Castor Oil for Baldness

The worst ever nightmare that one could have is baldness. Almost 70% of men and most of the women face this problem at certain point in their lives.

This can happen because of lack of nutrition, genetics, improper hair care, imbalanced hormones that can weaken and shrink the hair follicles.

Whatever may be the reason behind your bald head, you can strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate the growth of new hair with required proteins and some natural solution like castor oil.

How Does Castor Oil Helps in Treating Baldness?

Castor oil is composed of fatty acids and ricileonic acid and it contains vitamins, minerals, anti fungal and anti bacterial properties.

Castor oil is thick in nature and helps to avoid the microorganisms which affect hair growth.

Castor oil is rich in anti viral and anti microbial properties which helps in improving the hair growth not instantly but minimizes the hair fall and slowly improves the hair.

It is also rich in anti inflammatory properties which ensures the health of the scalp and maintain hair follicles.

We have some of the great benefits of castor oil which are as follows:

Improves Blood Circulation

When you apply castor oil on your scalp it boosts the growth of hair on scalp and assists in making hair longer and stronger.

It ensures healthy blood flow on scalp which reaches to the roots of hair.

Scalp Moisturizing

Because of its thick consistency it can stay on the scalp and remain there for longer time. It also helps in restoring moisture and smoothening of rough cuticles.

Prevention of Hair Loss

Regular application of castor oil on your scalp maintains healthy hair as well as prevents hair fall. Because of it anti bacterial and anti microbial conditions it helps the scalp from all kind of infections.

Controls Split Ends

Split ends does not allow hair to grow. Castor oil is best for reducing split ends, when we apply this oil it penetrates deep into the scalp and helps in smoothing the rough hair cuticles.

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How Much Effectively is Castor Oil?

  • It supplies nutrients to scalp and hair roots which boosts the hair growth.
  • It helps to soothes the itchy scalp as it contains fatty acids.
  • The anti oxidants present in castor oil helps in production of keratin, vitamin which makes hair thicker and stronger.
  • It improves blood circulation and balances the PH levels.
  • It helps in maintaining  natural color of hair and prevents early graying of hair.
  • The vitamin E in castor oil and omega 6 fatty acids helps in moisturizing the hair.

How to Get Rid of Baldness With Castor Oil?

castoroil for baldness

There are many ways to treat bald head using castor oil. Some of them are as follows:

1 Castor Oil

Warm some amount of castor oil and apply this oil on your scalp.

Massage it for some time in circular motion and leave it overnight by covering it with a cap or towel.

Rinse off with water and pat try.

Repeat this process every day until you see the good results on your head.

2 Castor Oil with Lemon Essential Oil

The combination of castor oil and lemon essential oil helps in stopping hair depletion and encourages hair growth.

Directions to use

Mix 8 table spoons of castor oil in 2 table spoons of lemon essential oil, pour it in a bottle and shake it well.

Take some mixture in your hand and massage it on your scalp- and leave it for 15 minutes.

Rinse it off with shampoo and cold water.

Repeat this regularly until you see essential results.

3 Castor Oil With Almond Oil

Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids which strengthens and nourishes the hair and is optimal for treating hair loss and damaged hair.

Directions to use

Combine equal parts of almond oil and castor oil. Mix it well and apply on your scalp and massage it in circular motion for few minutes.

Let it remain for overnight. Rinse your hair normally with shampoo and cold water.

Repeat this 2-3 times a week.

4 Castor Oil With Coconut Oil

The anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties in coconut oil helps in nourishing hair and reduces split ends.

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It also helps in maintaining healthy hair.

Directions to use

Combine 3 table spoons of castor oil in 2 table spoon of coconut oil and pour them in to bottle.

Close the nib tightly and place this bottle in hot water for few minutes.

Once the oil is warm, take some oil and apply on the scalp and along the hair, massage it in circular motion for few minutes.

Cover it with a towel or cap and leave it for few hours or you can keep it overnight.

Rinse your hair normally with mild shampoo and cold water.

Repeat this process for 2-3 times in a week until you achieve the results.

5 Castor Oil with Peppermint Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Peppermint oil is rich in fatty acids which helps in maintaining healthy scalp. The anti microbial properties in tea tree oil treat infections of scalp that causes baldness.

Directions to use

Use a double boiler, melt 4 table spoon of coconut oil, once it is melted add 1 table spoon of peppermint oil, ½ table spoon of tea tree oil and 1 table spoon of castor oil.

Mix them well and apply it on the scalp and leave it for 40-50 minutes.

Wash it off with shampoo and cold water.

Repeat the process 2-3 times a week.

6 Castor Oil with Avocado Oil

Avocado oil deals with hair loss and treats several problems which are the cause for baldness.

Directions to use

Mix equal amounts of avocado oil and castor oil, apply it on your scalp and massage it for some time.

Leave it on for few hours. Rinse it off with mild shampoo and water.

Repeat the process 2-3 times a week.

7 Castor Oil with Hibiscus Petals

Hibiscus petals are used for maintaining healthy, strong long and black hair. It also controls hair fall and helps in hair regrowth.

Directions to use

Combine equal parts of olive oil and castor, then warm up by adding some hibiscus leaves in it.

See also  Castor Oil and Coconut Oil for Hair - DIY Recipes

Once it is warm enough switch off the flame and apply the solution on your scalp along with your hair.

Surround your head with steamed towel to lock the moisture.

Leave it for an hour and wash your hair normally, repeat this process twice in a week.

8 Castor Oil with Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil assists in removing the sebum present in your scalp. It also promotes hair growth and reduces the death of hair follicles.

Directions to use

Combine 3 table spoons of castor oil with 1 table spoon of jojoba oil.

By using a dropper apply it to your scalp and massage it in circular motion for some time and leave it for an hour.

Wash with mild shampoo and cold water and repeat the process 3 times in a week.

9 Castor Oil with All Essential Oils

Essential oil helps in treating dandruff, dry scalp, enhance hair shine and maintains hair softness. It also strengthens and improves conditioning of your hair.

Directions to use

Combine 5-7 drops of tea tree oil, 10-15 drops of almond oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, ½ teaspoon of vitamin E oil and 1 table spoon of rosemary oil.

Mix them well and apply the required amount of oil on your scalp and massage in circular motion for few minutes.

Put a shower cap and leave it for few hours, rinse it off with shampoo and cold water.

Repeat the process 3 times in a week.

Tips And Precautions

  • Avoid using hair styling products until you resolve the problem
  • Use castor oil as a conditioner after shower, it may help you to maintain smooth hair.
  • Wash your hair regularly.
  • Follow healthy lifestyle including your diet.
  • Don’t comb your hair when it is wet because it makes the hair to break
  • Avoid using shampoo and conditioners which have high amount of chemicals.
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins and maintain healthy scalp.

The above treatments are perfect for the people who are facing mild hair fall and who are at initial stages of hair loss. It helps in regrowth of hair follicles.

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