Mint Face Mask for Acne

mint face mask for acne

You must have patience and consistency to treat acne. In this article I’ll be discussing about using mint face mask for acne.

As you grow many things change, so does your skin. With hormonal imbalance excess sebum is produced, which blocks skin pores leading to acne or pimples. It is one of the most common skin disorder found all over the world. There is nothing you can do to stop them, but luckily you can get rid of them.

An average teenager think about cosmetic creams when he seen a pimple popping out. It’s not his/her fault; we all are surrounded by loads of advertising campaigns calming to treat acne. But, only few people knew that regular use of these chemical included creams may affect your skin’s healthy functionality.

Natural remedies are packed with vitamins that are essential for your skin. They don’t have irritants which can triggers allergic reaction. However, in few people natural ingredients may cause allergic reaction. So you must patch test before using any remedy.

Mint Face Mask for Acne

I frequently take lemon tea with mint leaves, it’s really refreshing. This herb is used extensively in cosmetic and other daily used products. You’ll love its aromatic smell.

  • Properties in mint leaves cleanse dead cells and excess sebum accumulated over the skin.
  • Vitamin A residing in the face mask controls excess production of sebum.
  • Topically massaging will help to remove blackheads and make the skin smooth.
  • Antioxidant activity fights free radicals and helps to stop premature aging wrinkles.
  • Regular application of mint leaves can fade acne scars.
See also  Papaya Face Mask for Acne Scars

You can either apply or internally consume mint leaves like me.

With increasing pollution and impurities, it’s very difficult for skin to easily absorb ingredients. So you must cleanse the face with gram flour mask or with lukewarm water.

Take fresh mint leaves and grind them to make smooth paste. Apply the mask over acne blemishes as spot treatment.

If you’ve oily skin, then you can alternatively add multani mitti or rosewater to mint face mask. Dry skin people can just add rosewater and see how it hydrates the skin.

Leave the face mask to dry naturally and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Am not saying that mint will surely treat acne, but people who used it had positive results. I recommend you to try mint face mask for acne about 2-3 weeks. If it works well, continue.

You work is not done yet by just treating acne, these lesions leave large scars over the skin. Few of them may disappear with time and other needs extra care. Repeatedly apply mint face mask or mint juice blended with rosewater to lighten acne scars.

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