How Long Do Canker Sores Last? – Different Healing Stages and Home Remedies

canker sores

Also known as aphthous ulcers, canker sores are small, painful sores develop inside your mouth. They are usually oval-shaped with a red boundary and a white or yellow center. How long do canker sores last? Well, it depends on causative factors and your body’s response to different medications and remedies. But they usually last one to two weeks.

You may find eating, drinking, and talking very painful and uncomfortable, especially in the initial days. They mostly fade away in a couple of weeks, even without treatment. But some home remedies and OTC treatments can speed up the healing process.

In this article, we will discuss everything about canker sores, some causative factors, different healing stages, and some very good natural remedies. Let’s go through the content to know more.

What are the causes of canker sores?

It is hard to underline specific causes of canker sores, because one or more factors may be responsible at a time. Following are some possible causes:

  • Simple sores may develop from injury to mouth due to different reasons including tooth brushing, braces, dental work, dentures, and sports accidents.
  • Food sensitivities or allergies from certain foods like citrus fruits, junk foods, chocolates, and coffee, etc.
  • Food items with low content of vitamin B12, folate, iron, or zinc.
  • Toothpaste made with sodium lauryl sulphate.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Emotional stress
  • Allergy to certain foods or bacteria
  • Smoking
  • Diseases related to gastrointestinal tracts like Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease
  • Chronic constipation
  • Autoimmune disorders like Bechet’s disease or systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Systemic conditions like nutritional deficiencies
  • Oral Cancer
  • Certain drugs, including:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Aspirin
  • Beta-blockers
  • Oral nicotine
  • Chemotherapy medicines
  • Phenytoin
  • Platelet aggregation inhibitors
  • Antibiotics
  • Antihypertensives

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How Long do Canker Sores Last?

Different Stages of Healing

As we said earlier, canker sores usually heal without any treatment in a couple of weeks. There are three stages of healing:

  1. Prodromal or Beginning Stage – It is the pre-ulcer stage, i.e. period before the formation of ulcers. It usually lasts for one to three days. You may feel a prickling or burning sensation during this initial period, which leaves a raised, reddened, painful area on the mucus membrane of the cheek or lips.
  • Ulcer Stage – It is usually three to six days (may remain longer in some people). The formation of ulcers is completed, characterized by redness and excessive pain.
  • Healing Stage – The healing stage usually begins nine to ten days after the initial stage. During this stage, the healthy tissue starts working on sore, and pain starts fading away. Ulcer also starts getting smaller.

Symptoms and complications of the healing stage depend on the type of ulcer

  • Mild canker sores heal within a couple of weeks.
  • Major canker sores may remain for a few weeks and can be painful for a long time. They often create a scar on the affected area.
  • Herpetiform canker sores are rare types of sores and fade away after ten to four days without causing any scar.
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Signs and Symptoms of Canker Sores

Sores may develop inside the mouth, on the tongue, the inner lining of cheeks, inside the lips, and the gums, etc. Sometimes, the soft palate right at the back of the mouth roof is also affected. Some common signs and symptoms of canker sores are:

  • Burning, prickling, and tingling sensation for about 24 hours prior to the appearance of sores.
  • White, yellow, grey ulcers with a red border.
  • Very painful, especially in the first week.
  • Difficulty eating, swallowing, and speaking.

Some less-common symptoms of canker sores (They are the indication of some possible, more serious underlying conditions)

  • Fever
  • Sluggishness
  • Weight Loss
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Thrush infection in mouth or throat

You should contact your doctor if you have some very rare symptoms of canker sores like:

  • A gradual increase in size
  • Spreading ulcers
  • Causing excessive pain
  • Difficulty in drinking
  • Accompanied by continuous fever
  • Ulcers spreading to other internal parts like the oesophagus

Home Remedies for Canker Sores

Treating mild canker sores with home remedies is very successful. And you can try a few of them, especially in the initial stage. Here are some very effective home remedies for canker sores:

1. Coconut oil for Canker Sores

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil can be an effective treatment for canker sores, especially if they are caused due to bacterial infection and are spreading. The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil can also reduce pain and redness. And, of course, it tastes very good too!

Coconut Oil
  • Generously apply a few drops of coconut oil on the sore a few times a day to feel better.

2. Honey for Canker Sores

Honey is another very good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial home remedy for various health problems. And it can also effectively reduce the pain, redness, and size of the canker sore. It is also very good at preventing possible secondary infections.

  • Use only unpasteurized, unfiltered honey. Manuka honey is the best option.
  • Apply on the sores three to four times a day until they are gone.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide for Canker Sore

Hydrogen peroxide can be surprisingly effective against canker sore and can reduce the severity within a couple of days.

  • Use only 3 percent diluted hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water.
  • Take a cotton ball and dip into the solution.
  • Apply the solution on canker sores repeatedly throughout the day.

Using hydrogen peroxide solution for mouth rinse is also an effective way of healing canker sores.

4. Milk of Magnesia for Canker Sore

Magnesium hydroxide is the active component of milk of magnesia. It works both as a laxative and an acid neutralizer. If you use milk of magnesia orally, it will change the pH inside your mouth and will make it hard for sores to thrive.

Here is how to use:

  • Apply only a few drops of milk of magnesia on and around the sore.
  • Leave for a few seconds and wash.
  • Repeat three to four times a day to start feeling better.
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5. Watermelon Frost

Watermelon frost is also a successful treatment for canker sores. You can find watermelon frost in different forms including powder, tablet, and spray. Applying it directly to the sores can elevate the healing process and can also give some relief from pain and burning.

6. Vitamin B Complex Supplement

Diet low in vitamin B-12 can be one of the causative factors for canker sores. It’s not very clear how vitamin B-12 can improve sores. But according to a study, people who were taking enough vitamin B-12 with their diets had fewer canker sore outbreaks than those who didn’t get the required amount of dietary vitamin B-12

Some other vitamin Bs can also elevate the healing process, and vitamin B complex supplement contains all eight types of vitamin Bs. So, you can also take vitamin B complex supplements to improve canker sores. However, you should ask your doctor before starting any supplement.

7. Echinacea for Canker Sores

The Wound-healing and immune-boosting prowess of echinacea makes it one of the other promising home remedies for canker sores.

To use:

  • Add one tbsp liquid echinacea to one cup of warm water and mix well.
  • Take the solution in your mouth and swish around a few times before swallowing or spitting.
  • Repeat these steps twice or thrice a day for great results.

8. Chamomile Compress for Canker Sores

Chamomile is a natural remedy for various types of wounds and pains. And can be effective in canker sores due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A chamomile tea bag can be used as a compressor to heal canker sores.

  • To use, take a wet chamomile bag and apply it on the canker sore.
  • Leave for a few minutes before removing.
  • Otherwise, wash your mouth with freshly-brewed chamomile tea.
  • Repeat one of these methods twice a day to feel the improvement.

9. Does putting salt on a canker sore help?

Yes! Saltwater should be the go-to remedy for canker sores. It can be a bit painful but will start improving the sores right from the word go.

To use salt water,

  • Add one tbsp salt to one cup of warm water and dissolve properly.
  • Swirl saltwater in your mouth for 20 to 30 seconds and spit out.
  • Repeat this treatment every two or three hours to start feeling comfortable again.

10. Yogurt for Canker Sores

Sometimes, Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is also responsible for canker sores developed with inflammatory bowel disease.

And according to studies from 2017, lactobacillus in yogurt can eradicate H. pylori and improve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. So, if canker sores are caused due to or accompanied by IBD, adding yogurt to your diet can help.

Yogurt also works very effectively on the digestive system. Hence, it can effectively improve canker sores developed due to chronic constipation.

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11. Sage for Canker Sores

Sage tea is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and maybe a good treatment for canker sores. Both drinking sage tea and using it to wash your mouth can improve a lot of oral problems. Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, sage can also relieve pain due to canker sores.

Sage mouthwash is easily available in most pharmacies. Although preparing sage tea from fresh leaves of teabags is the best idea.

  • Add two tbsp sage leaves or a couple of sage tea bags to one cup boiling water.
  • Steep for about five minutes and strain.
  • Keep aside to cool down.
  • Swish the tea inside your mouth for a few minutes.
  • You can swallow or spit out.

12. Zing Lozenges for Canker Sores

A weak immune system invites multiple infections and diseases, and can also be great for canker sores to thrive. And zinc mineral can boost your immunity to a decent extent. You can get zinc lozenges very easily at nearby medical stores. The lozenges contain other ingredients like echinacea to enhance the taste. And you can dissolve one lozenge easily in your mouth.

  • What is the white stuff in a canker sore?

There is no white “stuff” in or around the canker sores. The middle part of the sore becomes white, yellow, or sometimes grey due to the injury to surrounding tissues. Tissues are injured, and hence the blood supply to the injured area is deprived, and the area starts looking white, yellow, or grey.

  • Can canker sores last for months?

No, canker sores don’t last for more than two or a maximum of three weeks. If they don’t heal even after three weeks, there is probably an underlying condition like prolonged constipation, excessive bowel gas, inflammatory bowel syndrome, habitual smoking, emotional stress, etc. If you are unable to overcome canker sores for so long, you must get proper medical attention to find out the exact cause and get treatment accordingly.

  • Prevention from canker sores

Prevention of canker sores is very much possible, and you can successfully reduce the frequency with little changes like:  

  • Have a healthy and balanced diet to avoid nutritional deficiency.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene to keep infections at bay.
  • Choose healthy foods instead of oily, unhygienic, unhealthy foods.
  • Maintain emotional stress by talking to your family members, friends, or a psychologist.
  • Use orthodontic waxes if you have braces or other dental appliances.
  • Protect your mouth, especially while playing an outdoor game.

A canker sore is not a serious complication and usually subsides within a couple of weeks or three. However, if they remain for multiple weeks or months, you should understand that it’s not only about canker sore. There is something wrong with your body that is halting or disturbing the healing process. In such a case, getting proper treatment from a licensed practitioner is recommended.

Hopefully, we have assisted you with numerous effective home remedies for canker sores. We will be very pleased to hear from your side. Take care of your mouth, overall health, as well as your loved ones. A healthy and happy lifestyle is always a solution to many, many problems. Keep smiling!


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