Home Remedies To Treat Psoriasis

Are you one of them who are affected with  skin disorder called psoriasis? Are you fed up with the pain and itchiness causes by it?

There is no permanent cure to treat this problem, but we do have alternative solution called home remedy to treat this chronic problem.

This article shows you best home remedies to treat psoriasis, well before that will jump into brief account of psoriasis and causes of psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disorder of skin with the symptoms of itching, crack, redness, soreness and even bleeding sometimes. It can appear anywhere on your body, but most commonly on the surfaces of scalp, back of wrists, buttocks, elbows and knees.

Even though it affects your skin, it actually begins deep inside your body in your immune system. It comes from white blood cells called T cells which are designed to protect from infections and bacteria. When these cells become active mistakenly, they set off other immune responses which lead to psoriasis symptoms.

Causes Of Psoriasis

The following are the causes of psoriasis.

  • Poor diet is the major cause for psoriasis.
  • Abnormal small intestine permeability
  • Difficult in digestive proteins
  • Hormonal changes
  • Genetics
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Poor liver function
  • Increased number of T cells in the blood
  • Emotional stress
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Intake of sour and salty food together
  • Suppression of vomiting urinary urge

Home Remedies For Treating Psoriasis

As we know there is no cure for psoriasis, remedies may help you to get rid of them and make you feel comfortable.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the effective remedy as it is loaded with number of enzymes and good and healthy bacteria which helps in improving an impressive number of bodily functions.

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Take some amount of ACV which is diluted by adding some carrier oil and apply it on affected area. Initially it causes a feeling of burning sensation, after sometime it relieves you from itching and burning sensation of psoriasis, it is especially used for psoriasis on scalp.

  1. Capsaicin

It’s a natural chemical mostly found in hot pepper and it’s a common ingredient found in many counter pain creams and ointments. Applying capsaicin on your body on the affected area, initially cause intense burning, rapidly followed by relief of both itching and pain. Moderate to severe symptoms of psoriasis are improved with the use of capsaicin.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a wonderful product to treat many skin problems including psoriasis. Curcumin is an active ingredient found in turmeric which helps to reduce the inflammation in body.

Alternatively, curcumin has the ability to alter gene expression. This ingredient can be available in pill and capsule form in many health food stores.

  1. Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is an ancient herb and an effective remedy to treat psoriasis. The gel inside an aloe Vera plant helps to heal many skin issues and health issues both externally and internally.It also helps to reduce redness, swelling, scaling and inflammation from psoriasis.

Extract the gel from aloe Vera plant and apply directly on the affected area of your skin as it is very effective, it reduces redness and itching on the skin.Do repeat it for 2-3 times in a day.

  1. Drink Lots Of Water

Home Remedies To Treat Psoriasis

Drinking excessive amount of water keeps you hydrated and healthy. It may sound like simple, but majority of people who suffer from chronic inflammation often went through the condition like fatigue, constipation, irregular blood pressure and frequent headaches.

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To avoid psoriasis, make sure you are drinking more water to stay hydrated. The maximum intake of water for a human body is about 24 ounces for 24 hours.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most essential oil in treating many health issues. The active components in tea tree oil have topical uses, including the treatment of psoriasis.

Mix tea tree oil with any carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and make it diluted. Then, apply it on your skin and massage it for some time, it helps to loosen  and prevent bacteria and infection of damaged tissue.

  1. Quit Smoking

If you have a habit of smoking, you need to quit right now. It may be difficult to hear, but if you care for yourself, then it’s time to avoid smoking.

This is one of the terrible habits, where the skin gets affected in every single way. It is better to give up smoking to lessen the severity and frequency of psoriasis.

  1. Neem Leaves

Neem leaves are very helpful to treat any type of skin condition. It is an effective way to treat even psoriasis too. This is considered as a useful herb for psoriasis.

You just simply, crush the neem leaves and extract its juice and apply on the effected areas.

  1. Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd helps to stimulate the immune system and aids in digestion too. Bitter gourd juice contains important nutrients ranging from iron, manganese and vitamins to potassium and vitamin C will help to reduce psoriasis.

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Drink a glass of bitter gourd juice every morning on an empty stomach, repeat this for about 5-6 months to see beneficial results without any side affects.

  1. Diet

Diet also plays a major role for preventing psoriasis. The following are the foods which you need to avoid in your diet.

  • Avoid having salty and sour foods in larger amounts.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol
  • Do not drink or consume all types of milkshakes, it is recommended that milk should not be consumed after half an hour of your meals or lunch.
  • All non vegetarian should be avoided, such as meat, red meat, processed meat etc.
  • Applying mud packs is another way for natural treatment of psoriasis.
  • Psoriasis is also triggered by stress, in both physically and mentally. Try to reduce your stress by meditating or practicing yoga to lead a healthy life.

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