Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching and Burning

Vaginal itching and burning can be uncomfortable and irritable, but may not always be a cause of concern.  It can be caused by many factors like infections, irritating substances and also as a result of certain disorders or sexually transmitted diseases.

If you want to get rid of vaginal itching and burning, this article shows you the perfect home remedies without any health complications.

Well, to reduce vaginal itching and burning it’s better to know the causes too.Let’s take a look on causes of vaginal itching and burning sensation.

Causes Of Vaginal Itching And Burning

Some of the causes for vaginal itching and burning are shown below:

  • Exposing the vagina to irritating substances or chemicals may lead to vaginal itching. Such as soaps, detergents, creams, ointments, fabric softeners etc.
  • Skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis is also one of the causes for vaginal itching.
  • The fungus called yeast is one of the major causes for vaginal infection and irritation.
  • Sexually transmit diseases such as genital warts, genital herpes, trichomoniasis also cause itching in vagina. These conditions may also include additional symptoms such as yellow vaginal discharge and pain while urinating.
  • Physical stress and emotional stress may also cause itching in vagina. It causes, when this stress affects the immune system and leads to formation of infections which causes itching.
  • Women who are going through menopause due to reduction of estrogen level may also leads to itching and irritation in vagina.

Home Remedies For Vagina Itching And Burning Sensation

We have many home remedies to treat this condition; some of them are shown below. Do consult your doctor if you face any severity with this problem and make sure to take certain medications which reduce your irritation.

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1. Use Tree Tea Oil

The anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti protozol properties of tea tree oil will help to get rid of infections and bacteria which causes itching and irritation in vagina.It has a magical component which works for yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas.

How To Use It

Mix a little amount of tea tree oil in water about 3:1 ration to make it diluted. Then wash your vagina with this solution to reduce itching and burning sensation.Do repeat this for few times in a week to get good results.

2. Eat Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product which is easily available in market. It contains good bacteria called lactobacillus which can prevent the bacteria and fungus which grow excessively.It also helps in killing bacteria which is present in vagina and promotes the growth of good bacteria.

How to Use It

Consume 8 ounces of yogurt in a day and include yogurt in your regular diet.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is used most often for many remedies and health issues including itching and burning sensation of vagina.The antibacterial and anti fungal properties of apple cider vinegar help to prevent itching and burning sensation in vagina to a large extent.

It also helps to balance the PH levels of the skin, to experience the benefits of this wonderful product to follow the process shown below.

How To Use It

Mix a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of Luke warm water to make it dilute and then wash your vagina twice regularly to get rid of itching.

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4. Indian Lilac

Indian Lilac is one of the best remedy to treat itching in vagina. The anti bacterial and anti microbial properties in lilac gives immediate relief for vaginal itching.

How To Use It

Simply, make a paste of Indian lilac leaves by adding a little amount of water in it and apply it on the affected area.Rinse it off with cool water after 15 minutes. You can also add a little amount of turmeric while making paste.

Alternatively, boil the leaves in the water until the water evaporated up to third. Rinse your vagina with that water twice or thrice in a day.

5. Honey And Baking Soda

One of the oldest remedy used for treating many skin diseases in this world is Honey and baking soda. The combinations of these two wonderful ingredients are not only extremely effective, but also affordable. However, honey helps to reduce the itching in vagina where baking soda neutralizes infection.

How To Use It

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching and Burning

Take equal amount of baking soda and honey then mix it well, rub the vagina with this and leave it for few minutes before washing off.

6. Boric Acid

Boric acid has the capability of reducing itchiness in vagina because of its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties in it.It also contains anti microbial properties which prevents the infections and bacteria which causes itching and burning sensation.

How To Use It

Apply dilute boric acid solution on affected area and then rinse it off with Luke warm water after two or three minutes.

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7. Basil

This is a quick home remedy to reduce the itching and burning sensation of vagina. Due to anti bacterial, antifungal properties in basil it has the ability to take care of itchy genital and related issues caused by infections and bacteria on the skin.

How To Use It

Boil some leaves of basil in water and wait until it cools down. After it is cool enough, wash your vagina with this water will give you quick results.

How To Prevent Vaginal Itching

Good hygiene can prevent many skin diseases in majority of cases. Here are some of things to do and follow to avoid vaginal itching.

  • Avoid scented lotions and soaps even bubble baths too.
  • Do avoid sprays, douches and other chemical irritants.
  • Clean your vaginal area with warm water and gentle cleanser
  • Change your clothes immediately after a vigorous exercise or swimming
  • Consume probiotic substances to minimize the chance of developing a yeast infection.

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