10 Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

Kidneys are one of the most important organs of our body as they perform many crucial functions like, it filters the minerals from food, medications and toxic substances and maintain over all fluid balance.

Kidney stones are formed, when the kidney is unable to remove toxins from blood, then the crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up.

These stones will give you immense pain in your abdomen or near the side walls of stomach. It also leads to blockage of urine flow.

Here are top 10 natural and home remedies which will help you to get rid of kidney stones and speed up the body natural healing process.

10 Home Remedies For Kidney Stones

1. Drink lots of water

It’s always a great idea to always drink plenty of  water, especially when you have kidney stones. This will help to flush out your minerals and toxins which causes the formation of stones.

Drinking water in high amount will make it easier for the stones to pass. You can estimate the position of your kidney health, just by seeing the color of your urine. If it is lighter and clearer then it is perfectly fine and this is done by drinking more water.

2. Lemon Juice with Olive Oil

The citric acid in lemon juice will break down the stones or dissolve them stones and flushes out easily, whereas olive oil is used as a lubricant.

There are various versions to take this recipe, mix ¼ spoons of lemon juice and olive oil in a glass of water then mix it well. This mixture needs to be taken 2 to 3 times a day.

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3. Eat Pomegranates

Pomegranates are rich in vitamin called potassium which helps to reduce the acidic levels in your body and creates an unfavorable atmosphere for kidney stones. The astringent properties in pomegranate will heal the problem.

Take one pomegranate and extract juice from it. Make sure that you take at least one glass of pomegranate juice on regular basis. You may also eat it simply and get the beneficial results.

4. Watermelon

Watermelon has great impact in treating the problem of kidney stones. It contains carbonates, magnesium, phosphate and potassium. Potassium helps to maintain acidic levels in urine.

High content of water in watermelons will help you to flush out the toxins and stones from kidneys.

5. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants which will help to decrease urinary excretion of oxalate and reduces the chance of forming kidney stones.

It is delicious and healthy remedy for treating kidney stones and has the power to boost the activity of an enzyme, which fights with free radicals in body and keep it strong.

6. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are the best source for treating kidney stones. The magnesium content in kidney beans helps to reduce the symptoms associated with kidney stones.

Soak the beans overnight and boil it in morning. Strain the liquid, cool and then drink throughout the day. Make new batch the next day, do not consume the remained liquid.

Eating beans is an option to get the required minerals and vitamins for the kidney to avoid formation of stones.

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7. Celery Seeds

10 Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

Celery seeds contain anti inflammatory and anti septic properties, by making it a fantastic home remedy for kidney stones.

It is used to aid with water retention and accelerates urine production. Due to increased production of urine, stone are less likely to develop as their constituents are flushes out from the kidneys.

8. Basil

Basil is a common ingredient in kitchen. But don’t you know that basil tea have the ability to reduce uric acid content in the blood and detoxifies the kidney?

Try to take basil tea with the addition of raw honey in it, drink it every day morning to reduce the formation of  kidney stones in your body.

9. Fiber Rich Foods

People, who suffer with kidney stones, should make sure to take fiber rich foods in their diet to get rid of kidney stones.

Rich fiber content in food will help you remove the calcium content in urine and chance of kidney stones. Example of fiber rich foods are avocado, lentils,black beans, peas, apple, oatmeal, guava, kiwi etc.

10. Regular Exercise

Regular exercising may have lot of benefits in our lives, it also have lot of benefits for kidney stones. Make sure not to forget exercise in your daily routine and include some best exercises to control the inner movements of body which will help to get rid of kidney stones.This is quite natural process to reduce the formation of kidney stones in the body.


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