a major role in every part of your life including reducing the symptoms of cancer. Below are some foods that are effective in fighting against cancer and restore the nutrients your body needs to regain balance and promote healthy cell growth.

  1. Cruciferous Vegetables:



Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain powerful antioxidant called sulforaphane that is linked with phytochemicals to destruct the cancerous cells in your body.

  1. Leafy green Vegetables:

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Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, mustard greens, card, and lettuce are rich in minerals, vitamins and fibers. Apart from these vitamins and minerals it also contains phytonutrinets such as luetin, saponins, flavanoids that help to prevent abnormal cells from occurring.

According to a lab research, it has been found that all dark green vegetables can inhibit the growth of certain types of breast, stomach and skin cancer cells in the body.

  1. Grapes:


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Grapes contain powerful anti oxidants that work as cancer preventives. These small fruits also contain compound called ellagic acids that are necessary and helpful in slow growing of cancer cells.

Grapes are also rich source of resveratro which inhibit the enzymes that stimulate cancer growth and suppress immune response.

  1. Berries:

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Berries are enriched with number of vitamins, minerals and certain antioxidants known as anthacyanins that can protect your body cells against cancer.

According to recent research, it has been concluded that berries like blue berries, strawberries and black berries decrease the tumors by 43% out of 62%. All berries are effective in treating cancer by preventing cancer properties.

  1. Garlic:


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Garlic contains immune enhancing allium compounds which help in increasing the activity cells that fight cancer and indirectly help in breaking down cancer causing cells.

Well, these powerful compounds in garlic also help in blocking carcinogens from entering cells and slow down the tumor development.

According to a study, garlic supplements are not much effective as raw garlic in preventing cancer cells. It is believed that garlic may help in preventing stomach cancer by its anti bacterial properties.

  1. Turmeric:

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This natural spice which can be easily found in kitchen is wonderful in preventing cancer causing cells in your body. Due to its antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties turmeric is capable of treating colon and bowel cancer easily.

  1. Green Tea:


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 Green tea or black tea contains certain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols which helps in preventing cancer cells from dividing.

According to a report the polyphenols found in green tea are effective in protecting you against various types of cancer. It even helps in preventing liver, pancreas, stomach and colon cancer.

  1. Red Wine:

red wine for cancer

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Red wine is originated from the skin of grapes, so it is loaded with high concentration of chemical resveratrol which acts as anti cancer agent.

Consuming alcohol is toxic when it is associated with liver, breast and stomach cancers. But there is a balance with resveratrol contributing in unknown way to suppress metabolites associated with cancer growth. Consuming red wine in little amounts might help in reducing cancer growth cells in the body.

  1. Cinnamon:

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Cinnamon is well known for its health benefits, including its ability to reduce blood sugar levels and inflammation. According to a study, cinnamons is also effective in preventing cancer growing cells and induce them to death. Even cinnamon essential oil can suppress the growth of neck and head cancer cells and significally result in reducing tumor size in the body.

  1. Nuts:


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Nuts are rich source of numerous vitamins, minerals, proteins and certain other powerful anti oxidants which are linked to lower the risk of various types of cancer. Eating a cup of nuts each day may reduce your risk of developing cancer in future too.

Complete List Of Foods That Can Fight Cancer

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