How to Get Rid of Nose Piercing Bump

Nose piercing bump looks unsightly -it can turn red, swollen and fill up with pus when it is infected. So, how to get rid of this problem?

In this article we will help you with the best and effective remedies to treat your infected nose piercing bump and make you look gorgeous with the nose jewellery.

Before that we will see what nose piercing bump is.

What is Nose Piercing Bump?

A bump may appear at the site of piercing at early stages. Bump may occur where the skin cells are dead and become red and fills with pus which causes immense pain .

It also leads to infection, when it is untreated for many days. The two common reasons for causing a bump around a nose piercing are trauma and bacterial infections.

Some nose piercing develops bumps like keloids and granulomas require doctors treatment.

Nose piercing Bump Without Infection

If there is no sign of infection and you have a nose piercing bump that don’t go away, then it is the symptom of granuloma or keloids.

A granuloma can appear just beside your pierced skin, which looks like small reddish spot. It is caused by overgrowth of tissue around your pierced area. Even though it is not an infection, it tends to bleed easily and ulcerate and form crusted sores.

Another nose piercing bump which doesn’t goes away is called keloid. It’s a scar tissue that form after body piercing and leave a white bump around piercing area.

To get rid of nose piercing bumps which are called granuloma and keloids you may need professional medical care.

Nose Piercing Bumps With Infections

A nose piercing bump with infection resembles a pimple. These pimples inflamed tinder and fills with puss which causes pain in pierced area. The body tries to isolate the infection by forming lumps under the skin which is called an abscess.

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How do You Know your Piercing Nose is Infected

Here are few symptoms to know that your piercing area is infected:

  • The pierced area is painful to touch.
  • It remains swollen for longer time.
  • Excess crust formation on the wound
  • It is inflamed and becomes red
  • It starts bleeding after the initial stage of healing
  • Fever, nausea and chills
  • Foul smell from piercing
  • Burning and itching sensation
  • Healing process time takes longer than required.

Home Remedies for Nose Piercing Bump

Here are some of the effective home remedies to keep your pierced area bump and infection free. These remedies will help in healing the bump faster.

Sea Salt Soak

Sea salt is extremely effective in avoiding infections and also to get rid of bump. Sea salt water helps to clean the pierced and removes any discharge that has accumulated. This saline solution helps to kill the bacteria which cause infection and help it heal faster.

How to use it?

  • Mix one tea spoon of sea salt in one cup of warm water and let the salt dissolve completely in water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply the ball on your piercing bump.
  • Repeat it for 3-4 times in a day and make sure that you clean with a clean piece of paper towel after soaking with cotton ball.

Warm water is very effective as it helps in increasing the blood circulation in infected nose and speed up the healing process and salt helps in draining the pus from the wound.

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Chamomile Tea Bag

Chamomile tea is effective in reducing infection and help wounds to heal quicker. It reduces inflammation of the skin, soothes the skin to relieve irritation and repairs damage skin.

How to use it?

  • To make use of chamomile tea bag for nose piercing bump, place chamomile tea bag in warm water.
  • Place it on piercing area for ten minutes and then again dip in the warm water and apply it again.
  • This can also be used in the combination of salt sea water.
  • Repeat this remedy for 3-4 times in a day, it will reduce the infection of the skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contain anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the infection, redness and itching around the nose piercing bump.

How to use it?

  • You can apply tea tree oil directly on the infected area. Or
  • Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and gently rub the cotton ball around the infected area.
  • You can also use coconut oil instead of tea sea oil.

Aspirin for nose Piercing Bump

How to Get Rid of Nose Piercing Bump

Because of its anti inflammatory properties, aspirin may reduce redness, swelling and inflammation. It also helps in draining out the pus in infected area.

How to use it?

  • Simply crush the aspirin tablet and mix it with 2 table spoons of water and make it a paste.
  • Apply this paste on infected area of bump and let it remain it for overnight.
  • With regular use the infection gets cured.

Honey for Nose piercing Bump

Honey is used from many centuries to treat many skin and health problems. It also helps to control the infection and heal it faster.

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How to use it?

  • Take a table spoon of raw honey and apply it on infected area.
  • Leave it for few minutes and rinse it off with cool water.
  • Repeat this remedy for 2-3 times a day, make sure that it is not clogging the opening.

Cold Press

Many people use cold pack to get relive from pain. Cold compress helps to ease the pain by restricting the flow of blood to the infected bump. It also helps in reducing redness, inflammation and swelling and makes piercing bump less noticeable.

How to use it?

  • Take some ice cubes and wrap it in a clean white cloth. Place it on piercing site for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat this for 2-3 times a day; make sure that you are not applying ice cubes directly on the infected area, because it damages the infected area more.

 How to Prevent a Bump?

Here are some tips to prevent a bump developing on your nose after piercing.

  • Never attempt to pierce your body by yourself.
  • Always piercing should be done by a professional
  • Make sure that the needle is free from bacteria when piercing.
  • Clean the piercing nose regularly and follow the instructions provided by the piercer.
  • Don’t play with the stud or ring, it may cause irritation and hinders the healing process.
  • Don’t change the jewelry of your nose regularly
  • Do not touch your nose more often, because the bacteria in the hand may also cause infections.
  • To avoid allergic reactions of piercing nose, choose nose studs and rings that are made of gold and titanium or niobium.

You should immediately consult your doctor if  the infection from nose piercing bump doesn’t goes away.


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