Nutritional Yeast And Its Health Benefits

“Nutritional yeast” you may or may not heart about it. But trust me it is one of the most delicious foods you would never have.

It is generally grown from fungi, like benefit packed mushrooms and cordiseps and even much smaller. It’s an inactive form of yeast, which is made from sugar cane and beet molasses.

What Is Nutritional Yeast?

Nutritional yeast is a common type of yeast which is used to bake bread and brew beer. This is often considered as a species of yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Nutritional yeast is in yellow color and yet comes in flakes, granules or powder like form and is often found as a condiment due to its savory taste and health benefits.

It is also considered as one source of complete protein and vitamins especially B complex vitamins. It also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, selenium which makes it a super food. It is low in sodium, fat ,even gluten free and doesn’t contain any added sugars and preservatives.

Following are the health benefits of this wonderful yeast.

Health Benefits of Nutritional Yeasts

Rich Source Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for our body to maintain good digestive system, it increase energy, regulates nervous system and protect ourselves from colon cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer.

Nutritional yeast is rich source of vitamin B12, apart from taking supplements of Vitamin B12 nutritional yeast is the best way to intake as a regular product.

Only one spoon of nutritional yeast is recommended daily. Don’t forget to check the label when you are going to buy the product.

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Improves Your Immune System

When your body doesn’t have enough nutrients and vitamins, your immune system may not work properly as you want. By adding this yeast to your diet, your body will fight against various pathogens and possible infections.

It’s Great For Your Skin, Hair And Nails

Even if you are not a vegan or trying to find a replacement for cheese then nutritional yeast is the best ingredient for your diet.

It also helps to reduce the sign of ageing, skin elasticity and discoloration because of niacin in yeast which generally benefits your skin and minimizes chronic acne.

Healthy Pregnancy

Folic acid in nutritional yeast will definitely benefit for pregnant women. However folic acid is known to prevent major birth defects in baby and plays an important role in cell maintenance and production.

It also keeps your colon healthy, regulates your cholesterol levels, potentially reduces the risk of stroke, and may even impact DNA synthesis and repair which may prevent occurring of other diseases.


Nutritional Yeast And Its Health Benefits

Fiber is essential for human body to regulate blood sugar levels and makes your intestine to move faster. However, we know that fiber comes from bread, brown rice, fruits and vegetables, nutritional yeast as well contains 3 grams of fiber per one serving.It is an excellent way to add taste to your regular products in your diet.

How To Use Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast should be stored in a cool and dark place to preserve its vitamins. It actually does have a really strong flavor, it is little salty like parmesan cheese.

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You can add this to your stews, salads, as a cheese flavoring agent, in vegan sauces and you can also sprinkle it over popcorn or pasta.

It is always recommended to use nutritional yeast in moderation, typically not more than 3 table spoons in a day.

Nutritional yeast is safe to consume for most of the people, but if you are allergic to folic acid, try to buy a product with unfortified nutritional yeast.


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