Onion Juice for Hair Loss

Human beings hairs are made up of a particular protein called as keratin, which is high in sulphur. The occurrence of sulphur will gives hair its strength and elasticity. Onion is very rich in sulphur.

This mineral is another major building block of hairs. It improves the blood circulation and also it provides the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion also has antiseptic properties, so it will also help with scalp infections that strength contribute to the hair loss.

Furthermore, it contains the enzyme catalyse. This is an antioxidant that can prevent precipitate graying. Peoples who have apply onion juice two times in a day for two months have knowledgeable an immense deal enhanced hair re growth rates when compared to those who only used tap water.

Men had better success with the handling of onion juice than women.

onion juice for hair loss

It has been systematically exposed that contemporary submission of onion juice can help with hair loss. One of the study published in the journal of the famous dermatology looked into the use of onion juice for alopecia areata. Within the six weeks of using onion juice, 84% of the participants experience new hair growth in the hairless spots.

Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Eating onion is another way by which you can get its hair nourishing benefits. You can also apply the most beneficial onion juice on your scalp to remedy for hair loss. It is even helping to reverse grey hair and also to makes your hairs grows faster and to make them shinier and softer.

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The following are the five ways that you can use Onion Juice for your Hair

1 Onion Juice with Coconut oil

Onion juice while it is mixed with the coconut oil works truly well to reduce hair loss. The scalp is not only moisturising by the coconut oil but also coconut oil is providing extra nourishment to the hair follicles. Plus its healing effects of the coconut oil and onion juice will protect the scalp against microbes that can limit hair growth.

You will need following things:

  • 1 teaspoon of onion juice
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 2 to 3 drops of the rosemary essential oil.

Method of using:

Take a bowl and put coconut oil in the bowl. If your coconut oil is in the solid condition then place the bowl in hot water until the coconut oil will be turning into the liquid form. Then after that add onion juice and rosemary essential oil and at last mixed up well.

How to Apply: Apply this as a mixture into your scalp and massage softly for 3 to 4 minutes and let it sit for 20 to 40 minutes. Once waiting time is completed then you can wash your hairs.

2 Onion Juice and Henna for Reversing Grey Hair

For restoring your natural hair colour onion juice will work well. Onion contains a powerful enzyme Catalase, which are speedily neutralises the colour destructive molecules from the hair.

You will need things:

  • 1 tablespoon of the onion juice
  • Henna 5 to 6 tablespoon
  • Olive oil 1 tablespoon
  • Black tea ( enough to make a paste)

Method of using:

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Take a bowl and place henna in a bowl. Dispense black tea to make a smooth paste of henna. Cover and keep it aside for 6 hours for the dye to release. Once the waiting time is completed add onion juice, olive oil to the henna paste and mix it well.

How to Apply: apply this paste to your scalp and hairs. Leave it on for nearly 2 hours. Then rinse off and wash your hair with a natural shampoo.

3 Onion and Honey Hair Mask

Onion juice can be also use along with the honey. It will be especially beneficial for those with dry, brittle hair. To moisturise you hairs honey is a great moisturiser and also it will be making dry hair soft, less frizzy and smooth.

You will need things:

  • Onion juice 1 tablespoon
  • Raw honey 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil 1 tablespoon

Method of using:

Take a bowl and place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix all the ingredients well. Massage this mixture into your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Once the waiting time is completed then you can wash your hairs.

How to Apply:  apply this mixture to your hairs and scalp. You can apply this remedy once a week.

4 Onion Juice and Egg Hair Mask

Onion smell canister is a hold over for many people by using egg with the onion juice it will help mask to smell a great extent. The proteins in eggs thicken your hairs streak and also its give vitamin A, D and B12 even it will promotes healthy hair growth.

You will need things:

  • Onion juice 1 tablespoon
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil (optional)
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Method of using:

Take a bowl and place the onion juice, egg and olive oil in a bowl and hip them all together until well mixed.

How to Apply: simply apply the mixture on your scalp and hair, after applying the mixture leave it on for 30 minutes. Once the waiting time is completed then rinse off and wash your hairs with a natural shampoo.

5 Onion Juice Hair Mask

This is the easiest and the simplest way to use onion juice for hair loss.

You will need Things:

  • 1 large a clean onion
  • 3 to 4 drops of the lavender essential oil (optional)

Method of using:

The first thing you should do is peel the onion and after peeling it cit t into the small pieces, after that the put them into the blender and mix together it until becomes a smooth paste. Next thing you should be doing is strain the mixture and squeeze out as much juice you can squeeze.

Grater can also be use, peel the onion and grate it over a dish and then strain the mixture to get jus the juice. At last add lavender essential oil to the onion juice.

How to Apply: apply the mixture to your scalp, massage it and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it out and now you can wash your hairs using the natural cleanser.

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