How to Get Clear, Glowing, Spotless Skin by Using Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a plant sort of the genus Aloe. The leaves are thick and freshly, green to grey –green, with some varieties showing white flecks on their upper and lower  stem surface.

Mostly it grows in tropical climate around the world & is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. Aloe Vera is mostly found in many consumer products such as skin lotion, cosmetics, or ointments for minor burns & sunburns.

Potent Healing Properties of Aloe Vera

The aloe Vera plant is also known as lily of the desert . Aloe Vera based products and the plant itself is used to heal scrapes, cool sunburns, and relieve pain from minor cuts. The aloe Vera can be helpful for supporting thyroid & intestinal health.

The healing properties of aloe Vera are so effective for burners. Higher studies say that healing properties of aloe Vera  for skin conditions alone are endless.

This healthy plant can help to soothe a long list of issues including dermatitis, genital herpes, burns, wounds, radiation sores, and acne.

Skin Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel contains 2 hormones, auxin & Gibberellins. These 2 hormones provide anti-inflammation & wound healing. Additionally, in ayurvedic medicine, Aloe Vera is used to effectively heal chronic problems, such as acne and eczema.

Aloe Vera contains high amount of amino acids to help soften hardened skin cells while the zinc in the gel acts as an astringents to lighten your pores.

How to Use Aloe Vera

Everyone should grow an aloe Vera plant in their house. Take 1 part of aloe Vera and make it into small pieces and apply it on your broken skin it will sooth the burn, and reduces inflammation & helps to heal the wound.

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In case if you don’t have aloe Vera plant you can use commercial aloe Vera gel.

  1. Grab half a cup of fresh aloe Vera gel and add a cup of sugar and 2 table spoon of lemon juice.
  2. Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 mins
  3. This sugar will help to exfoliate and scrub off dead skin.
  4. The aloe Vera will help to clean deep in the skin and lemon juice works on fade out scars & tan.

These 4 Things Help You to Glow Your Skin

How to Get Clear, Glowing, Spotless Skin by Using Aloe Vera Gel

1 Cleanse

To cleanse your face by using aloe Vera gel, first rinse it with a water to moisten. Next apply the aloe Vera gel to your whole face and wash it thoroughly. Next use a clean tissue to remove any excess gel and dirt left on your skin.

2 Scrub

Sprinkle or add some amount of organic sugar on 1 piece of exposed aloe Vera. This will work as a gentle abrasive agent to scrub away dead skin. Rub this aloe on your face up to 1-2 mins then rinse with warm water. Use scrub up to 2-3 times in week.

3 Tone

To make aloe tone, take juice from a the piece of aloe Vera by scraping the gel into a bowl. Add two table spoon of rose water & two table spoon of mineral water and mix well before applying the mixture.

We can store this natural toner in refrigerator for 8-10 days. Shake well before using this toner and after applying this toner make sure it to dry for best results. You can even use this toner every day before washing your face.

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4 Moisturize

You can use the  piece of aloe Vera as a moisturizer as well. Rub the aloe vera gel all over your face & leave  it for some time. You may feel  amazing soft skin without greasiness. Aloe Vera is one of the natural ingredients for improving skin hydration.


Repeat the same process up to 2-3 weeks to get amazing results and to get glow in your face. By doing this process daily aloe Vera will helps you to get off dry skin and flaky skin. It will help you to remove dark spots caused by aging.

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