Natural Remedies to Deal with Dry Hair

Some people are blessed with oily hair because no matter how much shampoo they have to use, their hair will be thick and healthy due to the natural nutrients and oils produced by their scalp. However, this is not the case for all.

Some people have naturally dry and frizzy hair while some fall prey todry hair due to pollution, lack of nutrients, and excessive hair styling. If you’re one among those with dry hair, you’d know how difficult it is to style your hair without getting it damaged.

However, you don’t have to worry about your hair much if you know how to take care of it. There are many DIY hair masks and natural remedies that will help you bring your dry hair to life.

One of the major things that you need to keep in mind while styling your hair is to use good quality appliances.

For example, if you check out HerStyler 5P Curler Review, you’d know how great this curler is. Similarly, make sure you do a lot of research before buying any other hair styling appliance.

Along with the use of good quality hair styling appliances and good quality hair products some natural remedies are necessary to keep your hair protected and healthy.

This may include external masks, oils, eating the right food, and keeping your mind healthy. Here are a few natural remedies to deal with dry hair that you’ll be thankful for:

Avocado and Banana

Avocados and bananas are the best fruits when it comes to hair care. You can eat them as well as whip them up to use it in a hair mask. These fruits will bring back the healthy glow of your damaged hair and will help in repairing the damage caused by daily wear and tear.

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Coconut Oil and Olive Oil

There are different kinds of oils that have proven to be good in hair care. However, if you have to choose a particular oil for your dry hair, always go for coconut oil or olive oil.
dry hair

Both of these oils are thick and rich enough to bring back the lost moisture and nourishment in your hair strands. They help in bringing your cuticles together which otherwise would tear apart and cause split ends.

You can apply the oil and massage your scalp which is beneficial for both your hair and your scalp, leave it on for the night, and wash it the next day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best things that you can do to your hair. It helps your hair to grow faster and cleans your scalp like a miracle. Mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in half liter water and rinse your hair with it after your regular shampoo and conditioner.

Green Tea

Green tea contains the compound epigallocatechingallate which promotes hair growth. Drinking green tea and applying it on your hair topically helps in nourishing your hair and scalp.


Eggs are one of the best sources of proteins and you must consume eggs regularly if you want healthy hair. You can add them to your hair masks as well as mix a bit of shampoo to it and use it as a shampoo.

Dry your hair with a Cotton or Silk Towel

Do not use a polyester towel to dry your hair. Even a cotton towel can be avoided if you have badly damaged hair. A silk towel will be the best option for you in this case.

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