One Glass Of This Juice Will Unclog Your Arteries

Clogged arteries are one of the major factors responsible for several cardio diseases.  It may happen due to an unhealthy and lethargic lifestyle, eating a high amount of fatty and processed foods, certain underlying health conditions, and prolonged medication, etc.

Some major signs and symptoms of clogged arteries are chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, excessive sweating, weakness, palpitation of heart, etc. If you feel any of these signs for more than a couple of weeks, you should not take it lightly.

There are numerous treatments to unclog clogged arteries, and we are discussing an all-natural and completely safe remedy for this. Let’s read to find out more.

One Glass Of This Juice Will Unclog Your Arteries-Recovered-min

 Ingredients you need to prepare this remedy:

  • Two stalks of celery.
  • One cup freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • One tbsp grated ginger.
  • Two tbsp lemon juice.
  • ½ tbsp pepper powder.

Tips to prepare the recipe:

  • Blend all the ingredients together.
  • Transfer the mixture into a cup.

That’s it! Your healthy remedy for clogged arteries is ready to consume!

How and when to consume.

  • The best time of the day to consume this remedy is between the meals.
  • Consume three cups of this remedy daily for a couple of weeks.

Also Read: This German Remedy Will Unclog Your Arteries and Lower Your Blood Pressure

How does it work?

The remedy is prepared with a handful of natural ingredients. All of these ingredients are effective in a way or another. Let’s know more about how this remedy works.

  • Celery: It is an excellent source of some essential antioxidants and can protect the arteries from oxidative damage. Celery contains beta carotene, flavonoids, vitamin C and a dozen of different types of antioxidants. It is also a good source of phytonutrients which can reduce the inflammation of blood vessels and arteries.
  • Tomato juice: Tomato contains a chemical called lycopene. It is a potent antioxidant and can protect cells from getting damaged. Some research also says that lycopene can reduce the “bad cholesterol” from the blood and hence can lower the risk of blood clots and strokes.
  • Ginger: Ginger reduces the oxidative stress and inflammation and hence maintains healthy blood-cholesterol balance. Ginger may also help reduce the high blood pressure, one of the indications of clogged arteries.
  • Lemon juice: Lemon juice is high in acids, flavonoids and vitamin C. It can clear the clogged arteries and can reduce the risk of various heart diseases.
  • Black pepper: If you have complaints of high blood pressure, you should consume a little amount of black pepper powder regularly. It is very good for your heart health. It eases the blood pressure and also improves the inflammation, both of which are good for your cardiovascular health.
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Also Read : Simple Ways To Unclog Arteries Naturally

A WORD OF CAUTION: There is some evidence of this remedy being effective to unclog the clogged arteries. But if your condition doesn’t improve within a few days, you should not wait for a miracle. Consult a cardiologist immediately for proper medical attention, diagnosis and suitable treatment.


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