How To Remove Dark Spots On Your Face With Lemon Juice

Our lifestyle, eating habits, exposure to pollution and sun can lead to numerous skin troubles. And that’s the reason it is very hard for us to maintain flawless skin these days.

One of the embarrassing things is having dark spots on our face. Immediately after seeing spots on our skin we opt for expensive products to hide them temporarily but we always search for natural remedies that helps us to treat all skin problems completely.

Generally our skin contains a pigment called “Melanin” which gives color to our skin. However, when this pigment produce in excess amount, it will cause dark spots on the skin. To treat dark spots, lemon can be used extensively due to its great benefits.

Is Lemon Juices Helpful In Treating Dark Spots?

Lemon juice makes skin glow, remove the excess oils and dirt from your skin. Lemons are rich in citric acid and vitamin C that help in removing scars and provide your skin radiance and glow.

It also helps in lighten and brighten the complexion and acts as an astringent to remove excess oil from your skin.

Follow below remedies to treat dark spots on your face and have beautiful and flawless skin.

How To Use Lemon Juice For Dark Spots:

  1. Lemon Juice With Turmeric For Dark Spots:


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Turmeric is an ancient herb that helps in brightening your skin and gives natural glow.

You Need:

½ teaspoon of lemon juice

½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

One table spoon of milk

Directions To Use:

  • Mix all ingredients together to make it as a smooth paste.
  • Apply it on the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Wash it off with Luke warm water
  • Use this pack twice a day.
  1. Lemon Juice With Coconut Oil For dark Spots:


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Coconut oil forms a layer on your skin and protects it from harmful sun rays and reduces the damage of your skin. Coconut oil helps in moisturising your skin and keeps it hydrated.

You Need:

½ teaspoon of lemon juice

½ teaspoon of coconut oil

Directions To Use:

  • Mix the ingredients together and massage it on the affected area for few minutes.
  • Let it sit for more than 20 minutes and rinse it off with normal water and wipe your skin with a clean cloth.
  1. Lemon Juice With Cucumber For Dark Spots:


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Cucumber has cooling properties and acts as an bleaching agent that brightens your skin and lightens the skin tone by removing those ugly dark spots on your skin.

You Need:

1 table spoon of lemon juice

1 table spoon of cucumber juice

½ teaspoon of honey

Directions To Use:

  • Mix all ingredients together and apply it o the affected area.
  • Let it sit down for 10 minutes, then wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this once in a day to see better results.
  1. Lemon Juice With Yogurt For Dark Spots:


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Yogurt is a natural ingredient that cleanses your skin thoroughly when it is mixed with lemon juice. It controls the excess production of oil on your skin which is the major cause for dark spots on your skin.

You Need:

One table spoon of lemon juice

One table spoon of plain yogurt

Directions To Use:

  • Apply lemon juice on the affected area and let it dry on its own.
  • Once it is dried enough, on the top apply yogurt to cover the spots.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
  • Repeat it once in a day for beneficial results.
  1. Lemon Juice With Tomato Juice For Dark Spots:


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Tomato is not only a delicious vegetable; it is also loaded with number of essential properties that keeps your skin soft and smooth. It also contain anti oxidant properties that protects your sin from sun damage.

You Need:

1 table spoon of lemon juice

1 table spoon of tomato juice

Directions To Use:

  • Mix two ingredients together and apply it on dark spots.
  • Let it remain for 10 minutes and wash it off with fresh water.
  • Do this once in a day to completely remove dark spots on your skin.
  1. Lemon Juice With Baking Soda For Dark Spots:

Lemon & Baking Soda - This Combination Saves Lives


Baking soda acts as exfoliating agent on your skin and reveals the lighter skin below it.

You Need:

One table spoon of lemon juice

One tea spoon of baking soda

Directions To Use:

  • Mix these two ingredients to form a thick paste, apply this paste directly on dark spots.
  • Leave it for 5 minutes and wash your face.
  • Repeat it twice or thrice in a day
  1. Lemon Juice With Apple Cider Vinegar For Dark Spots:


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The acidic nature in apple cider vinegar will exfoliate your skin and lighten the pigmented area. It also helps in tightening your skin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and even dark spots.

You Need:

½ tea spoon of lemon juice

½ tea spoon of apple cider vinegar

One table spoon of water

Directions To Use:

  • Mix all ingredients and apply it on dark spots using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with water
  • Do this few times in a day to remove dark spots on your skin.
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