Monsoon Health Tips For Asthma Patients

Monsoon season is one of the best times in the year that brings sweet relief from the scorching summer heat. Unfortunately, this is the only season which is host for many allergies, diseases and digestive issues for many people.

Monsoon season being perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, give rise to many health issues such as dengue, fever, chikangunya, malaria and it is also well known for water borne diseases like diarrhea, typhoid and cholera.

The fact is that allergies turn worse especially in monsoon season, but according to allergist it’s completely normal. Asthmatics need to be careful at this time because allergens such as pollens, dust, molds, fungi and pat dander acts as the major triggering factors that can aggravate the attack of asthma.

If you want to keep asthma issues at bay, then here are some tips and precaution you need to follow during monsoon season to enjoy the rain.

Health Tips For Asthma Patients In Monsoon Season

Always Keep Your Doors And Windows Closed


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Rainy days are the breeding times for various health issues, so it’s better to keep your doors and windows closed especially in those places where the water is heavily involved such as kitchen sinks and bathrooms.

This will help you to reduce the circulation of moisture in atmosphere. Even allowing the sunlight and proper ventilation in your home also helps you to prevent from moisture.  You could also use binders instead of curtains to ensure limited amount of dust that enters in your home.

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Try to stay in home as much as possible and wear dusk mask while stepping outside.

Avoid Indoor Plants In This Season


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According to a research, monsoon season increase the presence of pollen grains in the air that triggers asthma attacks. So, it’s better to avoid keeping all the plants within your room or inside home.

Please Do Care About Dampen Walls

During rainy reason, it’s crucial to prevent your walls from getting damp as moist walls could result in worsening the symptoms of asthma. This could even lead you to face other respiratory issues.

So make sure to get a damp proof work done or else you can also mold off the walls by using anti moisture or anti molds bleach.

Take Care Of Your Pets


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If you have furry pets in your home, make sure it is restricted for its movements. Usually, pets stay indoors especially in monsoon season to avoid getting wet, so there is a high probability of shedding their fur on the floor. Asthma can also be triggered by animal fur especially in children. So it’s better to avoid contact with your furred loved one.

Additional Tips

Here are some more tips you need to follow along with above ones:

  • Don’t forget to take your medications on regular basis.
  • Try to drink boiled water and plenty of fluids
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid consumption of processed and fried foods.
  • Maintain good hygiene.

All these tips will help you to prevent other respiratory issues during monsoon season but it’s always better to consult your doctor if you find unusually different symptoms rather than asthma.

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Monsoon health tips for asthma patients

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