10 Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are the special fruit of the ficus trees that is a component of the mulberry family. Figs have a unique sweetie taste, chewy and soft texture and these fruits are beleaguered with the somewhat crunchy, edible seeds. Fresh figs are faint and consumable so they are also often dried to be preserved.

This produces a sweetie and nutritious dried fruit that can be enjoy all day around. There are also numerous different varieties of fig depending up on all of which has varied widely in colour and texture. Their exclusive features are a little bud like opening called an ostiole at the top that helps the fruit to develop well.

The natural sweetness of the fig fruits is meant that, before the days of sophisticated sugars they were also often used as a sweetener.

Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are having high quality of the natural minerals, sugars and soluble fiber. Figs are very rich in the minerals which are including the calcium, copper, magnesium, iron and potassium.

They are very good sources of the antioxidant like vitamins A, E and k, which are positively contributing to the health and wellness of the people and also Figs are naturally high in the dietary fiber. Figs can be a useful food to be included in the diet for those who are watching their weight daily.

High fiber foods will be providing the feelings of fullness and it can be also reduces the hunger and craving. Figs are containing perbiotics that are helping to support the pre existing of the good bacteria in the gut and results in improving digestive wellness.

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Figs are a good quality fruit source of the minerals and calcium that is complex in the bone thickness and their high potassium content may also neutralize the urinary emission of calcium that is caused by the lofty salt diets. This all in turns are serving to maintain the calcium in your bones and lessen the danger of osteoporosis.

10 Health Benefits of Figs

The Health Benefits that are derived from the Figs are as follows

1 Lowering the Cholesterol

Figs are containing pectin that is a very high soluble fiber. When this soluble fiber will moves through the digestive system at that time it essentially mops up the excess clump of cholesterol and it carry them to the excretory system to be eliminating from the body. It will be also stimulating a healthy bowel movement in the body. The high amounts of the fiber in your diet can be beneficial to your overall health problems by preventing certain types of the abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer.

2 Prevention of the Constipation

Every three fig are serving 5 grams of the fiber which is highly concentrating of the fiber. This is helping to promote the healthy regular bowel function and also prevents the constipation. Fiber works to add the vastness and accumulation to the bowel movement.

So the figs are not only helping to prevent the constipation but also it is helping to eliminate diarrhea and irregular bowel movement in body.

3 Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Dried figs are containing phenol, Omega 3 and 6. These full of fat acids are dropping the risk of the coronary heart disease. Moreover, leaves of the figs are having a momentous effect on the level of triglycerides in an individual’s body system. Triglycerides are one of the main factors that are behind the various heart diseases.

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4 Weight Loss

The soluble fibres in the figs are also helping to lessen the weight and this is often suggested for the people those are obese. On the other hand the figs are also having the high quality of the calorie count and it can be also result in the weight put on, mainly when it is consumed with the milk. A few figs are sufficient to obtain the suggested quantity of nutrients.

5 Prevention of Colon Cancer

The company of the fiber is helping to stimulates the elimination of gratis radical and others cancer causing substance predominantly in the colon, because fiber increases the healthy movement of the bowls in the body.

Benefits of Figs

6 Good for Diabetic Patient

Figs are having the high quality of fiber that helps to promote the purposeful control of the diabetes. Fig leaves will lessen the amount of the insulin needed by the diabetic patients who comprise to take insulin injections regularly. Figs are very rich in potassium, which is serving to amendable the amount of sugar which is engrossed keen on the body after you take your meals.

7 Bronchitis

The figs leaves are containing the natural chemicals to make it as an ideal component for a tea base. Fig leaf tea is famously prearranged for an assortment of respiratory conditions like bronchitis and this is also uses the same as a method to prevent and reduce the symptoms of the asthmatic patients.

8 Prevention of Hypertension

The people are generally taking sodium in their body as in the form of salt but the low amount of potassium and high amount of sodium intensity may lead to the hypertension.

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Figs are having high quality in potassium and low quality in sodium, so figs are a having a wonderful defence aligned with the manifestation and also the effects of hypertension, that is figs as well relaxing food.

9 Venereal Diseases

Figs are have been conventionally used in the Indian subcontinent and a few other areas of the humanity as a comforting relieve for venereal disease. Ingestion work from the sexually transmitted diseases, though additional research are require to be complete on the accurate range of the symptoms and diseases that figs the positively effect.

10 Urinary Calcium Loss

The people who are maintaining high sodium diet may be affected by increased urinary calcium loss. The high potassium content in the figs is helping to stay away from that condition and it is regulating the content of waste in your urine.

It will be minimizes the calcium you lose while increasing the amount of uric acid and other damaging toxins  which you desire to obtain out of from your body.


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