10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin

Double chin is common night mares that come true for lot of men and women. So don’t stress over it, we do have many options to get rid over it.

Double chin is nothing but a formation of extra fat under your chin or even the loss of elasticity is one of the factors for double chin formation. Obesity plays major role for having double chin. The human neck consists of two major muscles called sternocleidomastoid and platys ma, it is must and should to tone these muscles, because these are the muscles which promote skin tightening.

Double chin usually make you embarrassed,while there is not much we can do to prevent it over time, you can definitely delay its appearance. We have numerous exercise and home remedies to get rid of it.

However, we have many surgical treatments to treat this, but this can make a dent in your pocket. So this article will help you to know about 10 wonderful home remedies that avoid and removes double chin and makes you look prettier than before.

10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin

  1. Sugar Free Gum

To get rid of double chin, it is essential to maintain facial muscles in toned condition, so it’s important to give a workout for muscles in the jaw line.

One of the best ways is to chew a sugar free gum. It not only helps you to get rid of double chin but also keeps your teeth and gums healthy and strong. Simply chew sugar free gum several times in a day to reduce your double chin which is much easier and cheaper.

  1. Wheat Germ oil

Vitamin E content is rich in wheat germ oil that protects skin from photo aging.Massage your skin in upward direction with wheat germ oil and leave it for few minutes, regulate this process until you see changes on your body.

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Alternatively, you can consume foods which are rich in vitamin E such as green leafy vegetables, dairy products, nuts and seeds and peanuts.

  1. Honey Melon

Honey melon is rich in vitamin C which also helps and protects you from photo aging and reduce double chin.Peel the honey melon and blend it to make a juice. Apply this juice on your face and neck using a cotton ball. Massage your skin and leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off with fresh water.

  1. Egg Whites

Egg white contains number of proteins and minerals which are helpful to maintain healthy skin and hair. It also plays a vital role in maintaining skin elasticity.

It tightens the skin and reduces double chin, make a homemade face pack of egg white by adding Epsom salt and some amount of vinegar in it.Apply this paste on your skin using a cotton ball and clean it after few minutes.

  1. Glycerin

Glycerin also has the ability to reduce double chin. It improves skin elasticity and helps you to get rid of double chin.

Take equal amount of glycerin with peppermint oil and a table spoon of Epsom salt, mix it well and apply it on your face and neck using a cotton ball.Rinse it off with cool water after few minutes. Repeat this remedy for few weeks.

  1. Chamomile

10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin

Chamomile contains anti inflammatory properties which helps in maintaining skin elasticity. It’s an ancient herb which has many benefits and it is considered as a natural skin moisturizer.

  1. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter has ability to reduce excess fat on your body. Massaging with cocoa butter on your skin increases the blood flow and reduces the fat on chin.

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It also increases the elasticity of skin and prevents skin sagging. This is an effective natural cure of double chin.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea increases the metabolism and helps in breakdown of fats. It is also rich in antioxidant that helps to flush out all toxins from your body. Consume 2-3 glasses of green tea everyday to reduce even your body fat including your chin.

  1. Drink Water

Drinking more water will keep you healthy and avoids many health issues. It also helps in reducing your body fat. You must drink 8-9 ounces of water to get rid of double chin. This is one of the best natural remedy to get rid of fat.

  1. Milk Massage

Milk massage is one of the best ways to get rid of double chin. Applying milk on your skin not only helps you to reduce fat, it also smooth ens and make your skin soft and bright.

Take some amount of milk and apply it on your skin, then massage it for few minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat it several times in a day to see quick results.


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