How To Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain Fast

Are you experiencing pain from your lower back till behind thighs that spreads down towards knees? Then this pain is known as sciatic pain. It usually causes pain, numbness and even weakness due to sciatic nerve.

Firstly we need to know what sciatic nerve is. This article leads you to know more information beyond that.

What is Sciatic Nerve?

Sciatic nerve is a compression of five nerves which forms a group on the front surface of piriformis muscle which lies in the rear. This is the largest nerve in the body and runs from both the sides of lower spine and deep in your rear and back of the thigh.

This nerve strengthens and supply sensation to your leg. When the muscles are weak, numbness and even tingling in leg, ankle, and foot and sometimes toes  leads to damage of sciatic nerve.Mostly people sense the pain from upper thighs to feet and toes.

Cause of Sciatic Nerve pain

The most common cause for sciatic is herniated disc. Some of the other causes of sciatic pain include the following.

Below are some of the causes of sciatic nerve pain:

  • Overgrowth of bone on the vertebrae.
  • Narrowing down of the spinal canal in the lower back.
  • Spodilolithesis happens where one vertebra slips forward another vertebra and leads to sciatic.
  • Sometimes diseases like diabetes also damage the sciatic nerve.
  • Tumor can also lead to sciatica though it is rare.

Other minor causes may include over weight, wearing high heels, sleeping on soft mattresses. Even though these are not the main causes of sciatic pain but may worsen the condition of sciatic pain.

Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve

  • Weakness in leg muscles and toes.
  • Great discomfort when sneezing or coughing
  • Tingling or numbness in legs
  • Pain in lower back which extends to one or both legs
  • The inability to remain seated for a long timea
  •  Increase in pain while stretching or bending down
  • Sometimes it feels like electric shock
  • Difficulty in moving leg
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If it is mild, it will go away within a week, if it lasts more than a week or becomes severe getting worse day by day then you need to consult your doctor immediately. And if you face trouble in controlling your bowels or bladder you should immediately seek medical attention.

How to Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve?

Here are some of the remedies and exercise which helps you to relieve from sciatic pain.Acupuncture and exercise can give you constant relief from sciatic nerve pain.

1. Static Nerve Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps in reprogramming your muscles to stay relaxed and makes your body capable of healing itself. But you should always go to an expert, because doing it yourself may lead to further complications.

However it is a specialized concept and should be get done by a licensed acupuncturist.

2. Acupressure

Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique like acupuncture. The only difference is just in the means of applying pressure on the points over your body. While acupuncture needs needles, whereas in acupressure physical pressure is given on the points for clearing the blockages that might be the cause of pain and discomforts for your body.

Pressure can be applied by hands, elbow and other devices.

How to Do?

You need tennis ball to do this acupressure.

  • First, you need to lie down straight on your back.
  • Make fists with your palms and place it underneath your lower back with the nickels pressing your lower back muscles.
  • Remain in position for a minute and roll to the side where you experience the pain.
  • Place a tennis ball underneath the side of your buttock, this is the point where the acupressure is done completely and is one of the major points for sciatic nerve pain.
  • After placing the tennis ball at this point, it has to hurt you more than you experience before. So that it can relieve you instantly from sciatic nerve pain.
  • Hold this position for few minutes and close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • If you feel soreness reducing at the point, readjust your fist or ball to place pressure on the other tight points of the area.
  • Do this for 1-2 minutes at each point and try to put pressure on other points on the leg to get relief from painful sciatic nerve.
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3. Sciatic Nerve Pain Exercise

Exercise is the best way to keep your muscles and Spine strong enough to support your back. It also keeps your spinal disks healthy.

The sciatic pain exercises which are mentioned below strengthen your abdominal and back muscles to get support for your back and relieve from the pain which is due to Sciatic nerve.


Consult your physician before you start these exercises.

Regulate this habit to relieve the extreme pain of sciatic nerve.

Exercises to Strength the Muscles which Causes Sciatic Nerve

1. Pelvic Tilt

  • Lie on your back on floor and bend your knees by bringing feet towards hip.
  • Pull your novel to tighten your muscles of abdomen and lower back toward the floor in an attempt to flatten your back.
  • Remain in this position for 10 seconds and repeat this posture for 5-10 times.

2. Lift your legs under water

  • Stand inside the swimming pool at the end side of the wall by holding the edge with your hand.
  • Raise one leg to front and keep it straight and slowly lower down to be in stating position.
  • Repeat this posture with the other leg and repeat this for 5- 10 times with both the legs.

3. Sit ups With Exercise Ball

  • Sit on exercise ball by keeping feet flat on floor and arms straight overhead.
  • Then lean back by flexing your hips and pointing your toes towards the ground.
  • Remain in this position for few seconds and get back to the original position slowly and be careful while bringing your heels back to the ground.
  • Repeat this for 5-10 times per a day.
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Some of Home Remedies to Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain

1. Hot or Cool Pack

How To Get Rid of Sciatic Nerve Pain Fast

Cool pack helps to deflate the swelling around the nerve and numbs the pain. While, hot pack relaxes tense muscles that may be compressing the sciatic nerve.


While using hot pack, use moist heat like a steamed towel which is more effective in releasing pain.

  • Place hot or cold pack on the affected area and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this process for every few hours until you get relief from the pain.

2. Massage

If the problem is caused by muscle spasm, then this massage therapy is the best option to get relief from sciatic pain.  

It even stimulates the circulation and increases the range of motion.Massage the affected area with sesame oil or even any essential oil will help you get relief from the pain.


Essential oils should be added to some amount of carrier oil before it is used on your body.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric contains anti inflammatory properties and a compound called curcumin which helps in reducing nerve pain and inflammation and acts as an effective natural remedy for this sciatic nerve pain.

Add 1 table spoon of turmeric to one cup of milk and boil this mixture. Add one spoon of honey to this mixture, drink this mixture 3 times a day.


Consult your doctor before using turmeric in the above way.

Strictly avoid using turmeric those who are using blood thinners or diabetic medications.


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