Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tag

Skin tags are mild and harmless to the skin. These seem to be thin stalk of skin and hang of the body. This can be formed anywhere on the body mostly on the neck, eyelids and armpits. Obese adults are most prone to skin tags.


Skin tags are very common in the adults who are above 50 and the people who have diabetes and overweight. Skin tags are usually caused because of friction created by skin rubbing against skin.



Make a paste with castor oil and baking soda. Apply it on the skin tag and keep it for 2 or 3 hours. Repeat it everyday for one month, you’ll see the skin tag vanishing.

Why baking soda?

Baking soda and castor oil alter the pH of effected area which helps to remove skin outgrowth like skin tags.


Make a fresh juice of pineapple and apply directly on the skin tag and leave it for an hour. Repeat this process for few days until you see removal of  skin tag.

Why pine apple juice?

Pineapple juice contains proteolytic enzymes which help to dry up the skin tag, causing it to fall.


Remove Skin Tags

Take a fresh piece of ginger and rub it on the skin tag for two minutes and do not rinse the juice of the ginger on the skin. Repeat it for 5 to 6 times a day.

Why ginger?

Ginger contains hundreds of compounds and metabolites which help in healing.


Crush the fresh garlic pieces into paste and apply it on skin tag and wash it after 1 hour. Repeat this process twice a day.

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Why garlic?

Garlic is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial in nature and it releases acid called allicin which helps in making the skin smooth.


Take few pieces of onions with small amount of salt sprinkled over it and keep it in a bowl overnight. Extract the juice from the onions and apply it on the skin tag for at least 10 days.

Why onion juice?

Onions have anti-bacterial properties and possess anti-biotic effects that can accelerate healing of skin allergies.


Apply the lemon juice to a cotton ball and apply it on the skin tag and wash it after some time. Repeat this process twice a day up to one month.

Why lemon juice?

Lemon juice contains antiseptics and citric acid which helps for decomposing of dead cells of the skin.


Take small piece of banana peel and apply it on the skin tag and leave it unwashed over night and continue this process until the skin tag sheds off.

Why banana peel?

Banana peel has the capability of reducing skin irritation and consists enzymes and acids which help in removing skin tags.


Soak the cotton ball in the tea tree oil and apply it on the skin tag three times a day.

Why tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory oil which helps to get rid from skin infections.


Dip cotton ball in a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and apply it on the bump, hold it for 15 minutes and clean it with water after some time. This can be done three times a day.

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Why apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which avoids viruses’ bacteria and fungus.


Rub coconut oil directly to the skin tag three times a day which is very helpful in removing skin tag.

Why coconut oil?

Coconut oil consists of lauric acid which acts as a anti-microbial and kill virus.


Apply neem oil to the skin three times a day with the help of a bandage which helps to reduce the skin tag from skin.

Why neem oil?

Neem oil consists of high level of anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids which helps in removing skin tags. It also can penetrate outer layers of skin and helps in healing of dry and damaged skin.


Rub almond oil around skin tag for atleast 2-3 times a day, this will help in falling of skin tag.

Why almond oil?

Almond oil is an effective anti- oxidant, rich in vitamin E and contains monounsaturated fatty acids which helps for reducing the dry cells of the skin.


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