Home Remedies For Cough Variant Asthma

Asthma is a common problem which makes us difficult to breathe sometimes because of inflammation in respiratory systems. Well, asthma can be of may types, one of them is cough variant asthma.

Cough variant asthma, usually takes the form of contracting cough. It happens when upper respiratory infections come in contact with allergens or when you start taking medication of high blood pressure, migraines and heart diseases called beta blockers.

Compared with regular asthma, cough variant asthma doesn’t share any symptoms, but it affects the body in similar ways such as

  • Increases the risk of developing other allergic reactions
  • Narrow and swells the airways
  • Increases the sensitivity of airways

The particular cause of cough variant asthma is unknown. But we have some risk factors that can increase your chance of getting cough variant asthma which are as follows

  • Being overweight
  • Exposure to pollution
  • Smoking
  • Having allergies
  • Family history of asthma
  • Having regular asthma


Even though it is not considered as a serious issue, but we need to take required precautions to reduce cough variant asthma.

Here are some complications you face, when you are suffering with this disease.

  • Exhaustion
  • Vomiting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Sleep disruption
  • Fractured ribs

It is not treated properly then it leads to another disease called classic asthma. Well classic asthma is too dangerous compared with cough variant asthma.

Treatment of cough variant asthma is not tough when we recognize the cause of issue. Here are top affective home remedies that will help you to treat against cough variant asthma.

Best Home Remedies for Cough Variant Asthma

1. Salt Water

Salt water is the best treatment to reduce inflammation within the throat that accompanies consisting coughing. Warm salt water clear the air ways for proper breathing as well as prevents blocking of air ways.

  • Add a table spoon of salt in warm water and stir it well until the salt dissolves in water.
  • Drink this solution twice or thrice every afternoon to see better results.
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2. Honey

Honey is another effective home remedy for treating cough variant asthma.It fights against inflammation caused due to dry cough. It consists of body sugars and enzymes which help to dilute the stiff mucus and makes it thinner for ease respiration.

The sweetness in honey triggers your salivary glands to provide extra saliva that helps to lubricate your airlines and eases your cough. Honey is also used to boost your immune system and prevent some digestive disorders due to its antioxidant properties.

  • Drink a glass of warm water with a table spoon of raw honey added in it.
  • Alternatively, mix equal amount of honey, ginger juice and pomegranate juice and consume 2 table spoons of this mixture for twice or thrice in after.

3. Lemon

Lemon is an extraordinary ingredient which can be used in many ways. It is also used to reduce cough variant asthma. Due to its anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties as well as citrus acid, it helps to reduce the allergic reaction which causes cough variant asthma.

  • Mix a table spoon of honey with a table spoon of lemon juice and make a syrup. Consume this syrup several times in a day.
  • Alternatively, you can make lemonade with number of lemons and consume it several times a day, especially during afternoon.

4. Turmeric

Home Remedies For Cough Variant Asthma

Turmeric is a very strong antibiotic. The content of curcumin in turmeric will help to reduce the inflammation and it is used as a home remedy for curing chronic asthma along with cough.

It also helps in removing the toxins from your body and boosts your immune system. Curcumin reduces the soreness and swelling caused in respiratory track due to dry cough and open ups the air passage, offering relief from dry cough.

  • You can mix a little amount of turmeric in milk and drink it often.
  • Alternatively you can also mix turmeric in water with a little amount of honey added in it.Drink this solution for beneficial results.
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5. Garlic

Garlic acts as an herbal expectorant, which helps to supply fast aid in curing dry cough. It decreases the contraction of the airway muscle tissues and helps to stay the air passage open and regulates ease respiration.

  • Eat a garlic clove with a little amount of honey added to it.
  • Add one tablespoon of chopped garlic in a pot of boiling water, then cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapor of this solution for several minutes.

6. Oregano

Oregano is one of the effective remedy and a natural herb which is useful to reduce the cause of dry cough. It assists transparent mucus from lungs and simplify dry cough because of its antibacterial and antispasmodic properties.

  • You just need to extract the juice of oregano leaves and drink it for several times.
  • Alternatively, you can enjoy having oregano tea every evening. To prepare oregano tea, you need to add three teaspoons of oregano in a cup of hot water for five to ten minutes.
  • Then strain the solution and drink it. Add a little amount of honey to enjoy the taste of this herbal tea.

7. Balanced Diet

Balanced diet is very essential particularly for asthmatic patients. Because, a healthy diet with all nutrients and proteins involved increases the immunity of your body. A strong immune system fights back against infections and bacteria.

A healthy and balanced diet includes spinach, almonds, mushrooms, watermelon, cabbage, wheat gram and number of immunity fresh booster, fruits and vegetables should be essential part of your regular diet.

8. Exercise

Exercise is the best way to make you fit and healthy. Breathing exercises are very helpful especially for asthmatic patients.  All breathing exercises ease the air passage and give you congestion free chest.

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However, you need to avoid heavy exercises if you suffer from asthma, because it may cause difficulty in breathing.

Yoga and breathing exercises are best to get rid of cough asthma. Sometimes, it is not a good option to try breathing exercises if you catch cold.

Home remedies mentioned above are very powerful; they can easily bring down the cause of infection leading to chronic cough.

Do consult your doctor before taking home remedies, find out the current cause of asthma cough. You need to be under complete medical guidance and follow the home remedies for additional relief.



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