Eight Ways To Actively Fight Depression

Depression is not a disease, but it is severe disorder that shut down all the doors around us to be active in everything we do, think and perform. When we are depressed, nothing seems to be better with us not even our favorite food, people, places and things.

The symptoms of this condition will drag us to be in depression state for longer time. But, anyone who is suffering with this disease should understand that it is curable and very common. Treating this disease like other physical conditions many affect your mental state and conquer your depression.

Like all other illness the symptoms of this condition from mild to severe and the best thing to do is reaching to your doctor.

Some of those symptoms include:

  • Feeling of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
  • Appetite loss or over eating
  • Decreased energy or fatigue
  • Insomnia or early morning wakefulness
  • Anxious
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Persistent sadness

Here are eight effective ways that help you fight against depression and to get back your happy life.

Eight Effective Ways To Fight Against Depression

1. Be Active


(Image Source: www.medibank.com)

When we are depressed we often neglect to care ourselves and become lethargic. We don’t want to do anything and every little task seems like a burden on our head, so the best way to beat it by doing exercise in early morning.

Exercise will make you feel better and help you to concentrate on things you want to do. When you exercise, your body tends to release endorphins in to the blood stream that produces calming effect to your body.

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You must choose simple exercises like a simple walk with your friends for 30 minutes or something like swimming or jogging also help you to be active throughout the day.

2. Express Your Anger


(Image Source: www.hec.com)

Depression will not allow you to express all the feelings and thoughts inside you, it might make you feel uncomfortable in the things which you can do positively.

The best way to fight against depression is by expressing yourself in front of people. Expressing anger is not a bad feeling never let your step back while supporting or expressing anything in front of anyone.

If you feel that people around you will avoid you or leave you because of your angriness, just remember one thing people who love you will never get detached by the qualities within you!

3. Learn To Accept Yourself As You Are


(Image Source: www.purposefairy.com)

We often grow up by thinking that some parts of ourselves are not good enough. All these kind of experiences will lead us to become a person that we are not.

Many people pursue some ideal versions of who they want to be that simultaneously passes judgments of who they really are. Because they are not accepting themselves and trying to be smarter, better and richer that leaves them in dissatisfaction always.

The thing is accepting yourself as you are, is the best thing you could do to grow as a positive person. Because everyone is not perfect in this world, we need to be perfect in our imperfections to lead a happy life.

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4. Do Things You Are Good At


(Image Source: www.inc.com)

Depression is a feeling of worthlessness and ineffective in everything. So, the anti dose of these two things is doing the things you love and you are good at. The sense of accomplishment will help to rebuild your confidence and help you to fight against depression.

You don’t need to be good at everything to achieve victory, just go back to your early times that you’ve accomplished something that gave you happiness or when someone said that you have a talent just grab it and do it again to bring that happiness again.

You might not feel doing it, but do it anyway and challenge your negative thinking by achieving it. You will definitely feel better at the end of your day.

5. Learn To Forgive And Move On


(Image Source: www.castlecraig.com)

Most of the people with depression end up being angry and sad that make them to unable to move from their position in their lives. But, according to a research being sad and angry is not the way to get over from depression you must have guts to forgive someone and move on.

The best way to forgive them is by being in their shoes at that situation and think about them like what you would do if you are in his/her position. That’s it, this will clear your mind and make you feel free from angriness and sadness.

6. Practice Self Compassion


(Image Source: www.aspirecounsellinggroup.com)

Many people with depression are very compassionate and understanding in other people mistakes but not their own. They often criticize themselves in everything they do and get in, the best way to fight against it by self compassion.

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It is nothing but adopting a loving and caring attitude towards yourself which is similar to the one you have shown. It is better to remind yourself that you are also a human and it is very common in making mistakes and learning something from those mistakes.

7. Face Your Fears


(image Source: www.keepyourlifesimpletoday.com)

One of the best things you can do to fight against depression is by facing your fears all alone. Whatever happened in your life is just happened, you should not be in the same mood all over the life. You should get rid out of situation by lowering the people’s expectations and by not risking the rejection and disappointment.

Try to surround yourself with the people you love and support to be with you. Make sure to challenge yourself to be positive in all the ways you can!

8. Maintain 7-8 Hours Of Sleep


(Image Source: www.bussinessinsider.com)

Oversleeping and under sleeping are the most dangerous symptoms of depression. The best way to fight against is nothing but following proper sleeping pattern that even keeps you to be active all day long.

If you’re struggling to fall asleep, try to move all the screens including your mobile phones out of your room. Sit back at your window and if possible try to read a journal that will make you fall asleep as soon as possible.

Eight Ways To Actively Fight Depression

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