Home Remedies For Removing Black Heads On Chin

Blackheads is one of the most annoying things one could face, which hinders ones beauty. It is quite common in any age group of people.

Are these black spots or black heads ruining your appearance? Are you fed up with all those things which you have tried to remove these blackheads permanently like wax or blackhead removal strips? Then, this article is for you.

Many people think, it is quite impossible to get rid of these annoying black heads, if you are one of them who is thinking like this, then go on reading the article to know better solution for your problem.

We will show you the best home remedies for removing black heads on chin and keep them away forever and ever.

Home Remedies For Black Heads On Chin

There are several effective home remedies that will help you out to get rid of blackheads on your chin.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda isn’t just used for baking; this wonderful ingredient will help us in many ways. Apart from keeping our refrigerator odor free and making our dishes little crispy, it also helps us in removing black heads. The antiseptic properties in baking soda makes it a wonderful product for your skin and it acts as an exfoliate to scrub away all dead skin cells on your skin.

It even balances the PH level of skin and encourages the skin to produce less oil and make it look more beautiful. Regular usage of baking soda also results in permanent removal of blackheads too.

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What You Need To Do

Take one table spoon of baking soda and mix it with little amount of water to form like a paste. Then apply it on the affected area and leave it until it gets dry.

Now rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this process everyday to get rid of blackheads completely.

2. Oatmeal

Having oatmeal just for breakfast is not enough to enjoy all its benefits. This wonderful nutrient rich grain is effective in treating many skin conditions along with blackheads and irritated skin.

The powerful anti oxidants and some anti inflammatory properties will help to remove all dead skin cells and soak up excess oil on your skin. It also works as a natural cleanser by loosing up the clogged pores that leads to black heads.

What You Need To Do

Cook oatmeal as per the instructions shown on the package and let it cool down to room temperature. Now apply oatmeal on black heads and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with Luke warm water.

Repeat this remedy once in a day to see effective results in short time.

3. Green Tea

As per doctor’s suggestion, green tea helps us to maintain good health. The anti oxidant and anti microbial properties in this wonderful tea will breakup excess oil and reduce inflammation caused by acne prone skin. Regular intake of tea also helps you to remove all toxins from your body and even helps you to get rid of several health issues.

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What You Need To Do

Boil one cup of water nad put two tea bags,remove it from heat, now cool it down to room temperature and steep the tea bags for some time.

Now dab this liquid on blackheads and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off with Luke warm water, and pat dry then moisturize with natural moisturizer.

4. Honey

Home Remedies For Removing Black Heads On Chin

Honey have many benefits for our skin and health. Honey has been used from centuries in many fields. The wonderful antiseptic and anti microbial properties in honey help you to remove blackheads by destroying germs and pull out dirt from pores of the skin and prevent blackheads completely.

What You Need To Do

Heat a table spoon of honey until it is warm enough to touch. Now dab this honey on blackheads and allow it to soak it for 10 minutes.

Once the time is finish, remove it with a damp cloth. You can try this remedy by keeping it over night, where the result in the morning will shock you.

5. Egg White

Egg white offers numerous benefits for our skin health. The proteins and minerals available in egg white will help you to tighten skin and minimize pores. This is mainly beneficial for those who have oily skin which reduces the chances of future blackheads as well as removes current blackheads at the same time.

What You Need to Do

Take two eggs and separate yolk from egg white.

Rinse your face and pat dry.

Apply egg white as a layer all over your face and then cover it with a tissue paper and allow it to dry.

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Once it is dried enough then apply another layer on your face and cover it with another tissue and wait until it gets dry.

Once the mask is dried enough, now peel it off the mask and rinse your face, pat dry and moisturize with your favorite natural moisturizer.


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