Green Tea As Anti Aging Remedy

Tea has been used as medicine from many years, green tea has special role in our daily life. It works perfect in maintaining healthy skin and we know that it acts as best remedy for losing weight too.

But, the unknown fact is green tea is loaded with numerous properties such as anti oxidant properties that helps in preventing the signs of ageing and acts as perfect anti ageing remedy.

Free radicals and toxins we face on daily basis that comes from pollution, poor diet and smoking can easily show the signs of early ageing. We always want our skin to look great and do many things to prevent the signs of ageing. If you are ready to know how to reduce the signs of ageing by using green tea, then keep on reading the article.

How Ageing Happens

According to free radical theory, ageing happens due to the chemical reactions done within the cells of our skin. These reactions lead to formation of toxins namely free radicals.

These radical molecules will damage the healthy skin cells by depleting the oxygen and cutting down the levels of collagen which plays a major role in maintaining the elasticity of skin. If there is an increase in these free radicals, it will make you look older than your age.

Benefits Of Green Tea For Anti Ageing

Green Tea as anti aging remedy

1. It Cleanses Your Skin

Green tea with excellent anti bacterial properties, helps your skin to get rid of all types of skin issues. It also acts as excellent antioxidant moisturizer that cleanses your skin and makes it radiant.

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All you need to do is soak a cotton ball in a table spoon of green tea and dab it on your skin.

2. Cellular Ageing

According to a study, the people who consume moderate amount of green tea on regular basis show much slower signs of ageing when compared with people who don’t have green tea regularly. The reason is the presence of powerful antioxidants present in green tea.

3. Protect Your Knees

Green tea contains certain powerful flavonoids that help in maintaining healthy and youthful knees. The powerful properties present in this wonderful tea also help in protecting yourself from arthritis, collagen destruction and reduce cartilage.

What You Need To Do For Slowing Down Ageing Process:

All you need to do to prevent the sings of early ageing is, drink a cup of green tea regularly to make your skin look younger and to increase your lifespan.

The power antioxidants and flavonoids present in green tea have proven to slow down the signs of ageing if it is consumed regularly You can also apply green tea externally on your skin but it is yet to be proven.

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