How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Blood pressure is mainly the force with which blood hits the walls of arteries, which is responsible of carrying blood from heart to all the other parts of the body. A stable pressure of blood is very essential in maintaining heart health. Fluctuations or rise in blood pressure can lead to heart attack.

One in every 3 American adult is effected with high blood pressure. That means about 75 million Americans are suffering from high blood pressure. However, there are ways that can help you in controlling the blood pressure naturally.

Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

  1. Limit The Consumption Of Alcohol


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Studies reveal that consumption of alcohol can effect your health by increasing the blood pressure. It is advisable to limit the consumption or avoid it totally. Alcohol not only effects your heart but your kidneys and lover too. Similarly too much consumption of coffee and soda will also increase your blood pressure and heart rate.

2. Lose Weight


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Obesity is one of the reasons for high blood pressure. If you are over weight and want to keep your BP in check then first and foremost thing you need to do is lose weight. There are several cases where reduction in weight has dramatically reduced the blood pressure as well.

However, do not go for short cuts for reducing weight like having pills, these can give you results but in the long run turn out to be more dangerous to your health. Exercise and diet go hand in hand for reducing weight, opt for it for a healthy life.

3. Limit The Consumption Of Salt


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Salt is the prime offender in raising your blood pressure. If you cut back the consumption of salt you are surely going to notice the change in your blood pressure. The best way is to make food at home rather that ordering from restaurant, this can help you in lowering the sodium intake. Use more of spices and less of salt, this way you can make your food tasty as well as cut down the sodium intake.

4. Exercise


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Exercise must be the important aspect of our lives. Give priority on exercising regularly in order to stay fit, healthy and keep your bp in control. Many of you have the misconception that exercising can be done only at gym by lifting heavy weights or by using treadmill. Exercise means making yourself to move, stretch, a simple walk or doing any kind of physical activity. If you are doing so then you are definitely going to see the difference in your blood pressure.

5. Dont Skip Medication

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If you are on blood pressure medications then do not skip or stop them without consulting your doctor. Even if you have lost weight, do regular exercise, still continue to have your pills on time. Meet your doctor regularly and take the medications as prescribed.


5 Easy Ways That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally



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