Home Remedies To Treat Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting and nausea in children is not a disease, it’s just an indication that your child is suffering. It is important to settle down your child’s stomach and begin to replace the loss of fluids and nutrients in order to prevent dehydration.

Most children despise to take medicines to control this condition, but it’s quite better if you choose home remedies to control nausea and vomiting in children.

In this article we are going to see home remedies that works perfect to control vomiting and nausea in children along with the causes and symptoms of this condition.

Causes Of Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting is usually because of underlying elements such as,

  • Food allergies
  • Mental stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Indigestion
  • Empty stomach
  • Respiratory infections
  • Food poisoning
  • Motion sickness
  • Over eating
  • Accidentally swallowing some toxic or poisonous substance also lead children to vomit.
  • Some serious health issues like urinary tract infections, middle ear infections, appendicitis or even injury like a blow to the head.

Symptoms Of Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Generally, vomiting is also associated with other health conditions or as a result of general weakness.

Some of the symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Low grade fever
  • Lethargy
  • Pale skin
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased heart beat
  • Irritability

Check out the remedies that ease the cause of nausea and vomiting in children.

Home Remedies For Vomiting And Nausea In Children

Vomiting in children tends to stop with specific medical treatment. But you can even try some remedies to stop vomiting and make your child feel better.

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Increase Fluid Intake


(Image Source: www.livestrong.com)

Vomiting can drain your child and decreases fluid content in their bodies, so the first thing you need to do is increase the fluid intake by including liquid diet. It is advised to avoid feeding solid food to your child for at least up to 12 hours after the bouts of vomiting stops.

Allow your child’s digestion to process get into place before feeding them solid food. It is essential to allow your children to drink more amount of water time to time even if the child doesn’t feel thirsty. Feed your child with light vegetable soups, ice creams, clear broths and little amount of water until he/she feels okay.



(Image Source: www.newsatlas.com)

Cinnamon helps in soothing and calming the stomach and gives you relief from the feeling of nausea and vomiting. You can make cinnamon tea by adding one tea spoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of boiling water. Strain the solution and add one table spoon of honey and make your child to drink this tea to prevent vomiting sensation.



(Image Source: www.organicfacts.com)

Lemon is capable of dealing with chronic vomiting. The vitamins and minerals in lemon will help to make up for those loss due to vomiting. The high vitamin C content in lemon is also helpful to treat vomiting sensation by boosting body’s immunity.

Even the acid present in lemon helps to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning and lead to vomiting.

  • Squeeze fresh lemon in a glass of water and add one table spoon of honey and give it to your child to drink it for 2-3 times in a day.
  • You can even allow your child to smell the fresh lemon peel to get relief from nausea and vomiting.
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Fennel Seeds


(Image source: chasorganics.com)

Fennel seeds are considered as one of the best remedy to soothe digestive track and get relief from nausea and vomiting. The anti microbial properties in fennel seeds often helps in killing the bacteria that cause stomach flu and prevent causing vomiting.

  • Add one table spoon of crushed fennel seeds in a cup of boiling water and allow it to steep for few minutes.
  • Strain the solution and allow your child to drink this tea for 1-2 times in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar


(Image Source: www.droz.com)

The anti microbial properties in apple cider vinegar works excellent to prevent nausea and vomiting. The acidic nature in vinegar also provides calming effect to your stomach and even helps in detoxification too.

Add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and a table spoon of honey. Allow your child to drink this mixture for 2-3 times in a day to get complete relief from vomiting and nausea.

Home remedies to treat vomiting and nausea in children

Additional Tips:

  • Do not over counter the medicines until unless they have been specifically prescribed by your child pediatrician.
  • Don’t allow your child to eat anything in solid form for at least an hour.
  • Help your child to take enough rest and sleep to prevent nausea and vomiting.
  • Deep breathings help your child to control the motion sickness.
  • Keep your child away from fried foods, fatty foods and all types of processed foods.
  • Avoid feeding your child large meals, instead opt for several small meals that allow him to get digested easily.
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