Is Vitamin E Good For Your Hair

We always want our hair to look best, but the most common problem faced by many people is hair fall. This is one of the frustrating thing most of the people had to face these days.

You might have used number of products and spent lots of money in salons to give it a natural look. But, it’s time to put full stop to all your expensive products, let me tell you why.

Have you ever heard about vitamin E, of course yes. It is a fat soluble vitamin that is present in many fruits and vegetables and it is also beneficial for your hair growth too.

Well, this article will help you to know, how vitamin E helps in improving your hair, how we can include vitamin E for maintaining healthy hair and do we face any side effects by taking vitamin E regularly.

Is Vitamin E Good For Your Hair?

Of course yes, vitamin E is good for your hair. The excess oil production will clog your hair follicles and results in itching, dandruff and certainly in hair fall.

Vitamin E is loaded with number of anti oxidant properties that helps in reducing cell damage and increasing hair growth.

It also helps in improving proper blood circulation in your scalp and provides optimal nourishment to your hair follicles which work more efficiently in promoting hair growth.

Benefits Of Vitamin E For Your Hair

The following are some benefits of vitamin E for your Hair:

1. Prevents Hair Loss

According to a study vitamin E helps in reducing oxidative stress, the common cause for hair fall due to its powerful anti oxidant properties.

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2. Balance Oil production

The major cause for hair fall is imbalance of PH production in your scalp or excess production of oil in your scalp. When your scalp is dry the sebaceous glands produce more oil than necessary.

Vitamin E balances the PH levels on your scalp and stops excess production of oil as well as supports healthy growing of hair.

3. Adds Shine To Your Hair

Vitamin E is also loaded with strong emollient properties. That means regular intake of vitamin E helps in tackling dryness and makes your hair stronger, smoother and healthier.

How To Use Vitamin E For Hair Growth

1. Eat Foods Rich In Vitamin E



Consuming foods rich in vitamin E is the easiest way to improve the natural look of your hair. Vitamin E adds shine to your hair through internally.

Include foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, olive oil, vegetable oil sprouts, etc.

You can also opt for vitamin E supplements that are easily available in market in the form of capsules and tablets.

2. Use Shampoos That Contain Vitamin E

vitamin E shampoos


Use shampoos that are enriched with vitamin E, avoid using shampoos that contain sulphate. The shampoos which are sulphate free do not strip away natural oils present in your scalp and hair.

However, shampoo alone cannot add nourishment and shine o your hair, oiling must be done alternate days to boost your hair growth.

3. Use Vitamin E Oil

vitamin e oil


Vitamin E oil will rejuvenate damages hair follicles and prevents breakage of your hair which results in hair loss.

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Take 10-20 capsules of vitamin E and collect it’s oil in a small bowl. Now, wash your hair completely and let it dry on its own. Don’t forget to mix vitamin E oil with other carrier oil when it too thick to apply.

Apply oil to your hair and your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash it off with mild shampoo.

4. Apply Hair Mask That Contain Vitamin E

Is Vitamin E Good For Your Hair

Applying hair mask will help you in maintaining healthy hair. Choose hair mask that contain vitamin E. To treat your scalp with a soothing hair mask you need,

¼ table spoon of vitamin E oil

1 table spoon of Olive oil

Half avocado

What You Need To Do

  • Blend all ingredients together and make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on your scalp along with your hair and let it sit for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with mild shampoo and finish it with conditioner.

Side Effects Of Vitamin E

Excessive usage of anything will make us to experience some health issues. You should always be careful about concentration and possible allergic reactions of using vitamin E.

Immediately consult your doctor if you experience any following symptoms:

  • Red spots on skin
  • Increased hair fall
  • Itchy and greasy scalp
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Nausea
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