How to Make Mineral Water At Home?

As we all know that, mineral water has vital nutrients and minerals which are helpful in maintaining health of our body. But we step back to spend money on water every day. Here is a simple solution to make our self healthy and fit. It is easier to make mineral water in home by following only 5 steps with simple ingredients.

This article shows you, how to make mineral water in home. Before that let’s see what is the use and benefits of mineral water.

What is Mineral water?

It is very important to understand the difference between regular tap water and mineral water. Regular water contains vitamins which may be free of dust and bacteria but mineral water is rich in life supporting minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium etc,

The people who are prone to filtered water have high risk of developing heart diseases and also increased blood pressure. Drinking water is essential to maintain good health and drinking more water in a day will help in maintaining proper functioning of your body.

Benefits of Mineral Water

There are numerous benefits of drinking mineral water. Several studies have proved that, drinking mineral water on regular basis reduces the blood pressure. Intakes of mineral water will definitely benefit you in number of ways.

Calcium present in mineral water is good for maintaining bone health and magnesium in mineral water is good for maintaining your blood pressure. All the minerals in the mineral water will help you to enhance your health and the proper functioning of the body.

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Now, let’s start making mineral water at home in a simple way as shown below:

How to Make Mineral Water At Home?

How to Make Mineral Water At Home

Everyday buying mineral water is an expensive process. Instead of that it’s a best way to prepare your mineral water in home.

Ingredients Required

  • 1/8 tea spoon of Baking soda
  • 1/8 tea spoon of Epsom salt
  • 1 litre of Filtered tap water
  • 1/8 tea spoon of Potassium bicarbonate
  • One water bottle

Let us see how to make it:

  • First and foremost thing you need to do is filter the tap water by using a purifier. Take a vessel and fill it with purified water.
  • Make sure that the vessel is clean thoroughly.
  • Add 1/8 table spoon of baking soda in it, baking soda increases the purity of water.
  • Then add 1/8 tea spoon of Epsom salt and potassium bicarbonate. Epsom salt will help you to reduce the problems like indigestion, constipation and bloating whereas potassium bicarbonate maintain the blood pressure in the body.
  • Mix all the ingredients well in a vessel, better use a soda siphon to mix all the ingredients. Soda siphon is a gadget which is extensively used for dispersing carbonated things.

Usually soda siphon contains a cartridge and a handle. Squeeze the handle as you pass water through it. Then you can see purified mineral water on other side of siphon.

The above five steps are very easy to do in home, and help you how to make mineral water, as it is rich in sodium and potassium too.


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