7 Homemade Face Mask to Remove Blackheads

homemade face mask to remove blackheads

Blackheads are the most common skin problem faced by almost every individual after a certain point of age. The reason behind blackheads is that when the excess sebum flows it creates obstruction in the skin pores which leads to blackheads formation. Dry and dead skin is also one of the reasons for blackheads.

The following are some of the easy to use homemade face mask to remove blackheads.

1. Milk and honey

  • It is a fact that honey has got antibacterial properties which helps in keeping your skin away from blackheads and the milk always gives smoothness to your skin.
  • Take a tablespoon of honey and add one teaspoon of milk to it.
  • Microwave this for a minute
  • Allow the mixture to cool down and mix well
  • Now apply this mixture over the blackheads, make sure you apply it in thin layers
  • Take a thin cotton strip cloth or you can even take wax strip and gently pat it on the mixture
  • Keep it for few minutes and then slowly remove it
  • Wash with cold water and apply moisturiser
  • You need to repeat this process at least 3-4 times a week

2. Steam treatment

  • this is the most common way to get rid of blackheads
  • Take a steamer and hold it around the blackheads area
  • Do not hold it too close to your skin
  • Give the steam for about 4-5 minutes
  • Now gently rub the skin with a soft cloth or towel
  • Dry pat your skin and repeat this process twice or thrice a week

3. Honey and cinnamon

  • Take a teaspoon of honey and mix this with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • Apply thin layer of this paste on blackheads
  • Now take a cotton strip or a wax strip n pat it on the paste
  • Allow it to sit for few minutes
  • Then gently peel off the strip
  • Wash your face with cold water
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4. Lemon juice

  • Squeeze out juice from one or two lemons, depending on the affected area
  • With a help of a cotton ball apply the juice on the blackheads
  • Keep it over night and wash your face next morning
  • Make sure you do this before bedtime

5. Honey

  • Take a teaspoon of raw organic honey
  • Rub it over the affected area
  • Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes
  • Then wash off with cold water

6. Baking soda

  • Take two teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl
  • Add few drops of water to make a thick paste out of it
  • Now apply this paste on the blackheads and gently massage it in circular motion
  • Keep it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water

7. Turmeric

  • Turmeric has got antiseptic properties and it works great on blackheads as well as on other wounds
  • All you need to do is take 2 teaspoon of turmeric
  • Add two teaspoon of mint juice into it
  • Mix this well and apply it on nose and other blackheads area
  • Allow it to sit for about 10-15 minutes and then wash away with cold water

Note: In order to get best results apply the desired pack regularly.

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