9 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite

When you are in a thought of losing weight and want to follow perfect diet without any fatty and unhealthy food, you feel more hungrier than before to eat your favorite and unhealthy food. This is the reason many people stop their diet plan and allow them to eat anything they want. Instead of stopping yourself from having your food, there are some foods which might help you to suppress your appetite easily.

You can also prevent those deadly cravings by keeping your stomach full and satisfied with the following foods. The following foods will satisfy you and help you to lose weight easily without tempting you to have those unhealthy foods.

9 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite

1. Eggs

Starting your day by having egg in your breakfast will satisfy you completely until your lunch. The proteins and minerals in eggs reduce the hunger pangs and keep you full until your next meal. Several studies have shown that eating eggs will suppress your appetite up to 8 hours.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes contain a special type of starch that resist digestive enzymes, make it harder to digest and keep them longer in your stomach and make you feel full throughout the day.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is considered as one of the healthiest breakfast when compared with others, this is because of soluble fiber called beta glucan in oatmeal. This fiber travels very slowly from your digestive track and keeps you full. It also helps to lower your cholesterol level by binding the bile in your system.

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4. Nuts

Nuts make a great snack in between meals. These are loaded with healthy fats that make you feel full. However, it makes you feel full after half an hour of eating them. Don’t stop yourself to have something like nuts when you are starving enough to eat

5. Apples

9 Foods That Suppress Your Appetite

Apple is one of the best foods to suppress your appetite. It has plenty of fiber and water content which help to fill you up. Apple also contains pectin, which helps to prevent blood sugar fluctuation in your body and maintain constant levels.

6. Lemon

Eating something which has sour taste will also help to control your craving for food. You can have one glass of lemon juice that helps to curb your sweet cravings after a meal.

7. Dark Chocolate

If you are a chocolate lover, then here is another excuse to eat more. The steric acid in dark chocolate will digest slowly and make you feel fuller for longer. Just make sure you do not consume it in excessive amounts.

8. Beans

Beans are known to suppress appetite because of its high content of fiber and indigestible carbs. They also have low calorie content and high protein and reduce cardio metabolic risk and have regulatory effect on appetite controlling hormones.

9. Spices

Several studies have found that spices will boost your metabolism and keep you full for longer. So, instead of having plain soups replace it by adding some cayenne powder which also helps to burn extra calories in your body.

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