How to get rid of Corns on Feet

A white painful circle shaped bump on your sole, feet and toes is regarded as corns. They can also spread on other body parts. Wearing of tight shoes for a long time in sunlight may also lead to corns. Walking without wearing shoes, wearing shoes without socks may also leads to corns. Especially corns are formed due to heavy stress & Pressure.

If you really want to remove your corns on feet, you can do this by changing your habits of wearing shoes. The best method of removing corns on foot is to visit Podiatrist. Who gradually pares the corn down with scalpel. People should not attempt to remove corns themselves, it may cause infection.

Podiatrists discourage patients from using over-the-counter corn removal treatments such as plasters containing salicylic acid

Following are steps to get rid of corns on feet:

1 # Pumice Stone

  • Soak your foot in comfortably hot water for 5 to 10 mints, to soften your hard skin.
  • Rub with a pumice stone around the affected area, and then dry your feet, with the help of cotton apply the castor oil to the corn.
  • Wrap it with tape for overnight.
  • Next day remove the tape and apply the castor oil several times for few days.
  • Repeat the same procedure until it dry up.

2 # White Vinegar

White vinegar is made from sun ripened grain and crystal clear water, with a clean crisp flavour.

  • Mix white vinegar with three parts of water.
  • Apply the mixed vinegar to the corns.
  • Cover the area with bandage or tape up to 24 hours.
  • The next day, exfoliate the thickened skin with the help of Pumice stone.
  • Apply olive oil or coconut oil to keep the area moisturized.
  • Repeat the same procedure until the corns comes out.
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3 # Baking Soda

Baking soda helps in reliving skin irritation, and also it is called as natural exfoliate agent.

  • Add 2 to 3 spoons of baking soda to hot water. Keep your foot in this hot water bowl for 15 -20 mins.
  • After that rub with Pumice stone at the affected area to remove the dead skin.
  • Also mix the 1 tea spoon of baking soda to the lemon juice,water and make a paste. Apply it on the affected area, keep bandage at the corns for one night.
  • Next morning, rinse off the paste with lukewarm water and exfoliate with a pumice stone.

4 # Lemon

Lemon is also one type of remedy which is used to treat corns on Feet.  Citrus acid is one of the acid in lemon that works to soften the Hardened skin that makes up the corn.

  • Apply lemon juice on the corn and make it dry.
  • Add 2 pieces of cloves in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and keep it for 20 mins. And then remove the cloves, and rub with the lemon juice on the corn.
  • Repeat the same process several times a day.

5 # Garlic

Garlic is also one of the medicines to cure the corns. It is also a natural antioxidant.

  • Rub the garlic clove on the corn and make the skin dry, apply a bandage on the corn for 1 night.
  • Remove the bandage on the next day, and wash with warm water. Repeat the same process until the corn disappears.
  • Add 2-3 small pieces of garlic cloves, and add a spoon of salt to make it paste & then apply it on the corn and apply the bandage to it and leave it for 2-3 days. On the 3rd day remove the bandage, the corn will also comes out.
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6 # Turpentine Oil

Turpentine oil is a type of oil made from resin of certain pine trees .It is also used as a medicine. Turpentine oil is one of the strong antiseptic which can helps to treat corns.

  • Take 1 ice piece in a cloth and massage it at the affected area.
  • Keep the affected area dry, and then apply some turpentine oil on the corn.
  • Apply bandage on it and keep it for 1 night, repeat the same process every night before going to bed.In a micro wave melt ¼ cup of virgin coconut oil and also Mix 1 tea spoon of turpentine oil and 2 table spoon of camphor oil.
  • Keep your feet in warm water for 5 mins. After drying apply this homemade cream on the corn.
  • Repeat the same procedure 2 to 3 times a week.


  • Corns and calluses are formed from friction and pressure.
  • If we notice a frequently rubbing sensation when we walk. Please try to remove and identify it what’s causing it.
  • When you go to shop for buying a shoe, always buy which correctly fits your foot.
  • We should keep our skin soft to prevent from corns.


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